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ICW deserves a thread on its own (have I missed it)


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Another interesting possibility is a heel turn - Drew lies down and Dar joins the Black Label? Could be some mileage in a Grado/Dar feud.

I'd love to see Dar getting the big move but I don't think he's quite ready for it. Needs some work on the mic but once that's sorted he'll have the lot. Handsome b*****d.

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So the cheesy finish with the golf club happened as predicted in the main
event? :lol:

Looks like a bit of a mess of a show to me. You have that in addition to

another lot of tag team title merry go round, the NAK handing out their weekly
monotonous c**t kicking to the rag tag tag team of lets throw them together cos
they're both faces Davey and Kenny being made to look like pure jobbers. Lewis
Girvan should be nowhere near the main shows, not even wee diddy FNFC tapings,
he should be on the Spacebaws shows and no more, the guy is a jobber. A skinny
pale looking c**t with no personality. He should not be going over guys like
Whiplash even if its not clean. We now have a shitey fake title storyline
running with him now that was thrown together at the last minute!?

I'm being quite negative I understand cause ICW is just pure dead brilliant,
and the last couple of shows have been really good and this is small fry in
comparison. Glad I never went tonight though, a lot of looked like a mess.

One thing I did like the look of was the LT Degree thing, how did that go?

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Think unfortunately with the fight club taping see are gonna need to contend with "mess" as its my understanding that it's been tapes out of sync etc and not in an exact order of "week 1, week 2 etc"

I'd be inclined to think that a tv deal is afoot, and this them putting the infrastructure in place and use this next few months as a learning curve and find out what works best in terms of format

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ICW Fear and Lothian III

Honestly thought there'd only been two of these. Anyways, a really solid card for this show.

The opening Mark Dallas promo is the one that's been discussed, and you can throw the "YOU DIDN'T GET THE WHOLE STORY" rhetoric out, because you get more than enough of the jist from what was posted. So you're either going to like the idea or you're not. It's the direction that's the important thing here though, as the reasoning behind it isn't likely to come into it again, and it will be the main thing going forward I'd imagine.

Joe Hendry vs. Noam Dar - #1 Contender's Match

Joe Hendry comes out to an... erm... cover of Wonderwall. Which isn't that amusing. Lewis Girvan does clear up that the match is for his title. The match itself is actually very amusing though. Really well put on match in one which I was worried was just going to be a comedy outing for much of it, but they went right into the technical stuff early and just continued into being a strong opening match with a hot crowd. Great way to start a show. ***3/4

Viper © vs. Carmel Jacob - ICW Women's Championship

Not sure I'm a fan of the idea of Carmel as a babyface but I'm willing to give it a shot. She's a fucking tremendous heel though. A cracking battle between these two. Just a great two sided battle between the two and possibly the best straight women's match I've seen in a Scottish promotion, and really deserved a better ending which could have put it into 4* territory. Better than the match the week previous as well. Terrific. ***3/4

Davey Boy © vs. Kenny Williams - ICW Zero G Championship

Good luck following what's come before this match lads. They didn't try and follow it thankfully, and instead went for the short sprint style match with all action, and they did it very well. Davey Boy strikes me as an extremely underrated singles guy, and he's always been someone who's impressed me in one on one matches, and Williams is always reliable for this sort of thing. Only real complaint is that I would never have bought Kenny Williams as a potential champ, but it doesn't hurt the match. ***1/2

Polo Promotions © vs. Kid Fite and Sha Samuels - ICW Tag Team Championships

Rematch of what was a pretty good match at FNL, even if the crowd didn't seem to give much of a f**k at the time. They gave a f**k this time and were rewarded by an absolute beezer of a formula tag match. The 55 brought an aggression which is always great to watch, and some of the interchanging between the two was remarkably solid. Noticeably so. Then the final stretch managed to take it to the next level thanks to a hot crowd, and some absolutely tremendous stuff from the four guys. Match of the night so far and well worthy. ****

Joe Coffey vs. Big Damo

These two guys have had a couple of matches and they've been absolute wars as you would expect. Their match on the first UK tour is probably in must-see territory for the On Demand service if I can remember what show it's on. This match wasn't anywhere near the level of those two and was actually unfortunately not that great. Started off fairly uninteresting, and it seemed like it was going to finish strong before dragging on a bit. They did reach a good finish eventually, but it's a big disappointment here. **

Liam Thomson vs. Mikey Whiplash

These two had a slightly disappointing match on the SES tour, but it was still a pretty good match. This match flies by pretty well, but it's lacking something between the two I thought, but it flew by as Liam Thomson matches always do, and it's perfectly acceptable stuff. Again though, they have a pretty disappointing match. ***

Grado © vs. Lionheart - ICW World Heavyweight Championship

Lionheart returns to the scene of the crime, where he kidded on he fucked his neck, and then decided to kip up and Superkick Kenny Williams and win his first match since returning. Not sure how I'd have felt about the final stretch of this match had Lionheart been a believable challenger for the belt, but it was pretty well put together, but felt a bit empty. The match on the whole was formulaic, but that isn't bad with two guys who know how to put it together. Really good main event. ***1/2


The second half actually felt like a bit of a comedown after an absolutely terrific first half. It was feeling like being a proper show of the year of the contender with a cracking looking second half, which ended up being underwhelming. I'd say the first part of the show is waaayyy worth watching though.

Edited by Randy Giles
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Poet of the Macabre, on 09 Dec 2015 - 16:39, said:

Surprised ICW had a tag title match that was better than any WWE match in months. **** is very high so will need to check it out.

That first part isn't exactly difficult. There's been a few good ones, but not much more than that. I'd say the Sumerian Death Squad and NAK were doing it pretty regularly.

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Noam Dar - Galloway from last Sunday is a match of the year contender. Excellent heat on Black Label during the bout. Noam takes a ridiculous bump about 2 mins in which legit concussed an ICW official who stopped the fall (he was treated right behind us at the ramp :lol: )

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Watched the first episode of Friday Fight Club.

Highlights were Davey/Kenny vs. NAK and the LT Degree. The tag match in particular was great, with constant movement. The no tags thing is an issue again though. Too many times in ICW it basically turns into a Dragon Gate style thing, which I wouldn't mind if they actually said that it was an actual rule. Both Liam Thomson and Carmel played their roles well in their segment, and Billy Kirkwood deserves credit for his commentary of it as well. Probably his best work.

The tag title match was fun, but not quite as fun as I'd hoped. Still, these two teams at their worst could probably still have something everyone can enjoy, so it's still worth a watch.

Nikki Storm vs. Viper and Joe Coffey vs. Lionheart are both pretty disappointing, and I can't really put my finger on why in either case. The Lionheart/Coffey one seems to be building to something big though.

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Okay. I've been dismissive of Noam Dar winning the Square Go, but since then, he's beaten Drew Galloway and is in the midst of a thing with the Black Label, so he can surely be considered a contender now. There's a show on Sunday! Again, it looks VERY good.

ICW Zero G Championship

Davey Boy © vs. Liam Thomson

ICW Tag Team Championships

Polo Promotions © vs. The 55

ICW Women's Championship

Viper © vs. Kay Lee Ray

Drew Galloway vs. Dave Mastiff

Jack Jester vs. Mikey Whiplash

Tommy End vs. Big Damo

Wolfgang vs. Kenny Williams

Michael Chase vs. Joe Coffey

Grado is also confirmed to be there. Probably most notable is Jester/Whiplash, which renews their tremendous rivalry which had all sorts of intense as f**k matches. Galloway/Mastiff, End/Damo and Liam/Davey all stand out to me as well.

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