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Thatcher deid

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The operative word being should. Thatcher was a human being. Whether or not she acted in conscience and acted towards others in a spirit of brotherhood is really neither here nor there. Human rights don't depend on mutuality. We are obliged not to torture torturers.

I would suggest that the spirit of the UDHR is such that a failure to adhere to this principle would render a person likely to surrender any right to reasonably expect respect, if not human rights (and therein lies the distinction).

Edit for clarification.

Edited by Drooper
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I would suggest that the spirit of the UDHR is such that a failure to adhere to this principle would render a person likely to surrender any right to reasonably expect respect, if not human rights (and therein lies the distinction).

Edit for clarification.

Human rights are but one product of respect for human dignity. If there is no dignity in death, there is no respect, and there is no basis for human rights.

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What? Please explain?

Today, the Tories finally managed to do something that was welcomed in Scotland. Its taken a long time to achieve. Normally, everything the coalition do turns to fail up here.

Well for once, the Tories accomplished something pro Scottish, and here you are, making it sound like a bad thing!

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Today, the Tories finally managed to do something that was welcomed in Scotland. Its taken a long time to achieve. Normally, everything the coalition do turns to fail up here.

Well for once, the Tories accomplished something pro Scottish, and here you are, making it sound like a bad thing!

"The Tories" didn't "do" anything. An old lady suffered a stroke (something a lot of people die from) and passed away.

I had hoped her passing would make people stop obsessively defining themselves by their support of or opposition to her politics. I've said here and in several other places that it's time our politics stopped critiquing her and her politics and her legacy and started to chart our own path. Not making independence about opposition to Thatcherism and instead just about making our own decisions to build a better society in the future would be a fine start.

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I wonder if Ad Lib whinged and whined so much at people being happy about the deaths of Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein.

I doubt it.

In relation to Bin Laden I made exactly the same points and faced similar opposition. Strikingly, much less indignation at making the points in the Bin Laden context than with the Thatcher one. Go figure.

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I've said here and in several other places that it's time our politics stopped critiquing her and her politics and her legacy and started to chart our own path. Not making independence about opposition to Thatcherism and instead just about making our own decisions to build a better society in the future would be a fine start.

If you forget history you are bound to repeat it. Thatchers true legacy should be shouted from the rooftops.

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