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Mine has been all kinds of dece m8. Glad to see you're having a qual time as well.

I was recently contemplating how trivial life actually is. How we all think how happy or unhappy we are is extremely important, but we're only here for a tiny blip in the history of time. Soon enough you'll be dead, and so will every single person who's ever met you. Unless you become famous for something you'll soon be completely forgotten and exactly nothing will have changed for future generations if you'd never existed at all.

Then I fingered a #solid8 right in the middle of a busy street. #laad #alpha #stickybingers

Strong philosophical ponderings there m8.

As Rene Dececartes once said, "I'm dece therefore I am".

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What do you dece lads do when a solid #fiveorless keeps messaging you and that? I've got a solid2 on my case and I don't know the polite way to stop her doing it, I was thinking of using her boyfriend by saying it's unfair on him but that could backfire big time if she gets the wrong idea and breaks up with him. #advicepls

Btw I've got some exciting news for ma boiz. It's taken 24 long years, and I'll admit there were times I wondered if it would ever happen, but the painfully long wait has finally ended. Yes I'm sure you've guessed what I'm talking about, I've found my perfect hairstyle. V. v. short on the back and sides, with a lot more length on the top and a fringe that purposely lies a bit to the side and is slightly uneven, which delicately adds an air of cheeky ruggedness to an otherwise pristine, refined look. Even the tidy Belgian hairdresser that didn't look twice at me when I came in looked moist, and she gave me the fucking thing.

Assuming I'm behind the #ladz here, do you boys remember the moment you knew you had your image fucking DOWN?

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Btw I've got some exciting news for ma boiz. It's taken 24 long years, and I'll admit there were times I wondered if it would ever happen, but the painfully long wait has finally ended. Yes I'm sure you've guessed what I'm talking about, I've found my perfect hairstyle. V. v. short on the back and sides, with a lot more length on the top and a fringe that purposely lies a bit to the side and is slightly uneven, which delicately adds an air of cheeky ruggedness to an otherwise pristine, refined look. Even the tidy Belgian hairdresser that didn't look twice at me when I came in looked moist, and she gave me the fucking thing.

Assuming I'm behind the #ladz here, do you boys remember the moment you knew you had your image fucking DOWN?

A bold confession from the big man, but I feel you.

Finding the hairstyle is like pulling on a hand made suit, it just 'fits' in a way you can't quite explain, but you know nothing will be the same.

Away to a wedding tomorrow, all the trimmings laid out and ready to go, will probably have to deal with the #decelemma of having too much attention on someone else's day.

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Had a similar #dilemm in my previous place of work. Even worse because I exacerbated the problem by agreeing to go out for a few drinks. Only accepted under duress because other people were within ear shot and it would've been megaawkies. I'm not only dece, I'm decent.

She wasn't a #2 by any means. More one of those #solid4faces with massive diddlers that you probably wid if nobody had to know about it.

The correct solution is the same as for any problem. Ignore it until it goes away.

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A bold confession from the big man, but I feel you.

Finding the hairstyle is like pulling on a hand made suit, it just 'fits' in a way you can't quite explain, but you know nothing will be the same.

Away to a wedding tomorrow, all the trimmings laid out and ready to go, will probably have to deal with the #decelemma of having too much attention on someone else's day.

As soon as I saw it I knew things would never be the same. That's a v. v. v. dece observation thisDeceame.

Had a similar #dilemm in my previous place of work. Even worse because I exacerbated the problem by agreeing to go out for a few drinks. Only accepted under duress because other people were within ear shot and it would've been megaawkies. I'm not only dece, I'm decent.

She wasn't a #2 by any means. More one of those #solid4faces with massive diddlers that you probably wid if nobody had to know about it.

The correct solution is the same as for any problem. Ignore it until it goes away.

Problem here is she's a genuine two, wouldn't in a million years. Now I'm in the decest shape I've been in for a v. long time and have a flawless haircut I can only see these situations become more common.




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Am in the pub at present watching the boxing......sky loses the live feed so I turn my attention to a genuine #8........her two mates are #2's at best.......do I blank them? No dice......I'm DECEnt ;)


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Am in the pub at present watching the boxing......sky loses the live feed so I turn my attention to a genuine #8........her two mates are #2's at best.......do I blank them? No dice......I'm DECEnt ;)


What I like to do in this situation is ignore the 8 and show more attention to the 2's. The 8 will then become frustrated at the lack of attention and become the pursuer. The hunter has all of a sudden become the prey, or at least the 8 thinks so! It's all part of the game



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What I like to do in this situation is ignore the 8 and show more attention to the 2's. The 8 will then become frustrated at the lack of attention and become the pursuer. The hunter has all of a sudden become the prey, or at least the 8 thinks so! It's all part of the game




Terrible advice IMHO. Girls judge men on their looks like we do to them, but the difference is that whilst we don't care about how our mates look (apart from the dece bois of course) girls do, and they therefore associate any guy their female friends are interested in as being similiar looks wise to the said friend. The 8 in question with her two 2 mates knows that's the situation, and chatting up her munting mates will instantly make you unattractive to her, in most cases anyway.

If you're trying to make a #solid8 jealous, the only way to do so is be seen with another 8 or higher. Anything less and she's going to be put off. #truth

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Mine was back in the day, 2k9 I think. TheScarf had just using this v. v. v. dece cologne called Allure by Coco Chanel. I was quite new in this office and used to wear these fitted white shirts and grey trousers combo. Ended up having two #solid8's texting me to come over to theirs every night.

At one point there was actual arguments between the two in the office canteen over me. #tooeasy

I kept having to tell them no as I was going to the gym to #lift to work on my #gains

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  • 2 weeks later...

A wee update for the #lads, you'll be please to know my #DECEness was reaffirmed - as if it needed to be - yet again this morning. Was walking to my v.v.v well paid job this morning, taking advantage of the fact that it's #casjfri (that's 'Casual Friday' for all you unDECE #betas) and the suns out by looking #extraDECE.

Rocking down the street in my #oldskool cons, Ralph Lauren straight cut jeans (I know the #betas are probably thinking "are they not a bit expensive to be wearing to work?", no m8, I'm J_Stewart, I can afford it) which highlight my gloriously toned thighs, green Ralph Lauren polo - giving off a tantalising view of my #swole arms - raybans, which although hiding my beautiful blue eyes, did a fine job of shielding the glare, whilst obv looking gorge, and rounded off with my Fred Perry satchel to carry my gym gear, grooming products and #highprotein lunch.

Needless to say I was looking #DECE, really #DECE. So much so in fact that I could sense every eye on me, I could actually feel the lustful looks of the female population, I could smell the smoke coming from their burning loins. It was a little worrying, a mob of frantically aroused women was forming, something had to be done. "Ladies, STOP" I shouted as they were revving themselves up to a frenzy over my DECEness, "I know you want a piece of me #DECE, but I'm a taken man, so go back to your #beta boyfriends and husbands, and when they touch you with their grubby, weak, podgy bodies, just think of me and these rock hard abs". I then lifted my shirt to give them a glimpse of paradise, performed a spin that Michael Jackson in his prime would have envied, and sauntered back on my way to the office having successfully avoided a mauling at the hands of the horny mob. It isn't always easy being #DECE, but would I change it? #umadbro

#DECE4life #lookinsofuckinswoon #sorryladiesimtakenbutfeelfreetolookandenjoyandrememberforlater #liftingclubDECEbacktopage1

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Rocking down the street in my #oldskool cons, Ralph Lauren straight cut jeans (I know the #betas are probably thinking "are they not a bit expensive to be wearing to work?", no m8, I'm J_Stewart, I can afford it) which highlight my gloriously toned thighs, green Ralph Lauren polo - giving off a tantalising view of my #swole arms - raybans, which although hiding my beautiful blue eyes, did a fine job of shielding the glare, whilst obv looking gorge, and rounded off with my Fred Perry satchel to carry my gym gear, grooming products and #highprotein lunch.

Reading this gave me a massive erection.


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Reading this gave me a massive erection.


I have nothing but respect for that, but even if you were, no qualms bro, as we know, us #DECEbois are enlightened, open minded gents. Friends to all regardless of colour or creed. Unless you're a #beta

#prohomo #realtalk #deep

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Every time I post something on Facebook I'm looking at a 30 to 35 like yield. Every time.

Thinking of posting something really #beta to see if it really is all about the content or the man behind the content that's generating the love.

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