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North Korea ...again

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Are you another fucking halfwit that thinks the US are the good guys? I hope an independent Scotland improves educational standards in this country; alternately has a cull of the genetically moronic.

Not at all, I spent plenty time in Afghanistan serving alongside Americans, and some of their views of other countries are extremely skewed to say the least. Not much in the worls is as black and white as 'goodies and baddies'. But NK are most certainly baddies, I think everyone, even contrary attention-seekers like yourself, can see that

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Not a fucking chance. Ahmadinejad's many things, a complete moron isn't one of them. There's no chance he's going to start a conventional war with Israel, never mind drop a nuke on Tel-Aviv. He'd be passing his own death sentence.

No state in the world is mental enough to use nuclear weapons. The only conceivable way they'll be used in the near future is if Pakistan loses control of theirs and they fall into the hands of complete mental cases, but this is extremely unlikely.

It wouldn't be his call anyway. Ahmadinejad isn't the real power in Iran.

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I saw a PR video from N. Korea recently about how impoverished Europe and the US is...a dead pigeon is a treat for a family of 5 and we have to drink snow to survive: bloody scary.

The must have been reading the tory and republican manifestos.

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Not at all, I spent plenty time in Afghanistan serving alongside Americans, and some of their views of other countries are extremely skewed to say the least. Not much in the worls is as black and white as 'goodies and baddies'. But NK are most certainly baddies, I think everyone, even contrary attention-seekers like yourself, can see that

If I've stated, implied or inferred in any of my post that those in NK are good guys I would be grateful if you were to point it out. There are implications in other posts that the US are the good guys who, to paraphrase, should 'sort out' NK. There are evil regimes around the world; however US foreign policy has never been to judge regimes on how bad they are but rather on their perceived support or opposition to US interests.

'Contrary attention-seeker'. :lol:

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If I've stated, implied or inferred in any of my post that those in NK are good guys I would be grateful if you were to point it out. There are implications in other posts that the US are the good guys who, to paraphrase, should 'sort out' NK. There are evil regimes around the world; however US foreign policy has never been to judge regimes on how bad they are but rather on their perceived support or opposition to US interests.

'Contrary attention-seeker'. :lol:

I didn't say that you called NK 'good guys', just that, as much as it's not as black and wjite as good v bad, NK very much occupy the 'bad' end of the sliding scale

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It's no surprise the North Koreans are all so bitter, as I'm certain I read somewhere that, on average, their men have the smallest penises in the world.

I thought that was Clyde fans.

All fourteen of them.

Including the women.

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North Korea 'approves nuclear strike on US threats'

The North Korean army has said it has received final approval to launch "merciless" military strikes on threats from the US, involving the possible use of "cutting edge" nuclear weapons, a statement said on the country's KCNA news agency. :o

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North Korea 'approves nuclear strike on US threats'

The North Korean army has said it has received final approval to launch "merciless" military strikes on threats from the US, involving the possible use of "cutting edge" nuclear weapons, a statement said on the country's KCNA news agency. :o

They've got a nuclear powered strimmer?
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