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Let's All Laugh At Celtic Thread

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Nice banner from Team Permarage. No doubt some apologist will be along to say it was for charity or was 'ironic'.


You really have lost the head tonight. FFS

Forgive me. I forgot the 3rd option: Blame the poster rather than the post. Mon then, Rico. You've dismissed the planned Dutch/Garnagad hatefest as 'charity'.Have you an opinion on this sectarian banner? I suspect 'no'.

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Meltdown of epic proportions. Kincardine's last stand.

Your previous post was:

Piss off back to your Sevco threads this is a game for the 2 biggest clubs in Scotland. Nothing for you to get upset over. Off you pop.

How delightful to see you continuing your excellent contribution.

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Did someone steal Kinky's thesaurus? He seems awfy upset recently.

The ongoing saga with Sevco is turning him increasingly crazy. Nervous breakdown.

Got me bang to rights the pair of you. How dare anyone post bad stuff about Sellick on the "Let's All Laugh At Celtic Thread". The audacity of it!

It is interesting, though, that the grey and green hordes skulk away while their wee diddy pals breeze in to defend them.

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Got me bang to rights the pair of you. How dare anyone post bad stuff about Sellick on the "Let's All Laugh At Celtic Thread". The audacity of it!

It is interesting, though, that the grey and green hordes skulk away while their wee diddy pals breeze in to defend them.

They never talk to diddies they ignore me too 8)

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