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Has anyone ever been to a proper dark sky location? I've wondered for years what you can actually see. There are loads of google images but i suspect they have been doctored or filtered or some-such. Coming back to Oban from Colonsay on the night sailing you get a really good view (shooting stars, the milky way from the corner of your eye etc) but can you really see stuff like in the video below from earth with the naked eye?


Great thread btw :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Most distant galaxy found so far


Wow - The light coming from this fucker is only 700 million years after the big bang, when the universe was only about 5 percent of its current age of 13.8 billion years.

Mind boggling stuff. Good find, Rico.

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No, apart from the faintness and size of the thing.

The degree of redshift would be frightening, what's the record now, 7.5 or something? That means the space between us and it is expanding at 7.5 x the speed of light.

Yep, 7.5. Previous record was 7.1.

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Here's something which should help you a little bit. As you can see, stars first appeared about 400m years in.


To rephrase my first question then, the first stars that appeared 400 million years after; are they still active or is it possible to scope them out? I just like looking at stars in the night sky; they're quite pretty.

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To rephrase my first question then, the first stars that appeared 400 million years after; are they still active or is it possible to scope them out? I just like looking at stars in the night sky; they're quite pretty.

I'm pretty sure that most stars are 1 to 10 billion years old. I would highly highly doubt that any of the early stars are visible to the naked eye.

Our own sun is about 4.5 billion years old and this goes right up to Betelgeuse in the Orion constellation, which is less than 10 million years old.

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To rephrase my first question then, the first stars that appeared 400 million years after; are they still active or is it possible to scope them out? I just like looking at stars in the night sky; they're quite pretty.

No; as your man says, stars do not live that long.

Of course, your body consists of heavy elements which were created in stars and thrown around the Universe as they exploded and died. That's a fantastic thought to keep in mind I think.

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No; as your man says, stars do not live that long.

Of course, your body consists of heavy elements which were created in stars and thrown around the Universe as they exploded and died. That's a fantastic thought to keep in mind I think.

That's another brilliant whine for all the Golightly's of the world "I got more than my fair share of heavy elements" :lol:

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  • 3 weeks later...


Viewpoint: Saturn snapped as Earth smiled


The US space agency (Nasa) has released a spectacular new picture of the Planet Saturn, acquired by the Cassini spacecraft in July. The image was produced as part of The Day The Earth Smiled Project, which was led by Dr Carolyn Porco. She describes how and why the picture was put together.

"Four months ago, our cameras on Cassini were commanded to execute a routine imaging sequence during an event that was anything but routine.

On 19 July, an array of overlapping images framing Saturn, its entire ring system and a host of its moons was acquired while Cassini was deep in the shadow created by the planet's eclipse of the Sun.

This arrangement of Sun, Saturn, and machine made for a rare opportunity to image from the outer Solar System the planets in close to the Sun.

The intent: To catch a precious glimpse of our own planet - tiny, remote, alone - as it would be seen from a billion miles away.

Images of this nature had been taken before. The famous Voyager 1990 "Pale Blue Dot" image of Earth became, in the hands of Carl Sagan, a romantic allegory of the human condition and an inspirational call to environmental protection and planetary brotherhood.

And Cassini's previous 2006 version, taken from Saturn orbit, showing the startling juxtaposition of our dot of a planet beside the enormity of Saturn's rings, became the most beloved Cassini image.

“But from the very start, the plans for the 19 July mosaic included something very special: If all went well, the images would capture a glimpse of Earth alongside Saturn and its rings at the very moment that people all over the globe would be contemplating their connectedness to each other and to all life on Earth, appreciating the rarity of our planet within the Solar System, marvelling at their own existence, and rejoicing at the very thought of having their picture taken from a billion miles away.

And contemplate, appreciate, marvel and rejoice they did!

From Pennsylvania: "What a great way to feel connected to the Universe, the planet, and every single person on it. We are truly all in this together."

From the UK: "What a privilege to be part of such an event with so many people worldwide."

From somewhere unknown: "At the appropriate time, I turned my face to the sky and spent a few minutes watching and listening to what life on Earth was like, right there. What a feeling of connection and oneness with the miracle that is life on Earth. This experience was beyond meaningful; it was transcendent. What a beautiful thing."

From upstate New York: "I've been entranced by this project ever since I heard about it and was determined to join in the celebration. We may not be unique... we may be transient... we may be only flying along on a dust mote. But for 15 minutes, we were there, we were aware, and we smiled."

After much work, the mosaic that marks that moment the inhabitants of Earth, including the four above, looked up wherever they were and smiled at the sheer joy of being alive, is finally here.

In its combination of beauty and meaning, it is perhaps the most unusual image ever taken in the history of the space programme.

Have a look and you will discover a universe of marvels. The brightly rimmed globe of Saturn and its main rings aglow with sunlight streaming through them take centre stage.

On the left, embedded in the enormous, gossamer blue E ring, is the brilliant moon Enceladus, gleaming in the reflected light of Saturn and the sparkle of a hundred towering geysers, and likely the most promising place in all the Solar System to access alien life.

A careful examination uncovers the shadow cast by this moon through the spray of smoke-sized icy particles created by those geysers, like a telephone pole might cast a shadow through a fog.

Below and to the right of Enceladus is Tethys, a moon about a third the size of ours, illuminated by Saturn-shine. On the other side of the planet, to the upper right, is Mimas - only a crescent but also casting a faint shadow through the E ring.

And on it goes - more moons and faint rings for anyone caring to take the time to wander.

Now, look one more time. There, below the main rings and to the right of the globe of Saturn, far in the distance and seemingly lost in the radiance of the scene, lies a small speck of blue light, floating in a sea of stars.

That is our home, with every last one of us on it - you, me, the folks down the block, even those on the opposite side of the Earth. We all inhabit that lovely blue dot.

And more than this - the image of that dot captures the very moment, frozen in time, when the inhabitants of our planet took a break from their normal activities to go outside and acknowledge our "coming of age" as planetary explorers and the audacious interplanetary salute between robot and maker that this image represents.

I hope long into the future, when people look again at this image, they will recall the moment when, as crazy as it might have seemed, they were there, they were aware, and they smiled."

The positions of the objects are inside the circles. The squares contain enlarged views
Earth and the Moon are seen as a blue dot at the bottom right of the image
Edited by Confidemus
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Someone told me that it rains diamond on either Saturn or Neptune. If true, that's cool as f**k!

There was a paper written by a guy at Los Alamos labs back in the early eighties, that got picked up by Arthur C. Clarke in his sequel to 2001 A Space Odessey: Basically, the idea was that the millions of tonnes of carbon present in the outer system gas giants would be so much heavier than the hydrogen and helium that made up the majority of the gas giant's mass, that it would sink downwards, collecting into the core of the planet where under intense heat and pressure, it would form into a diamond. It was Clarke that extended this thinking from Neptuen to Jupiter, where he theorised that Jupiter had a core of diamond, the size of earth.

It wa salso theorised that there would be layers of increasingly simple hydrocarbons by the billion of tonnes before the pressure and heatbecame so intense that all compunds were strippped back to basic elements, and right near the centre would exist a layer fo hydrogen in it's most exotic form - as a liquid metal!

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I'm currently reading Bill Bryson's "A Short History of Almost Everything". Again, when trying to consider the scale of the universe and beyond, it leaves me feeling more than a little insignificant and pointless.

On a thread related note, I think i might buy a telescope and head up the local hills. Does anyone have a quick link to a decent starter kit? Probably looking at a scope, mount and camera, as well as a book or two that will introduce me to the basics. Budget is anything from nada to a grand or so, but value for money is the most important thing.

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Saturn is so light that it would float in water if ever there was a body of the stuff big enough.

Anyone ever seen the old footage of Patrick Moore commenting on a photo of Mars, surmizing that the dark patches were vegetation? It's amusing but also fascinating.

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Has anyone ever been to a proper dark sky location? I've wondered for years what you can actually see. There are loads of google images but i suspect they have been doctored or filtered or some-such. Coming back to Oban from Colonsay on the night sailing you get a really good view (shooting stars, the milky way from the corner of your eye etc) but can you really see stuff like in the video below from earth with the naked eye?


Great thread btw :)

I toured the great ocean road in Oz a couple of times and honestly couldn't believe how many stars you could see cos you're miles away from any major light sources.

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Viewpoint: Saturn snapped as Earth smiled

Posted Image

The US space agency (Nasa) has released a spectacular new picture of the Planet Saturn, acquired by the Cassini spacecraft in July. The image was produced as part of The Day The Earth Smiled Project, which was led by Dr Carolyn Porco. She describes how and why the picture was put together.

"Four months ago, our cameras on Cassini were commanded to execute a routine imaging sequence during an event that was anything but routine.

On 19 July, an array of overlapping images framing Saturn, its entire ring system and a host of its moons was acquired while Cassini was deep in the shadow created by the planet's eclipse of the Sun.

This arrangement of Sun, Saturn, and machine made for a rare opportunity to image from the outer Solar System the planets in close to the Sun.

The intent: To catch a precious glimpse of our own planet - tiny, remote, alone - as it would be seen from a billion miles away.

Images of this nature had been taken before. The famous Voyager 1990 "Pale Blue Dot" image of Earth became, in the hands of Carl Sagan, a romantic allegory of the human condition and an inspirational call to environmental protection and planetary brotherhood.

And Cassini's previous 2006 version, taken from Saturn orbit, showing the startling juxtaposition of our dot of a planet beside the enormity of Saturn's rings, became the most beloved Cassini image.

“But from the very start, the plans for the 19 July mosaic included something very special: If all went well, the images would capture a glimpse of Earth alongside Saturn and its rings at the very moment that people all over the globe would be contemplating their connectedness to each other and to all life on Earth, appreciating the rarity of our planet within the Solar System, marvelling at their own existence, and rejoicing at the very thought of having their picture taken from a billion miles away.

And contemplate, appreciate, marvel and rejoice they did!

From Pennsylvania: "What a great way to feel connected to the Universe, the planet, and every single person on it. We are truly all in this together."

From the UK: "What a privilege to be part of such an event with so many people worldwide."

From somewhere unknown: "At the appropriate time, I turned my face to the sky and spent a few minutes watching and listening to what life on Earth was like, right there. What a feeling of connection and oneness with the miracle that is life on Earth. This experience was beyond meaningful; it was transcendent. What a beautiful thing."

From upstate New York: "I've been entranced by this project ever since I heard about it and was determined to join in the celebration. We may not be unique... we may be transient... we may be only flying along on a dust mote. But for 15 minutes, we were there, we were aware, and we smiled."

After much work, the mosaic that marks that moment the inhabitants of Earth, including the four above, looked up wherever they were and smiled at the sheer joy of being alive, is finally here.

In its combination of beauty and meaning, it is perhaps the most unusual image ever taken in the history of the space programme.

Have a look and you will discover a universe of marvels. The brightly rimmed globe of Saturn and its main rings aglow with sunlight streaming through them take centre stage.

On the left, embedded in the enormous, gossamer blue E ring, is the brilliant moon Enceladus, gleaming in the reflected light of Saturn and the sparkle of a hundred towering geysers, and likely the most promising place in all the Solar System to access alien life.

A careful examination uncovers the shadow cast by this moon through the spray of smoke-sized icy particles created by those geysers, like a telephone pole might cast a shadow through a fog.

Below and to the right of Enceladus is Tethys, a moon about a third the size of ours, illuminated by Saturn-shine. On the other side of the planet, to the upper right, is Mimas - only a crescent but also casting a faint shadow through the E ring.

And on it goes - more moons and faint rings for anyone caring to take the time to wander.

Now, look one more time. There, below the main rings and to the right of the globe of Saturn, far in the distance and seemingly lost in the radiance of the scene, lies a small speck of blue light, floating in a sea of stars.

That is our home, with every last one of us on it - you, me, the folks down the block, even those on the opposite side of the Earth. We all inhabit that lovely blue dot.

And more than this - the image of that dot captures the very moment, frozen in time, when the inhabitants of our planet took a break from their normal activities to go outside and acknowledge our "coming of age" as planetary explorers and the audacious interplanetary salute between robot and maker that this image represents.

I hope long into the future, when people look again at this image, they will recall the moment when, as crazy as it might have seemed, they were there, they were aware, and they smiled."

Posted Image

The positions of the objects are inside the circles. The squares contain enlarged views

Posted Image

Earth and the Moon are seen as a blue dot at the bottom right of the image

Pardon my skepticism but I find images like that really hard to take in. It doesn't resemble anything I've ever seen before - perhaps that's why? But to me that looks like a computer generated image..

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