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13 minutes ago, LiamA said:

He'll be excellent for you, full time training will bring the best out in him

Where is his usual position ? I can remember being impressed by him but paid little attention to his position, probably because I was thoroughly miserable every time you pumped us :lol:

He'll do well to oust Pittman, Byrne, Keagan and Miller from the team (if the later 2 both sign contracts ofcourse) 

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Disappointed to lose Robinson! If only we had owners with ambition instead of puppets on a string going through the motions.

Give it a rest will you !!!
Seasons barely over and your moaning !!
We already have players under contract and a manager that's committed to the cause , just wait and see what develops we are in a better state than most so just cheer the F%## up
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6 minutes ago, east fife for life said:

Disappointed to lose Robinson! If only we had owners with ambition instead of puppets on a string going through the motions.

This. 100%. Sick and tired of being a "this will do" club. Best of luck to Scott Robinson...fantastic little player. Was going to wish Livi the best for next season but I hope they get relegated now instead. 

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Disappointed to lose Robinson! If only we had owners with ambition instead of puppets on a string going through the motions.

He wanted to go back full time even if the owners did have ambition we still wouldn't be full time so he would of left anyway
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Give it a rest will you !!!
Seasons barely over and your moaning !!
We already have players under contract and a manager that's committed to the cause , just wait and see what develops we are in a better state than most so just cheer the F%## up

It's been the same all my lifetime so pipe down!
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Let's face it, East Fife are going nowhere under current circumstances! An owner who is clinging on and waiting on a ridiculous offer that will never happen, dwindling supporters paying silly money to watch football in a soulless, depressing stadium! It's harsh words but very true. All my life I've been hoping and praying that something will change but as each season passes it becomes more clear that that will never happen and I just have to accept that this is our level right here and we will continue to punt our better players back to parent club or sell to bigger teams like Falkirk, Livingston and QOTS! I expect people will strongly disagree with this post but I couldn't give a f**k! The club is dying a slow horrible death and I don't see it getting better anytime soon. Sad but true.



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I like to wish Scott the very best at livi and deserves to be in full time football but disappointing to see him leave if he was one of those three that were offered a new deal.

As for Ryan Wallace looked good every time we played Albion he played in, hopefully we get brown, Page and Duggan signed up and maybe even goodfellow or duffie.

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If that is where we ate , then nothing has changed in all my lifetime following the club.
Unless a fairy god businessman/woman comes along and grants us 3 wishes, that position won't change. The board of directors has comprised of local businessmen who have done their best for the club. The ownership question is really a side issue, and I don't think the change we all want would have made any difference.
As for us dying slowly, I'm sure that can be said of every club in Scotland out with the top dozen or so. Youngsters have many more interests, and constant televised football are slowly strangling the income of our clubs.
All we can do is keep the faith, try and encourage the young to come along, and support the team on a Saturday, the same as we have done for decades.

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Agree 100% with smuggfifer. The board, associate directors, and volunteers are all devoted supporters and do their best for the club. We have to make do with what we have and need good management to try and get the best possible players available without breaking the bank. 

Robinson was always going to leave as he wanted to return to full time. Hopeful though that Page and Duggan and one or 2 others can be re-signed along with a few new quality additions to strengthen the team.


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The words aimed at those running the club are a tad harsh. As much as I enjoy a good moan (see season ticket prices) the people at board level clearly work very hard and do all they can for the club and that should be appreciated. Is it annoying that our owner would rather keep us till its profitable to sell on? Yes, we all know he/she doesn't care, but unless someone arrives with the finances to put a serious offer in then we're sort of stuck.

As an aside, does anyone know the story of how wee Samantha was able to procure our club?

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14 hours ago, andylivi1 said:

Where is his usual position ? I can remember being impressed by him but paid little attention to his position, probably because I was thoroughly miserable every time you pumped us :lol:

He'll do well to oust Pittman, Byrne, Keagan and Miller from the team (if the later 2 both sign contracts ofcourse) 

Atacking centre mid / just off the striker. Think he played mostly as the deeper 1 in a 4-4-1-1 for us.

Haven't managed to get to many games this season so relying on a few live games, highlights, reports etc, but Robinson always impressed me. Clearly someone who could and should be playing at a higher level.

Obviously dissapointing to lose him but he's always played at a higher level than L1 and had success there. This was always going to be a 'put yourself in the shop window and see if you can get a full time deal in the Championship' arrangement. I don't grudge any player moving on to an oppertunity that's going to advance their career and can't put any blame on the board for not being able to keep him.

I'm assuming Scott's from the Edinburgh area so full-time football with Livi in the Championship is the ideal move for him - how could we compete with that without throwing silly money at him?

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