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The Simpsons best bits


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I have an idea.

What? What's your idea Marge?

When my father was first trying to catch my mother's eye he sent her a box of candy with his photo in it. After that, she never forgot him.

That's all well and good, but it's not really your idea. Is it Marge?

Burns: Hello, Lenny...Carl...Guillermo. Hello, um, uh, er...

(Homer waves his nametag back and forth) Ooh, uh...

(the door opens; Smithers and Burns leave)

Lenny: Don't take it so hard, Homer. He's always screwing up people's names.

Guillermo: Yeah. At the picnic, he thought my son Reynaldo was my son Rolando. Can you believe that?

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There was a couple of classic episodes on tonight that I recorded. Some of the old episodes really were comedy gold and you appreciate the less subtle comedy each time you watch them. I just watched the scene below and was laughing for a solid 5 minutes. One wee picture has so much going on that once I got over one funny thing I moved onto the next and laughed again.


1) Skinner: "And special awards go to two students who obviously had no help from their parents..." The fact it was oor Homer who made it is is enough to make you burst out laughing.

2) WTF has Homer actually done?! Is it polystyrene or mattresses or what?

3) He's made no effort to make it look tidy, even though it's his best effort. The sticky tape everywhere!

4) I like the wee orange being taped on, Homer thinking that'll gain brownie points!

5) "Floreda"

6) And last of all, the bit that made me laugh the longest: a bit of A4 stuck onto Ralph's chest. His parents obviously thinking 'f**k it, it'll do!' and poor Ralph is sent packing.

Superb stuff IMO.

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Burns was one of, if not the, best characters of the whole show. Must be quite close to just packing in the show altogether now surely.

Homer at the Bat. Burns has never been funnier. Easily in my top three episodes.

ETA is it weird that I'm actually a bit sad about Harry Shearer?

Edited by Savage Henry
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Homer at the Bat. Burns has never been funnier. Easily in my top three episodes.

ETA is it weird that I'm actually a bit sad about Harry Shearer?

Not really, it's effectively the end.

Hard to think they can go through 2 whole seasons without ANY of his characters.

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Not really, it's effectively the end.

Hard to think they can go through 2 whole seasons without ANY of his characters.

They won't. They're going to recast.

Still won't be as good as Shearer, though. Start of the end methinks.

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I don't think he's 100% away but if he is then it's definitely the end. Shame really but I'd love to see what they produce for the finale as they really need to pull out all the stops. I like the sound of Al Jean's idea of it being one big loop.

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Homers swear jar is one of the finest scenes. Unfortunately this link misses the part where he then hammers his thumb and says

"Oh, that's now broken"

Then he stands on a nail.

"Oh fiddle de de, that will require. Tetanus shot, but I am not going to swear. I am going to smash this dog house down. Agh!!!"

Edited by Hamish's Passenger
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