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Anyone else totally underwhelmed by this friendly cash-cow match for the English FA 150th anniversary celebrations?

Don't get me wrong, it would be good to win or even get a draw, but it just ain't like the old days.

I remember going to a few of these fixtures back in the 80s and the atmosphere was electric. This brought out some poor behaviour such as racist chanting about Anderson and Barnes, homophobia about Jimmy Hill and a large doze of ultra-violence on the streets of Glasgow.

Still at least we had Scotland the Brave as our anthem back then with a pipe band to play it :)

Not feeling doss, but might be less apathetic come kick-off, if I can be bothered watching it.

Quiz tonight, prize money up to £225. Now that would be DOSS to report a win tomorrow. It will probably be delayed due to aforementioned friendly game :(

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Anyone else totally underwhelmed by this friendly cash-cow match for the English FA 150th anniversary celebrations?

Don't get me wrong, it would be good to win or even get a draw, but it just ain't like the old days.

I remember going to a few of these fixtures back in the 80s and the atmosphere was electric. This brought out some poor behaviour such as racist chanting about Anderson and Barnes, homophobia about Jimmy Hill and a large doze of ultra-violence on the streets of Glasgow.

Still at least we had Scotland the Brave as our anthem back then with a pipe band to play it :)

Not feeling doss, but might be less apathetic come kick-off, if I can be bothered watching it.

Quiz tonight, prize money up to £225. Now that would be DOSS to report a win tomorrow. It will probably be delayed due to aforementioned friendly game :(

Yeah man I know how you feel, all my mates are exited about it and wanting to go out and watch it, I just cant seem to get up for it, I just wish it was a competitive match.
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I've went to the bookies and put a couple of quid on a Yes/No coupon. Was going to bet on England but the odds aren't worth it.

No, I don't have any morals about betting against my own team/country. Makes defeat less painful.

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For the first time in numerous years I've managed to sync my sleep to this weeks shift pattern. I feel absolute DOSS for it.

DOSSing around all day. Watch the game tonight.

Again, DOSS.

Which DOSS establishment are you visiting for the game? I'm in the maltman now but open to offers.

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Well, that was a doss day and a half off work.

Started off the preparation for my son's 6th birthday yesterday by building a trampoline in the back garden. Me and my wife's nephew started building it about 8 o clock and got finished at 11 30 pm. Thank Buddha for the street light directly outside my garden. What a task, but well worth it when I saw the little fella and his big sister's faces yesterday morning when they woke up.

He then opened all his presents, then we had a birthday breakfast and a morning of trampolining. Then it was Monsters University at the cinema with my son, his wee pals, my daughter and my Mum. Whilst not quite as good as Monsters Inc, you cannae whack a bit of Billy Crystal.

Trip round the relatives in the afternoon, a few more of my son's wee pals came over to visit, then over to the in laws for birthday dinner before heading back home to see Scotland put up a doss-laden, spirited, fighting display against THEM.

Kids put to bed, bit of Borderlands 2 and that was that.

Much dossness.

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Well, that was a doss day and a half off work.

Started off the preparation for my son's 6th birthday yesterday by building a trampoline in the back garden. Me and my wife's nephew started building it about 8 o clock and got finished at 11 30 pm. Thank Buddha for the street light directly outside my garden. What a task, but well worth it when I saw the little fella and his big sister's faces yesterday morning when they woke up.

He then opened all his presents, then we had a birthday breakfast and a morning of trampolining. Then it was Monsters University at the cinema with my son, his wee pals, my daughter and my Mum. Whilst not quite as good as Monsters Inc, you cannae whack a bit of Billy Crystal.

Trip round the relatives in the afternoon, a few more of my son's wee pals came over to visit, then over to the in laws for birthday dinner before heading back home to see Scotland put up a doss-laden, spirited, fighting display against THEM.

Kids put to bed, bit of Borderlands 2 and that was that.

Much dossness.

Doss times had by all :) .

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Sounds a DOSS day Con.

In hindsight I enjoyed watching the game last night. First hour we were doss.

Some very doss play and hope for the future if we can bring some decent defenders into the fold.

England won but will have more questions to answer than questions answered, imo ;)

Joe Hart, head and shoulders, the best goalkeeper in the world?

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I drank to much last night and am feeling very unDOSS. After drowning my sorrows last night I've came to the conclusion even though we lost, we played well and have a bright future ahead under Strachan. I'll be lying low today, the gf's away to see her parents, so a bacon roll and a quiet afternoon will do me. DOSS

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I opted to go for the "meal deal" which included a Scotch pie, any cake of my choice (I opted for the above) and a can of juice (given the only options were Coca-Cola or Irn-Bru that was a no-brainer). It was a rather doss lunch for only £2.40.

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As usual the picture painted an unrealistic expectation and it wasn't quite as good as it looks. However the chocolate sponge was nice and light, the chocolate fondant seemed to have melted a wee bit and therefore didn't look as appetising as in the picture. The Malteser on top was exactly as expected. Overall a rather tasty cake let down only by it's presentation 8/10

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Its DOSS that you're now back with us again :)

Doss of you to say so. You're alright for a Celtic fan.

Good to see you back. How is the music going?

Not too bad, thanks for asking! I mentioned on another thread that a new record label in London have been interested in us signing with them, and things have advanced in that area to the extent that they've said they would like to be our record label in time for the upcoming release of our first full-length album in early 2014. So, pretty doss news! Hopefully it will get us a few more listeners at least. It's all about finding exposure at the moment.

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Not too bad, thanks for asking! I mentioned on another thread that a new record label in London have been interested in us signing with them, and things have advanced in that area to the extent that they've said they would like to be our record label in time for the upcoming release of our first full-length album in early 2014. So, pretty doss news! Hopefully it will get us a few more listeners at least. It's all about finding exposure at the moment.

All sounds very doss, TRS. What kind of music does your band play? Who would you liken yourselves to?

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Doss stuff TRS. Collaboration with Conya on the cards?

One step at a time. The first priority is to collaborate with Mark S. Doss, renowned bass baritone. http://www.whoswhoinblackcanada.com/2012/06/21/mark-doss/

Hopefully Conya Doss will follow soon after.

All sounds very doss, TRS. What kind of music does your band play? Who would you liken yourselves to?

Hmm, I've always found that second question difficult to answer. We are an acoustic duo. I'm the lead vocalist while my bandmate is guitarist and backing vocalist. We have very different tastes in music. He likes some pop, rock and metal music in particular, while I'm more a fan of pop, r'n'b and hip hop. So we've managed to find a sound that we're both happy with. We definitely have quite a mainstream sound which might not appeal to some! You can feel free to listen to our debut 6-track EP here if you like - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZdX6phr8bmU&list=PLp68dLY2gRc6r0ELl0qKBJ_TiXc3Yu9Nd

The 6 tracks are quite different from each other and have been inspired by various genres - pop, rock, rap and folk - but we've tried to write them in a way which makes them seem consistent in the context of a 6-track EP, and consisting of a similar signature sound.

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One step at a time. The first priority is to collaborate with Mark S. Doss, renowned bass baritone. http://www.whoswhoinblackcanada.com/2012/06/21/mark-doss/

Hopefully Conya Doss will follow soon after.

Hmm, I've always found that second question difficult to answer. We are an acoustic duo. I'm the lead vocalist while my bandmate is guitarist and backing vocalist. We have very different tastes in music. He likes some pop, rock and metal music in particular, while I'm more a fan of pop, r'n'b and hip hop. So we've managed to find a sound that we're both happy with. We definitely have quite a mainstream sound which might not appeal to some! You can feel free to listen to our debut 6-track EP here if you like - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZdX6phr8bmU&list=PLp68dLY2gRc6r0ELl0qKBJ_TiXc3Yu9Nd

The 6 tracks are quite different from each other and have been inspired by various genres - pop, rock, rap and folk - but we've tried to write them in a way which makes them seem consistent in the context of a 6-track EP, and consisting of a similar signature sound.

Could only listen to the first 4 tracks due to time constraints, but doss doss work, young man.

The rap on the 3rd track is tremendoss! Cannae whack a Scottish rap!

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