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The Star Wars thread (includes spoilers for IX)

Quentin Taranbino

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I can't have been the only one to see the similarity...



If somehow Revan was in this, I'd cream my pants. I know the chances are slim, but the look is uncanny

If Revan is the baddy I'd love it.

Even though in the games she thought that both sides of the force had a bigger thing to fight.

It's still a good design to steal, if their apprentice has a metallic jaw then bioware are probably due quite a bit of money.

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If you look at the hangers scene in the trailer and you can see it's a set and the actors are real. it's tremendous. imagine that in CGI. you've gotta pay big to make things real but its that kind of thing that could see this movie being remembered in 30 years time, rather than being a cheap CGI job that was a 1 year hit but quickly forgotten about.

That's exactly my thoughts. Its only a fraction of a second, and I'm sure there's loads of CGI in the shot, but it "looks" real thanks to it being shot on a set.

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If Revan is the baddy I'd love it.

Even though in the games she thought that both sides of the force had a bigger thing to fight.

It's still a good design to steal, if their apprentice has a metallic jaw then bioware are probably due quite a bit of money.

Read at your peril....

The baddy is called Kylo Ren and he may operate under the guidance of a zombie-like dead Sith lord, perhaps one who cheated death...

Again, read at your peril!

Rumours say he seems to be obsessed with sith artifacts, such as Vader's helmet (with skull included) which he talks to Hamlet-style and finding Vader's sabre. The crossguard lightsabre and his Revan-style mask are likely ancient sith artifacts too

A lot of that is fairly deducable from the two trailers which show an old-fashioned sabre, the skull and Anakin/Vader's sabre but it is backed up by rumour.

So who is he? If anyone's read that waste of trees the EU they seem to be taking inspiration from it despite the stories being consigned to an alternate reality.

Edited by cmontheloknow
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That opening shot of the fallen star destroyer btw.

EDIT: Also, I'm still taking it all with a pinch of salt, solely because everyone jizzed over the Phantom Menace trailer as well.

Here's the TPM trailer just to remind you:

Maybe it's hindsight but I don't think the tone of the two compare.

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The Star Wars Celebration event in California has a display of some of the costumes and ships shown in the trailer with a few information cards alongside them. These cards are labelled under which side that group fights:

The rebels are now known as The Resistance while the Imperials are now The First Order

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Here's the TPM trailer just to remind you:

Maybe it's hindsight but I don't think the tone of the two compare.

I'm probably taking my original point out of context so that I don't get carried away. I've been hurt before man.

On the tone I absolutely agree. It looks like it has been filmed with a more old school, darker feel to it, making it feel a lot more familiar to the original Star Wars films. TPM trailer probably got as much love as it did solely because people were not cynical to CGI yet, if not the novely of a new Star Wars film coming out alone.

Edited by the jambo-rocker
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I actually thought Abrams did a really, really good job with Star Trek, so there was never any real doubt in my mind he'd do a good job of this. He's not exactly afraid to take on huge franchises, with massive obsessive fans and deliver movies they want. I'd say as far as obsessive fanboys go, Trek exceeds Wars.

As for the actual trailer, I'm not massively clues up on the events of the aftermath from Vadars/Empire falling. I've enjoyed the periods between the clone wars and all that shazam. I thought about delving into it more, but then I realised what's the point and I can just wait for the film and pick it up as I go. So long as there's an epic lightsaber fight, a space battle and some quality put downs. I'll be happy enough. It does look pretty spectacular though.

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You don't have to be clued up on anything as they're basically starting from scratch in that respect.

No that's what I'm saying. I've just never really gone past the final film in terms of reading about it. I know they'll approach it as a new franchise, for fans with no idea what so ever.

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That opening shot of the fallen star destroyer btw.

EDIT: Also, I'm still taking it all with a pinch of salt, solely because everyone jizzed over the Phantom Menace trailer as well.

This !!!

That opening shot was awesome !

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No that's what I'm saying. I've just never really gone past the final film in terms of reading about it. I know they'll approach it as a new franchise, for fans with no idea what so ever.

Which is a good thing as the Expanded Universe of post ROTJ had a formula of:

Another Imperial comes along and threatens Galactic Peace in the New Republic, perhaps with a Superweapon. Luke (and his band of new Jedi from the Jedi Academy), Leia, Han (and their children) and Lando will all be involved in undoing it. Everyone lives happily ever after.

Repeat ad nauseum.

Some of the stories were good but it did get very repetitive and would have been a very regid structure for the sequels to fit into. I've heard some demand that Timothy Zahn's books be the focus and while I'm sure some aspects of the EU will survive, at least they have a blank slate at this point to perhaps take things in a more interesting, less sterile direction.

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Which is a good thing as the Expanded Universe of post ROTJ had a formula of:

Another Imperial comes along and threatens Galactic Peace in the New Republic, perhaps with a Superweapon. Luke (and his band of new Jedi from the Jedi Academy), Leia, Han (and their children) and Lando will all be involved in undoing it. Everyone lives happily ever after.

Repeat ad nauseum.

Some of the stories were good but it did get very repetitive and would have been a very regid structure for the sequels to fit into. I've heard some demand that Timothy Zahn's books be the focus and while I'm sure some aspects of the EU will survive, at least they have a blank slate at this point to perhaps take things in a more interesting, less sterile direction.

I've not read a huge amount of the expanded universe books, but the Thrawn series was fantastic. Doesn't look like they are going down that road, but they could have made a fantastic series of films. Most of the main characters would be far too old to do it now though.

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I've not read a huge amount of the expanded universe books, but the Thrawn series was fantastic. Doesn't look like they are going down that road, but they could have made a fantastic series of films. Most of the main characters would be far too old to do it now though.

Yeah it was fine the first time, maybe 2nd time too with the Jedi Academy trilogy, but a lot of the subsequent trilogies mined similar ground.

By ditching the EU and its timelines, it means no one really *knows* what will happen. While some EU ideas will survive, it's much more of a guessing game. Even for those following the spoilers, it's much more under wraps than it was for the prequels. Very few character names are known, the state of the galaxy is very much a ??? (as opposed to the peace with Imperial skirmishes Zahn and those that followed envisaged), it was not until yesterday that a new planet name was unveiled, what is known of the plot is very sketchy and without much detail. If it was the Thrawn trilogy, much, much more would be known and it would be a lot less interesting IMO.

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I've not read a huge amount of the expanded universe books, but the Thrawn series was fantastic. Doesn't look like they are going down that road, but they could have made a fantastic series of films. Most of the main characters would be far too old to do it now though.

yup the thrawn series was fantastic

as for the prequels, i got to like episode 3 a bit more aften watching the clone wars cartoons, if you watch them you can see how anakin went from being a wee walloper in episode 2 to a complete and utter emotionally charged tool in episode 3

the best part about the prequels was that they spawned the cartoon series

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Genuinely buzzing for the new Star Wars battle front game! Anyone who played the first 2 on playstation2 knows what I'm talking about.

They're bringing a new one out?

I still play mine on my PS2

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