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Sons' sorrow

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Maybe I wasn't clear enough Wilf, or you're maybe reading too far into what I was trying to say.

I don't doubt for a second the effort put into the Club by passionate, willing people. Anyone who has the time, passion and willingness to do things whilst the rest of us sit back and let them gets my vote.

I was merely pointing out that OKI3, who if it is who I think it is, seems to have a huge lot of negativity on many things about DFC. I said it above - an observation only and no malice was intended.

That negativity is born of experience and frustration I assure you, to the extent that for some time now I've retired to the back benches. If there is another football club anywhere in the UK which so actively distances itself from its support then I'd be surprised.

Not everything is wrong of course and I've given the club huge credit in the past for maintaining us at this level for the past four seasons - maybe you missed these posts. The fact remains though that DFC's attitude to its public is all too often abysmal and if you or anyone else thinks otherwise then you really do know f*** all.

The idea of a Hall Of Fame Dinner, like so many other things, is a grand one but in reality is more difficult than most folk imagine.

Negative I may be, but I don't think I've ever descended into personal abuse, but you came very close to it in your post of 23.25 yesterday - why not just put me on ignore ?

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Next Saturday's Supporters Bus to Alloa is in danger of not running again, I noticed on twitter. The apathy just now is pretty worrying. I'm not enjoying watch Sons just now, but they need our backing.

I seen that myself.

I also clocked 30 names confirmed on the Facebook invite plus what I'm guessing is a handful of others who have booked via text etc. Surely that could warrant a slightly smaller bus than usual if the numbers don't quite hit the big bus threshold?

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I seen that myself.

I also clocked 30 names confirmed on the Facebook invite plus what I'm guessing is a handful of others who have booked via text etc. Surely that could warrant a slightly smaller bus than usual if the numbers don't quite hit the big bus threshold?


Surely a smaller bus would be the best option.

Made my own way to Dumfries for the last away game, reckon I counted 70-80 Sons fans. Poor

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Surely a smaller bus would be the best option.

Made my own way to Dumfries for the last away game, reckon I counted 70-80 Sons fans. Poor

It is poor but I can fully understand why people aren't choosing to travel. The cost of attending the majority of away games is becoming increasingly hard to justify, especially at this time of year.

Add to that the rubbish performances and results and it's easy to see why folk don't want to part with the best part of 40 or 50 quid for a day in the pissing rain watching Dumbarton lose after yet another lacklustre performance.

I do fully agree that the team requires our support during times of shitty results and performances.

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It is poor but I can fully understand why people aren't choosing to travel. The cost of attending the majority of away games is becoming increasingly hard to justify, especially at this time of year.

Add to that the rubbish performances and results and it's easy to see why folk don't want to part with the best part of 40 or 50 quid for a day in the pissing rain watching Dumbarton lose after yet another lacklustre performance.

I do fully agree that the team requires our support during times of shitty results and performances.

Yeah. I quite agree.

The irony was, we played well v QoS ????????

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Surely a smaller bus would be the best option.

Made my own way to Dumfries for the last away game, reckon I counted 70-80 Sons fans. Poor

You have to be realistic. The recent run of poor form only plays a part in people's willingness to travel to games. Everyone knows football is overpriced, people have family commitments, work commitments and financial limitations in the build up to Christmas. I've got two young kids and work all week, sometimes away from home. Telling the missus I'm off to Dumfries at 11am on one of the two days I have at home all week, and that I won't be back 'til after the kids are in bed whilst spending the best part of £50 doing so gets harder and harder to justify.

That said, I'm book on the bus for Alloa next week, but I've had to cancel the last two due to work commitments and can sympathise with other who maybe won't to travel but can't.

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You have to be realistic. The recent run of poor form only plays a part in people's willingness to travel to games. Everyone knows football is overpriced, people have family commitments, work commitments and financial limitations in the build up to Christmas. I've got two young kids and work all week, sometimes away from home. Telling the missus I'm off to Dumfries at 11am on one of the two days I have at home all week, and that I won't be back 'til after the kids are in bed whilst spending the best part of £50 doing so gets harder and harder to justify.

That said, I'm book on the bus for Alloa next week, but I've had to cancel the last two due to work commitments and can sympathise with other who maybe won't to travel but can't.

Yeah. I agree. See my post above.

Well aware how much it costs.

Reckon a smaller bus should be possible though. ????

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I'd love to be able to travel but again with a family n that now my money is (righyfully) caught up elsewhere. Plus whoever does that annoying screeching and elongated "sons" chant makes me want to murder.

I don't think it's an apathy as me and loads others filled buses to god knows where in the bottom end of the seaside leagues. But alot of us who went have work and family now. It's up to the club to attract younger fans who'll travel n that.

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It's up to the club to attract younger fans who'll travel n that.

Which leads us nicely back to what I took from OKI3's original point. Out current CEO and Chairman have no interest in engaging with the current support never mind attracting new.

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Which leads us nicely back to what I took from OKI3's original point. Out current CEO and Chairman have no interest in engaging with the current support never mind attracting new.

I agree. Over recent years when I've contacted the club for various questions and wee bits of information ( one simple example was to ask if the game was on before social media was widespread ) and I was spoken to and treated like shite. When asking about the game, I was quizzed as to whether I was from tv or radio to which I replied I was simply a punter. I was abruptly told to listen to the radio before the phone at their end clattered into it's cradle. Just wee things like that annoy the shite out of me and would never have happened back in the day.

No business should be run the way DFC is currently run in respect of it's attitude to it's customers. Mine isn't.

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It is poor but I can fully understand why people aren't choosing to travel. The cost of attending the majority of away games is becoming increasingly hard to justify, especially at this time of year.

Add to that the rubbish performances and results and it's easy to see why folk don't want to part with the best part of 40 or 50 quid for a day in the pissing rain watching Dumbarton lose after yet another lacklustre performance.

I do fully agree that the team requires our support during times of shitty results and performances.

This is pretty much nail on the head unfortunately.

That said, I'll be at Ibrox on Tuesday, (having missed some games recently for one reason or another) hoping and crossing my fingers for some sort of away positivity, whether it be a decent/solid performance, or, please please, a point to add to the board.

It'll be interesting (for interesting, read 'probably very disappointing') to see what the turn out is in the away end on Tuesday.

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That negativity is born of experience and frustration I assure you, to the extent that for some time now I've retired to the back benches. If there is another football club anywhere in the UK which so actively distances itself from its support then I'd be surprised.

Not everything is wrong of course and I've given the club huge credit in the past for maintaining us at this level for the past four seasons - maybe you missed these posts. The fact remains though that DFC's attitude to its public is all too often abysmal and if you or anyone else thinks otherwise then you really do know f*** all.

The idea of a Hall Of Fame Dinner, like so many other things, is a grand one but in reality is more difficult than most folk imagine.

Negative I may be, but I don't think I've ever descended into personal abuse, but you came very close to it in your post of 23.25 yesterday - why not just put me on ignore ?

No, I won't put you on ignore. I don't put anyone on ignore.

If you feel I was descending into personal abuse, then please accept my apology. It was not my intention to personally abuse you.

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I remember the days of going to boghead and watching the reserve team, it was free, but excellent, the doors were open, kept me from following the old firm.

I can remember when my season ticket let me in to Scottish League, League Cup, Scottish Cup and reserve games only!

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All this chat of dinners and stuff that you arent filling is a waste of time. I probably only speak for myself but im only interested in the football. Perhaps we'd get some more fans in if we move away from this golf club prawn sandwich rubbish. Instead maybe we could try some more football related events? Cut price ticket days? Fans days market the club more. Rather than arrange dinners nobody wants apart from the few of you who are pals. In which case frankie and bennys is up the road.

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