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Obviously we'll all be wearing our personalised t-shirts on the plane, but I feel it would be a good idea to tell each other what other threads we'll be wearing so as to not be clashing. I'll be wearing my pale blue shorts and a pair of espadrilles as well as an oversized novelty sombrero (for the bants)





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The shorts say 'I'm fun and I like to party'. The t-shirt says, I'm a #lad who likes football and like the legend emblazoned on my chest, I'm a bit of a bad boy. However, the subject matter of the clever pun lets the #unigirls know I'm somewhat of an intellectual.

I think my chat up line to #unigirls would be 'do you want to discuss the dissolution of Yugolsavia before or after we f**k?'

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Presume that is indeed you that is now following me on Twitter Smurph. #decetags

Yeah m8. Thanks for the #teamfollowback. Not got my #clubdece verified tick yet but it's on its way.

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Just tweet that pic of your #MDece ice lollies and it'll be through in no time, m8.

It's my profile picture so they can't miss it. Also mention MD20/20 in my bio. Twitter can't handle me.

I searched @dece there and Paolo De Cegile of Juventus popped up with @paolo_decegile. Top lad.

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Should be working but I've spent the past half hour flirting with the 8/10 American on the instant messenger. This included showing her my new tatt and recommending Falkirk as a destination when she's visiting Scotland for a week later in the year. Just about to ask her out for a drinks. #officeromance

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