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E cigarettes

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Dreadful spelling though. I mean, "Riveta"? ;)

Effing hell.

2 weeks since my last proper cigarette. I'll stick with my apple & grape breeze vape, ta much!

It's worse you know how to spell it! :P

In all seriousness i enjoy your posts in the SPL section, just like an argument, smoke myself, how does the apple and grape shit taste? Considerably better than a proper fag?

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It's worse you know how to spell it! :P

In all seriousness i enjoy your posts in the SPL section, just like an argument, smoke myself, how does the apple and grape shit taste? Considerably better than a proper fag?


It's hard to explain really. A lot of the things you associate with having a snout are there, i.e. throat hit, the hand action, blowing out a plume of smoke.

It does satisfy the nicotine craving, and I'm really starting to enjoy vaping. Aye that's fucking right Romeo, VAPING!!!

Flavours I've tried so far are coconut twist (burnt coconut with a slight lemony exhale), blue crush ( blueberry with a minty exhale), atomic apple (tastes like freshly squeezed apple juice), apple and grape breeze ( fruity and subtle with a slight mint undertone), and the two tobacco ones , gold & silver (meant to imitate B&H) and tobacco royale.

Each have their own benefits, depends what you like really. Though on reading back the above, I sound like I'm trying to be a fucking wine expert!!!

I can't recommend e cigs highly enough. I feel healthier after 2 weeks on them and I'm saving a fucking fortune as well.

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It's hard to explain really. A lot of the things you associate with having a snout are there, i.e. throat hit, the hand action, blowing out a plume of smoke.

It does satisfy the nicotine craving, and I'm really starting to enjoy vaping. Aye that's fucking right Romeo, VAPING!!!

Flavours I've tried so far are coconut twist (burnt coconut with a slight lemony exhale), blue crush ( blueberry with a minty exhale), atomic apple (tastes like freshly squeezed apple juice), apple and grape breeze ( fruity and subtle with a slight mint undertone), and the two tobacco ones , gold & silver (meant to imitate B&H) and tobacco royale.

Each have their own benefits, depends what you like really. Though on reading back the above, I sound like I'm trying to be a fucking wine expert!!!

I can't recommend e cigs highly enough. I feel healthier after 2 weeks on them and I'm saving a fucking fortune as well.

I'll wait for them to introduce the THC versions before i convert ;)

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I am not addicted.

I like smoking. Get it right fucking up you.

That's exactly what I used to say to everyone and anyone who tried to tell me I was smoking too much all these years ago. I smoked everything and anything from Tom Thumb cigars to King Edwards, from Silk Cut to Capstan Full Strength. I loved them all - I was a tobacco connoisseur who lived life in a joyous smokey haze - I should have been sponsored by Regal King Size.

Back in the early 90's I picked up a nasty lung/chest infection which just wouldn't go away despite several courses of anti-biotics. My doctor, who was also my golf partner, told me if I didn't give up on the fags he would give up on me. Fortunately because of the infection, I was not enjoying my smokes any more and agreed to try and kick the habit. With the help of Nicorettes to fight off the inevitable pangs, I was completely tobacco/nicotine free within 2 months. I'm pleased to say I never looked back - and if I do now, I realise that I was a hopeless addict in total denial, and in real danger of developing serious health issues.

I've still got plenty of other bad habits - most of these involve alcohol, or sex, - but I'm really glad I kicked that tobacco habit. It was one of my better decisions in that gave me much more cash to spend on, and develop other things in life that had begun to interest me.

Reynard - you don't know what you are missing!

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Ricardo Ricardo. Re-read your initial reply to my OP in it's entirety, then ask yourself in all honesty who commenced the dickishness? If the answer isn't "Ric", you're telling yourself porkies.

Procreating? Capable of siring? Yes Ric, I'm married, live in a house and have kids. You?

I do realise that it doesn't cut out the actions or the nicotine, what it does do is save a packet and cut out all the harmful toxins in cigarette smoke. I'd thought it would be abundantly clear by now that I have the willpower of a 4 year old. Well done you for going cold turkey though. You're my big brave soldier.

^ ^ ^ Seethe of the year IMO.

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That's exactly what I used to say to everyone and anyone who tried to tell me I was smoking too much all these years ago. I smoked everything and anything from Tom Thumb cigars to King Edwards, from Silk Cut to Capstan Full Strength. I loved them all - I was a tobacco connoisseur who lived life in a joyous smokey haze - I should have been sponsored by Regal King Size.

Back in the early 90's I picked up a nasty lung/chest infection which just wouldn't go away despite several courses of anti-biotics. My doctor, who was also my golf partner, told me if I didn't give up on the fags he would give up on me. Fortunately because of the infection, I was not enjoying my smokes any more and agreed to try and kick the habit. With the help of Nicorettes to fight off the inevitable pangs, I was completely tobacco/nicotine free within 2 months. I'm pleased to say I never looked back - and if I do now, I realise that I was a hopeless addict in total denial, and in real danger of developing serious health issues.

I've still got plenty of other bad habits - most of these involve alcohol, or sex, - but I'm really glad I kicked that tobacco habit. It was one of my better decisions in that gave me much more cash to spend on, and develop other things in life that had begun to interest me.

Reynard - you don't know what you are missing!

Well I'm not going to miss out on a right good smoke when I feel like one.

I keep myself very fit and active, I reckon even at my age I'll be as fit and probably fitter than the best of them in here. My lung capacity is much better than average. My blood pressure is normal. My resting heart rate is low. I can max out at 200 BPM when playing squash, and its down to around 70-80 BPM at changeover. My cholesterol is low. I'm careful what I eat, I never drink to excess, in fact, much like smoking, I can lift and lay it too. I can quite happily got a few weeks without either a drink or a smoke if I choose to do that.

I'm firmly in the "a little bit of what you fancy does you good" camp. I appreciate that not everyone is able to lift and lay things like this, but I can. So that's what I do.

It may well be that I dump smoking completely in due course, or I may not. It's Certainly a lot more difficult to actually have a smoke, I never do it in the house or in front of the kids, I do quite enjoy "vaping" and maybe that will be the way to go. But I quite enjoy Camel blues, and I REALLY like American Spirit cigarettes, very expensive, but a good long smoke for your money, and its pure untreated tobacco as well so it doesn't cling on with that vile sour smell you can get off the cheaper cigarettes.

But I certainly don't go around lecturing anyone on smoking, I wouldn't encourage anyone to start either as its difficult to quit for most folk, but its something that I quite enjoy and have done since I was about 14. My father smoked up until a few years ago. My grandfathers all smoked cigars, it has simply always been around me. The wifes grandfather worked for Gallahers and smoked right up until he chucked it at the age of 80. He lived another 12 years and was never ill. The wifes father smokes a pipe and has done since he was 11... :lol:

Of all the dangerous things we can do, its probably as pointless as alcohol, but we still do it, although I realise, it's on the wane in western society which is probably a good thing. I support (to an extent) the smoking ban, although I would have allowed designated areas, or left it up to the likes of publicans themselves to decide whether they wanted to have it on their premises. Then people could vote with their feet. But that battle is over and its probably not the worst authoritarian decision ever made either.

I dont pay that much for cigarettes as my father is in and out of the country all the time and gets me duty free, it saves a good bit of wedge.

As for vaping, its good. I'd recommend it to anyone wanting to chuck it or even just to cut right down.

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Well I'm not going to miss out on a right good smoke when I feel like one.

I keep myself very fit and active, I reckon even at my age I'll be as fit and probably fitter than the best of them in here. My lung capacity is much better than average. My blood pressure is normal. My resting heart rate is low. I can max out at 200 BPM when playing squash, and its down to around 70-80 BPM at changeover. My cholesterol is low. I'm careful what I eat, I never drink to excess, in fact, much like smoking, I can lift and lay it too. I can quite happily got a few weeks without either a drink or a smoke if I choose to do that.

Have you ever considered joining Club Dece? I hear it's all the rage.

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I'm too good for that shower of schemie filth.

:lol: :lol:

I'm developing a grudging admiration for you, you loveable Daily Mail reading, right wing fool! x x

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:lol: :lol:

I'm developing a grudging admiration for you, you loveable Daily Mail reading, right wing fool! x x

I only read the Mail online to find out how that Kardashian whores pregnancy is getting on. And I'm intrigued to find out whether her arse remains "vast" after she fires out the sprog. My money is firmly in the "her figure is irretrievably fucked" camp.

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I got my ecig yesterday.

Usually a 40 roll-ups a day guy. I had 10.

Today I've had 4 smokes. Last night and today both involved being in a pub. I think I'm going to finally crack the habit, thanks to the ecig. If the EU ban them, then they don't care about health, merely wealth. Tubes.

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I got my ecig yesterday.

Usually a 40 roll-ups a day guy. I had 10.

Today I've had 4 smokes. Last night and today both involved being in a pub. I think I'm going to finally crack the habit, thanks to the ecig. If the EU ban them, then they don't care about health, merely wealth. Tubes.

Nice one mate, welcome to the club! What e cig did you go for?

It's been 3 weeks since my last cigarette. I feel healthier and I'm saving a fucking fortune!

Now that I've binned the fags I'm embarking on a course of at home teeth whitening, which started last night. Life is rather pleasant at the moment.

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Nice one mate, welcome to the club! What e cig did you go for?

It's been 3 weeks since my last cigarette. I feel healthier and I'm saving a fucking fortune!

Now that I've binned the fags I'm embarking on a course of at home teeth whitening, which started last night. Life is rather pleasant at the moment.

I went for this one mate. http://jacvapour.com/all-products/starter-kits/vgo2-manual-900-starter-kit.html#

I ordered an extra battery and some very strong(24 MG) eliquid bottles. Couldn't believe that I ended up with enough Kit for two folk. I would recommend anyone trying to kick the habit and who knows someone of a similar mood to get together and split the costs.


Visit here for discount codes: I saved £11 on my first order.


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I went for this one mate. http://jacvapour.com/all-products/starter-kits/vgo2-manual-900-starter-kit.html#

I ordered an extra battery and some very strong(24 MG) eliquid bottles. Couldn't believe that I ended up with enough Kit for two folk. I would recommend anyone trying to kick the habit and who knows someone of a similar mood to get together and split the costs.


Visit here for discount codes: I saved £11 on my first order.


Yeah that's what I got, ordered the 1+1 kit through ukecig which is 2 x e cigs, 1 usb charger and a carry case. I've went a bit daft on the e liquids though. So far I have blue crush, menthol, gold + silver, apple & grape breeze, atomic apple, coconut twist, red mist and turkish tempation. All 30ml, 24mg bottles.

Think that'll do me for now!

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Yeah that's what I got, ordered the 1+1 kit through ukecig which is 2 x e cigs, 1 usb charger and a carry case. I've went a bit daft on the e liquids though. So far I have blue crush, menthol, gold + silver, apple & grape breeze, atomic apple, coconut twist, red mist and turkish tempation. All 30ml, 24mg bottles.

Think that'll do me for now!

I hope you got the discounts mate.

I quite fancy some menthol or cherry eliquid. Can't believe how easy it is to cut down with these things. Folk in the Tam O' Shanter pub last night were wanting me flung out for "smoking". How feckin ignorant is the general public? Clueless. Labour voting tubes who hate to see folk getting by and enjoying themselves and their life. Twats.

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I hope you got the discounts mate.

I quite fancy some menthol or cherry eliquid. Can't believe how easy it is to cut down with these things. Folk in the Tam O' Shanter pub last night were wanting me flung out for "smoking". How feckin ignorant is the general public? Clueless. Labour voting tubes who hate to see folk getting by and enjoying themselves and their life. Twats.

Check out the ukecig store mate. They have several cherry, including chuppa cherry and a fair few menthols.

I hope you told the twats it was water vapour.

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  • 6 months later...

That's me 4 weeks off the flags, everyone in my work smoking crowd was vaping, so there was a bit of peer pressure.

It's been easy, in fact cigarette smoke repulses me now just being around it,

I bought the e-Go C Twist double battery pack with charger clearomizers and pouch plus a few liquids. First outlay 50 quid. So now I am only buying liquids and adding accessories.

All in I've spent 88 pounds and have enough to last me a further 2 weeks, if I was still on the fags that would be 300 quid in the same 6 week period.

I started off on 24mg liquid but have moved down to 18mg, eventually I hope to get to nicotine free flavours.

It's strange, whilst the Mayfair flavour doesn't taste like fags, that's the one I go back to.

I've tried a lot of different flavours now, Jack the Ripple or strawberry being my favourite... Cuban and spiced apple were revolting. I just got banana, apple and pineapple to see me through Christmas.

All my orders have been through Coolvape, though a few mates use Planet of the Vapes. I slagged my mate off as he's right into it send talks about buying bigger batteries and stuff like that, I'm starting to see his way of thinking, bug that's probably due to one of my batteries breaking. I await Coolvape's reply to my complaint.

All in I'm glad I'm off the fags, 25 a day for 22 years was a lot of money!

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