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Thatcher deid

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Her failure to give a f**k for those at the bottom is and was completely unforgiveable. However, after being able to draw such vitriolic responses from amoral cuntards like Gorgeous George and Gerry Adams, i'm thinking she must have got at least two things right.

She cancelled the milk yesterday and took Game of Thrones off series link?

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A society which (metaphorically) dances on anyone's grave, glorifying the death of another human being, be it Thatcher, in a street party in George Square, or Bin Laden or anyone else has lost the very human empathy and decency that her detractors accuse her of having lacked in her policies towards the unemployed people you describe.

It hasn't. Celebrating the passing of scourges upon society itself is entirely warranted. Comparing such celebrations to the deliberate ruination of millions is the sort of bullshit relativism that could only come from an ideologically-challenged Lib Dem like yourself.

I re-iterate: the greatest riposte to inhumanity is to display the traits of the temperate and compassionate society.

A claim based on nothing but hand-wringing nonsense. the Italians had the right idea by stringing Mussolini up on a lamp-post.

Edited by vikingTON
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It hasn't. Celebrating the passing of scourges upon society itself is entirely warranted. Comparing such celebrations to the deliberate ruination of millions is the sort of bullshit relativism that could only come from an ideologically-challenged Lib Dem like yourself.

A claim based on nothing but hand-wringing nonsense. the Italians had the right idea by stringing Mussolini up on a lamp-post.

What a thoroughly unpleasant individual you are. If anyone here is a relativist, it's you. Excusing the glorification of the death of an old woman because, well she did bad stuff maaan, which was totally worse.

Glorification of death is morally wrong. You don't have to be vindictive not to mourn and instead to criticise.

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A society which (metaphorically) dances on anyone's grave, glorifying the death of another human being, be it Thatcher, in a street party in George Square, or Bin Laden or anyone else has lost the very human empathy and decency that her detractors accuse her of having lacked in her policies towards the unemployed people you describe.

I re-iterate: the greatest riposte to inhumanity is to display the traits of the temperate and compassionate society. Shouting "ding dong the witch is dead" does the precise opposite.

Correct but what sort of person engenders such feelings of hatred? Must be very special,

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Big pals with saville she was.Wouldnt surprise me if she knew what was going on and covered it up like the rest.

Well before my time so I won't be celebrating,i don't like any politicians,all are paid liars.

Funny how labour leader was singing her praises.They are all on the same side.

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Because she's a human being?

I've always found this argument ridiculous. She's dead. Surely the time for respecting her feelings and treating her with decency was when she was alive? I've heard you say some quite awful things about politicians (as do we all), so why is it okay when they are alive, but not when they are dead?

As it happens, I said awful things about her when she was alive, and I shall continue to say the same things now she is dead. A politician who did her very best to break Scotland. Hell mend her.

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This is precisely what Greenwald is saying. Otherwise it's a pointless article!

It's about the effect of Thatcher on British and worldwide politics and how her policies affected society. I don't think he suggests that anybody is against criticism of Thatcher?

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It's funny that the same newspapers that have been beating the 'benefit scum' drum for the last few weeks will now venerate Margaret Thatcher, the very woman who created the underclass.

Thatcher said society didn't matter and neither did employment. That's pretty much the chav/ned coda.

Edited by Ya Bezzer!
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What a thoroughly unpleasant individual you are. If anyone here is a relativist, it's you.

You're the one wringing your hands about a historic character who inflicted misery upon millions: presumably you'll be extending this privilege to an array of similarly unpleasant 20th Century individuals?

Excusing the glorification of the death of an old woman because, well she did bad stuff maaan, which was totally worse.

Glorification of death is morally wrong. You don't have to be vindictive not to mourn and instead to criticise.

1. It isn't 'glorification': it is celebration. Good riddance.

2. You're not in a position to define what and what is not 'morally wrong', champ.

Edited by vikingTON
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Because she's a human being?

Factual incorrect.

She is a corpse. I possibly wouldn't have pissed on her alive, but dead? All ok....

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