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House of Cards


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Guest bernardblack

I'm struggling to finish season 3. Find myself getting bored and turning something else on. Shame really considering s1&2 were fantastic.

Same, struggling to keep going with season 3.

Worth keeping going?

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I took ages between watching the second and third series because everyone I talked to said it was crap. Eventually I heard from other people that they thought it was the best series, so I gave it a shot. This thread seems to reflect the Marmite nature of the third series.

I personally enjoyed it as much, if not more, than the first two. The actual politics of the first two series seemed a bit abstract and were essentially plot devices to let Spacey strutt his stuff being a big b*****d. Which don't get me wrong, was fantastic to watch.

I thought Underwood becoming President would make the whole thing a bit redudant but it made the political storylines a bit more interesting and fleshed out. Even if if a lot of it was pretty daft and Hollywood, the politics in this series were more interesting for me than him fucking the Education Bill and other pretty vague subplots. Was surprised at how literal they made the Putin character - Moscow apartment bombings etc. The uncooperative Republicans seemed pretty familiar as well

If you like the guy that plays the Russian prime minster, you should absolutely give Borgen a shot.

My opinion is that The West Wing is the idealistic democratic government it wishes it was, and that House of Cards is the cynical, more exaggeratedly darker democratic government that it could be at it's worst.


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Was off work for a fortnight with tonsillitis so tanned the whole lot of this.

The 3rd series was without a doubt the weakest of the lot, but I think it's really just to tee things up for season 4 and the election campaigns.

Hopefully we do see a return of Stamper and Underwood manipulating and bullying their way to the top.

I think the end of series 2 was my favourite part so far, culminating in my favourite scene of the whole show:


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3rd season very meh, so much that it took me ages to finish rather than a week for the first two seasons. Echo that the writers had no idea where to take it once he got in office, which goes to show just how extraordinarily good the original British series is.

Even the subplots have been meh in season 3. The writer, meh. Rachel, meh. The Russians and the Valley situation, meh. The VP chick, meh. The on-off stuff with the black dude, meh. Carrie's episodes, meh.

The thing still done well is exposing their endless narcissism.

No doubt like every other US show that rates well early, they're going to cash cow it regardless of how little quality story they still have to tell.

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