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Sons' sorrow

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If someone came up to me in the street and said "Would you like a Jacuzzi at your home?", I would say yes, I'd fucking love a Jacuzzi at my home. He would then tell me it cost £2K to install and a further £1K every year to maintain it. At that point I'd tell him to ram it as I can't afford that and I'd be quite annoyed at him for making it out as if getting a Jacuzzi was feasible for a wee mug like me.

Here, Ian Wilson is the man walking up to people in the street. He's asking us what shiny stuff we want so that he can put it in his "plan" and say "look, we've got exactly what everyone wants!". At some point though it'll become clear that we cannot afford any of this shiny stuff and we'll be quite annoyed at him for telling us it was feasible. I would be lying if I said I wasn't worried about the whole thing, we are dealing with amateurs here.

Edited by The Moonster
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1 hour ago, Sonsteam of 08 said:

Our mighty overlord is inviting us to complete a survey - because presumably what we wrote down at the trust AGM wasn't what he was hoping for.


It's of paramount importance that we all fill this in.

Just completed it. Fairly easy to choose the right answers to suggest that we don't need this.

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I have been a supporter of the move as long as it's in the BEST interest for the CLUB not our owners. 

In saying that, the survey is a complete joke. A lot of the questions were irrelevant and made no sense. It's like they got a Primary school kid to make it up.

Secondly the "you can only do it once" is a barefaced lie. If you clear your website data and history on your browser you can go back in and do it again no problem.

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That bloody shambles of a survey with its restrictive first question just sums them up. They couldn't give a flying **** what we think or what happens to our club. Lip service.

Watch him refer to it over and over again in the future. Will we ever see evidence of what the survey actually reveals or will they show us stats that support their venture ?

I used to see these surveys at work and people would get busy venting their anger at the SMT only for the survey results to reveal that everyone was happy and supported the SMT in all they were doing. It was like reading Pravda.

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5 hours ago, The Moonster said:

If someone came up to me in the street and said "Would you like a Jacuzzi at your home?", I would say yes, I'd fucking love a Jacuzzi at my home. He would then tell me it cost £2K to install and a further £1K every year to maintain it. At that point I'd tell him to ram it as I can't afford that and I'd be quite annoyed at him for making it out as if getting a Jacuzzi was feasible for a wee mug like me.

Here, Ian Wilson is the man walking up to people in the street. He's asking us what shiny stuff we want so that he can put it in his "plan" and say "look, we've got exactly what everyone wants!". At some point though it'll become clear that we cannot afford any of this shiny stuff and we'll be quite annoyed at him for telling us it was feasible. I would be lying if I said I wasn't worried about the whole thing, we are dealing with amateurs here.

Was there not an old guy told you this was pie in the sky years ago:thumbsdown

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On 4 May 2017 at 16:59, Sons Fan said:

I have been a supporter of the move as long as it's in the BEST interest for the CLUB not our owners. 

In saying that, the survey is a complete joke. A lot of the questions were irrelevant and made no sense. It's like they got a Primary school kid to make it up.

Secondly the "you can only do it once" is a barefaced lie. If you clear your website data and history on your browser you can go back in and do it again no problem.

Just thought I'd say that we're meeting again with Brabco on Saturday morning (today, I've just noted), hoping to see where their concrete planning has got to. We'll be sending a letter round to trust members and making further comment after that. Also, as a trust, we're holding almost 200 (often detailed) comments on relocation issues from fans, following the meeting with Ian Wilson and Callum Hosie last November. We'll bring those back on to the table when there are business plans - which we've been asking for some time - to look at. It's unclear at present exactly what relevance this survey and YSYH has to the realisation and sustainability of this proposed development. But we will be finding out. The best interest of the club and its fans is what the Sonstrust will always hold out for, along with rigorous scrutiny of development proposals, making fans' views heard, and active engagement with the challenges the club faces moving forward. 

Meanwhile, let's give the Bairns a friendly roasting... and see you at the Awards bash, which is going to be a great party!

'Aye, Simon

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Did anyone catch Stevie on Sportsound last night?

I've not heard anything, nor have I heard him last night, but if he's not signing a new deal (returning to our discussion from a few days ago) I'd have liked it to be announced by now. Allows us to give him a decent send off today, whilst starting the recruitment process for his replacement in the background.

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Did anyone catch Stevie on Sportsound last night?

I've not heard anything, nor have I heard him last night, but if he's not signing a new deal (returning to our discussion from a few days ago) I'd have liked it to be announced by now. Allows us to give him a decent send off today, whilst starting the recruitment process for his replacement in the background.

I'd hope the club are pushing for a decision asap, especially with someone like Young being available. Don't get me wrong, I'd rather Stevie stayed but we should always have our eye on potential replacements.

Hopefully he drops a hint or two tonight during his wee speech.
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23 minutes ago, Bring Back Paddy Flannery said:

I'd hope the club are pushing for a decision asap, especially with someone like Young being available. Don't get me wrong, I'd rather Stevie stayed but we should always have our eye on potential replacements.

Hopefully he drops a hint or two tonight during his wee speech.


Absolutely, we have to be firm in this situation, the last thing we can have is a 'saga' going on from now until the start of June. I want to keep him, but if he's not prepared to sign up within - say - a week then I'd say it's best he leaves. 

Here's the podcast on the iPlayer if anyone wants to give it a listen, Championship stuff starts about 20 minutes in:


Edit: Not really said anything of note, he was overlooked by Raith last summer "because they wanted someone with Premiership experience", and the presenter asked him if we were part-time, and then commented that there couldn't be many other p/t clubs in the league...

Edited by Sonsteam of 08
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What a guy

Today may have been a damp squib of a game, but I'd far rather that than a nerve shredding playoff battle. Hope the award night tonight is a success, and we can start getting some people's futures sorted out first thing on Monday.

Exciting, frustrating and potentially concerning few months ahead - let the random rumour chucking commence.

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What a guy
Today may have been a damp squib of a game, but I'd far rather that than a nerve shredding playoff battle. Hope the award night tonight is a success, and we can start getting some people's futures sorted out first thing on Monday.
Exciting, frustrating and potentially concerning few months ahead - let the random rumour chucking commence.

Yeah today was very end of season-like but at least barring an utter catastrophe our safety was assured, which it now is.

It's now essential we start the planning for next season first thing on Monday, hit the ground running so to speak. We'll be the wee, tiny fish in a big pond again next year, so the better preparation we can get the better for us.

As you say, hopefully something soon regarding Stevie, one way or the other, it's the starting point for us pushing on from here.

I wonder what the wee woman at the fish counter in Morrison's has to say about it all...
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Cracking season again, another championship season to look forward too! Wonder if Kenny ashwood will crawl out his hole tonight to congratulate Stevie and the boys!
Enjoy your night to all who are going to the awards night!

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