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Going for my usual back, sack and crack later this week in preps for #marbs. The 9/10s really appreciate when you put the effort in and manscape.


Edited by EdinburghLivi
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Ry Gosling came out on top in a work poll with my other heterosexual male work colleagues as the #dece-est looking boi in Hollywood.

#chiselled #reem #dench #chestday

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Currently rocking 4 days worth of stubble. Was going to have a shave this morning but then I remembered this movie poster I keep seeing on the Tube:


R. Gosling looking #reem with a designer beard. Some boi.

Saw a trailer for that, looks like RGos is having a go at playing a slightly enigmatic strong silent type.

Interesting to see how he handles this new direction.

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I've just been at the gym for a meeting with a personal trainer to have a more tailored programme made up so that I can take it to the #nextlevel. One of the things I asked for more guidance on was core routines, so we were at the mats doing some kettlebell work. Just as we were finishing off the kettebell work, two yoga pant clad 9/10's approached and started using the two mats next to us.

The trainer suggested a fun way to monitor my overall strength progression was a '10 press up challenge' where you do 1 press up, then stand up, do 2 press ups then stand up, 3 press ups the stand up etc. He said that although I wouldn't get to 10 on my first attempt, it was a good target to work towards over the next 6 weeks.I haven't done press ups in years so was a little aprehensive with a couple of 9/10's watching on.

Despite my upper body burning at about 7, I dug deep and finished all the way up to 10. Needless to say, the girls were extremely impressed. Had I winked and asked for their number there and then I'm sure they would have yielded.


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I like what you've done there.

It's like when you're #indaclub and instead of taking the easy option and going home with a 6/10 you're putting in quality time and effort with a 9/10 knowing that despite how #dece you are, you might not bag her.


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I've been ill the last few days but I'll be back to #lifting at home tonight and will probs hit the gym for a proper weights sesh with my mate on Friday, leaving Thursday evening open for a cheeky 4k interval run.

Love being on top of my #regime.

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Just strolled some HIIT. Lots of #squat circuits in this one. Calves are feeling it #gains.

Just going to have some scrambled egg on wholegrain toast. #protein #carbs #dench

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Six miles on bike then half an hour in the gym followed by tuna and jacket potato then won by ten at the fives.


Sent from my GT-I9300 using Pie & Bovril mobile app

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Just got a #fresh haircut for #ClubDece at the weekend. Lokking a solid 9/10 right now. Even in a casual, open collar shirt I'm turning heads. Looking at some 8/10's tomorrow night.

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Just cranked out the weights in the house. 5 x 5 of bicep curls with a cumulative 23kg on a barbell. I neglected biceps at the gym yesterday while #lifting so catching up now. Going to follow it with some very light barbell squats as I have a very dodgy knee and always a bit wary it buckles again.

Going to follow this up with a walk down to the gym for circa 45 mins to an hour on the cross trainer/jogging on the running machine.


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Managed my first sets of hip clap press ups the other night, only having been able to do thigh slaps before. Next aim is behind the back claps. #pressups

Also, the bird I mentioned earlier who works in the canteen at my work keeps giving me more change than she should. Totes wants me. #irresist

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Pie & Bovril mobile app

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