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Let's All Laugh At Celtic Thread

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Absolutely abysmal.  
They have actually been worse this season in the Champions League than they were last season, yet qualify for the Europa League.
Dembele - £20mn + :lol::lol::lol::lol:

It's probably the likes of St Johnstone's fault for not making it tough enough for them. Or was it just Rangers (RIP) who used that excuse?
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Boring Boring Brendan complaining that it is an unfair playing field in the Europa League. 

Most of the Clubs in it have vast amounts of money compared to wee shitey Sellik. 

FECKEM :lol:

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1 hour ago, shull said:


Boring Boring Brendan complaining that it is an unfair playing field in the Europa League. 

Most of the Clubs in it have vast amounts of money compared to wee shitey Sellik. 

FECKEM :lol:

I  heard that on the radio tonight.

Apparently the Europa League is far from a level playing field.


Seriously, should he not just be keeping his mouth shut on that particular subject?  All it does is draw attention to just how much further from level, the playing field they're in each week is.

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Hes a staggeringly dense individual who doesn't realise that scooshing things domestically wont paper over being humiliated in Europe forever to Celtic fans

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