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Well, it seems like Endieinreekie has been sorely mistaken here by joining what he assumed to be the 'new inclusive Club DECE'. It is neither new nor inclusive if members of Club DOSS are excluded from this thread. Hugely disappointing.

Club DOSS may be inhabited by a number of more mature, married men, but we shouldn't be pigeon-holed. I, for example, am a young gun who doesn't wish to be tied down to a woman at this stage of my life. My most recent relationship was with a 9. A Lithuanian dancer who was studying cookery. I didn't need to have a 'dece' physique or a 'dece' mindset. It was the DOSS in my soul which proved to be the ultimate attraction for her.

We broke up after 2 months and she says she will throw a drink on my head if she ever sees me again, but it was good while it lasted.

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Tell you what isn't DECE - The food in The Stronsay Hotel in Orkney! Yuk!

Thankfully they aren't too behind in the times and have wifi so I can come on here and moan about it :D

You fixing the gas boiler there Mags?

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Well, it seems like Endieinreekie has been sorely mistaken here by joining what he assumed to be the 'new inclusive Club DECE'. It is neither new nor inclusive if members of Club DOSS are excluded from this thread. Hugely disappointing.

Club DOSS may be inhabited by a number of more mature, married men, but we shouldn't be pigeon-holed. I, for example, am a young gun who doesn't wish to be tied down to a woman at this stage of my life. My most recent relationship was with a 9. A Lithuanian dancer who was studying cookery. I didn't need to have a 'dece' physique or a 'dece' mindset. It was the DOSS in my soul which proved to be the ultimate attraction for her.

We broke up after 2 months and she says she will throw a drink on my head if she ever sees me again, but it was good while it lasted.

In fairness to the DECE bois, I don't think Fudge speaks on Club DECE's behalf.

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Bold & somewhat unlikely statement.

Look m8, I don't wander about looking at people thinking 'I'm better than you'. I'm #luvinlife so don't particularly care about how Dece or otherwise other people are. That's their perogative.

When forced to consider if I'm more or equally Dece as other people, I'll give my opinion.

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You can be Dece by being ripped and having a #positivementalattitude regardless of age or marital status.

Club Dece is exclusive and is for handsome, well dressed chaps with physiques like P. Bateman in American Psycho who smash Decebombs and a variety of 9's on a regular basis

I'm genuinely confused, I've seen photos of some of you guys and this just doesn't stack up.

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Look m8, I don't wander about looking at people thinking 'I'm better than you'. I'm #luvinlife so don't particularly care about how Dece or otherwise other people are. That's their perogative.

When forced to consider if I'm more or equally Dece as other people, I'll give my opinion.

At what point in our exchange were you "forced to consider"?

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I'll let my fellow club Dece bois judge my Deceness.

I have both the physical and mental characteristics of a Dece boi so I'll continue to believe I am one until my peers tell me otherwise

Your physical & mental characteristics contradict the DECE manifesto on the DECE lifestyle.

You're being very obtuse on this Fudge. Like I said before, I believe you're better than this.

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I have embraced the desire to have a positive attitude to life and enjoy physical recreation therefore I am Dece. There's a fair chance you are Dece too.

However, Club Dece is exclusive. The Dece mentality isn't. I hope this clears things up

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I v. definitely am but that doesn't stop me from encouraging aspirational others less DECE than myself as I'm DECEnt........which I firmly believe is a fundamental principal of DECE.

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