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That's another reason to query the moon landings.....

Wait what? There is already a reason to query the moon landings?

It's "tinfoilhattery" at it's finest to suggest we didn't go...

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That's another reason to query the moon landings.....even a flare (or something similar) would be clearly visable from Earth.....

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Pie & Bovril mobile app

Nah it wouldn't the moon is still pretty far away!


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Nah it wouldn't the moon is still pretty far away!


Posted Image

Really? You can see craters with the naked eye wjen there's a full moon.....how bad is your eyesight, Rico?! :P

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Anyone who truly doesn't believe we've been to the moon is a bit special, imo.

I don't disbelieve we've been to the moon.....there's just certain questions (for me) that remain unanswered.

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I don't disbelieve we've been to the moon.....there's just certain questions (for me) that remain unanswered.

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Pie & Bovril mobile app

What questions?

EDIT: my eyes are fine i'll have you know!!! 8)

Double EDIT: I almost forgot, we have this on the moon


The ongoing Lunar Laser Ranging Experiment measures the distance between the Earth and the Moon using laser ranging. Lasers on Earth are aimed at retroreflectors planted on the Moon during the Apollo program, and the time for the reflected light to return is determined.
Edited by Enrico Annoni
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Nah it wouldn't the moon is still pretty far away!

Not necessarily. A meteor (not sure if you call it a meteor if it hits the moon's surface, or if it counts as an asteroid) hit the moon just recently and the flash was visible with the naked eye. It lasted about a second so you wouldn't have caught it unless you were specifically looking at that spot mind. I'll find a video for it...

Really? You can see craters with the naked eye wjen there's a full moon.....how bad is your eyesight, Rico?! :P

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You realise just how big those craters are, right? Do I need to do the Father Ted, "close up, far away" sketch?

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I was right about the Nuclear bomb on the moon, they crazy yanks


Project A119, also known as "A Study of Lunar Research Flights", was a top-secret plan developed in 1958 by the United States Air Force. The aim of the project was to detonate a nuclear bomb on the Moon—visible to the naked eye—to boost public morale in the United States after the Soviet Uniontook an early lead in the Space Race.
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What questions?


EDIT: my eyes are fine i'll have you know!!!  8)


Double EDIT: I almost forgot, we have this on the moon 




The van allen radiation belt that stopped the Soviets (who's space programme was miles ahead of NASA's at the time) sending a man to the moon?

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For the record....I'm not a tinfoil hat wearing conspiricy theorist that thinks Elvis lives on an island with Lord Lucan and rides Shergar on Sundays!

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The van allen radiation belt that stopped the Soviets (who's space programme was miles ahead of NASA's at the time) sending a man to the moon?

I'm not sure what it is you are trying to say here. That the Americans didn't land on the moon or that they didn't get past the Van Allen belt?
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I'm not sure what it is you are trying to say here. That the Americans didn't land on the moon or that they didn't get past the Van Allen belt?

I'd like to know how they got past the van allen belt considering it was such a major problem for (at the time) a far more advanced Soviet space programme.

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Pie & Bovril mobile app

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The effects aren't so severe when measure over a century though, but eventually, in a few billion years time, it will get to a state where the Earth spins exactly as fast as fast as the moon orbits. We'll then become tidally locked, where one side of the Earth will never see the moon and the other will have the moon in the sky all the time.

Another hole blown in the SNP's plans for tidal energy. Amateurs! 8)

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I still can't decide whether they went to the moon. When I first got use of the Internet I went straight for hoax theories as I love conspiracies. Some things are quite odd though

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Yeah but not just lightning on other planets, but lightning storms in the middle of space!?

Lightning is simply electro-static discharge. The electrical current caused by black holes and infinitely strong magnetic field would in turn generate mind-blowing levels of electricity. Tbh, the theory is wherever there is an big enough abundance of built up charge and an equivacal opposing polarity for the potential to reach the distance between it, lightning in one way or another should occur. In parts of the Universe, it would be lightning the size of unimaginable proportions.

If I'm not mistaken... :whistle

That may be it.

Will real space ships ever be able to fire guns or travel at warp speed/light speed like in the films?

In special relativity physics, I believe it is all but shown that it is mathematically impossible to travel faster than the speed of light, however there is always the possibility that it could change should the discovery of a faster motion be discovered. Even if we could travel at the speed of light, the sheer acceleration would take a ridiculous amount (I'm talking like the distance from the Earth to the outer rings) of time to build up because there is no way our bodies could physically sustain the G-force of acceleration (Even in Armageddon, 11Gs was a bit OTT, because of mass x gravity would have had your body feeling around three quarters of a ton of force on your body). Edited by the jambo-rocker
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Lightning is simply electro-static discharge. The electrical current caused by black holes and infinitely strong magnetic field would in turn generate mind-blowing levels of electricity. Tbh, the theory is wherever there is an big enough abundance of built up charge and an equivacal opposing polarity for the potential to reach the distance between it, lightning in one way or another should occur. In parts of the Universe, it would be lightning the size of unimaginable proportions.

If I'm not mistaken... :whistle

Apparently the longest "bolt" of lightening was 150,000 light years "long"

There's a black hole two billion light years away with an unusually strong magnetic field, it's created an electrical current that's been recorded as having the force of a trillion lightening bolts. And regularly fires out jets of electricity

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