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The Star Wars thread (includes spoilers for IX)

Quentin Taranbino

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Jango unchained

In the prequels zero rapport and chemistry in a stupid storyline. I hope they do a reboot of the prequels in 10-20 Years

Think you may have got the wrong thread mate lol tho first hour of that film was great rest was meh

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Id disagree there, the character was so wasted. And needlessly included. The Big problem with with the prequels for me is that they spent far too much time establishing needless characters like Jar Jar, Windu, Qui Gon, even R2D2 and C3PO shouldnt have been in it. If they spent more time with the already established characters they could have had more screen time to write a better story, instead of squeezing in the most important characters story(vaders) in a rushed and half arsed way.

He bloody goes from kid-teen-jedi knight to murdering children far too quickly and it feels far too rushed. Lucas spent too much time trying to give us a visual feast, instead of working on the franchises most important character. Oh and the casting for him was fucking awful too. Me and a buddy were talking about this the other night, when casting your series most important character, spend more than 5 minutes casting him for f**k sake! Oh and his downfall to the darkside? due to a dream of his wife dying, which ultimately led to him trying to kill her? f**k sake!

Agree with the casting thing....Hayden whatshisfaceston was diabolical. Also agree with the fall to the darkside thing......five minutes before he's happy Jedi then Palpatine kills 3/4 Jedi in front of him and he then kills wee children. Dark side aint that strong.

But I just liked Windu. Lucas needed to show that the Jedi order was strong at the time and having Masters like Yoda, Windu and Qui Gon added beef to that.

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Would be cool to have someting a bit more focused on showing a Jedi from the start of his training from padwan to Jedi within the academy

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Would be cool to have someting a bit more focused on showing a Jedi from the start of his training from padwan to Jedi within the academy

Depends when they pick the films up from, the cartoon series of the clone wars has asoka as skywalkers padwan and it does a pretty good job of showing her learning the jedi ways

As for mace windu, he's brown bread going by the expanded universe, not many jedi survived until luke starts the jedi order again many years after the battle of endor

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Depends when they pick the films up from, the cartoon series of the clone wars has asoka as skywalkers padwan and it does a pretty good job of showing her learning the jedi ways

As for mace windu, he's brown bread going by the expanded universe, not many jedi survived until luke starts the jedi order again many years after the battle of endor

Never really watched that series but maybe have a gander

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Agree with the casting thing....Hayden whatshisfaceston was diabolical. Also agree with the fall to the darkside thing......five minutes before he's happy Jedi then Palpatine kills 3/4 Jedi in front of him and he then kills wee children. Dark side aint that strong.

But I just liked Windu. Lucas needed to show that the Jedi order was strong at the time and having Masters like Yoda, Windu and Qui Gon added beef to that.

The Jedi come off as a group of hopeless sods in the prequels

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Never really watched that series but maybe have a gander

Start from the beginning obviously, they are really good once it gets into the episodes where the jedi work with the clone troopers (the 501st gets a mention)

Some of the episodes are a lot to do with the troopers rather than the jedi doing everything, lots of clones dying etc, for a cartoon series its pretty deep if you get me

The last series is airing just now so first 4 should be easily available online

Count dooku is brilliant in it by the way lol

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The way that palpatine killed the two that went to arrest him with windu was a disgrace, iirc one was a jedi knight while the other was a jedi master and they lasted about 5 seconds

Agreed, they built up that Palpatine is this big sith master, and yes in Return of the Jedi he comes across as this quietly powerful figure, and the intimidation factor works brilliantly, but in the Prequels he comes across as a fucking parody. "The force is sssstrroonnnnngggg in youuuuu" He sounds fucking hispanic there for some reason. And whats with the fucking face? he looks like a fucking joke. The only thing he does right is the "scream" at the beginning of the Windu fight, its inhuman and bizzare, it works for a sith lord, cause they arent gonna be normal. Oh and when hes fighting Yoda, and hes laughing away like a old granda who has had a sherry too much? Fucking joke.

The only Jedi fight that looks any good is the Anakin/Obi Wan fight at the end, the rest look really half arsed. Windu is built up as being one of the greatest duelers in Jedi History, and hes the only Jedi in History to master "Vaapad" which is "a state of mind rather than just a fighting style, allowing the wielder to channel his own inner darkness into the duel, and accept the fury of the opponent" and yet the fat kid with the staff in that Star Wars parody video comes across as a better fighter.

Edited by EdgarusQPFC
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The way that palpatine killed the two that went to arrest him with windu was a disgrace, iirc one was a jedi knight while the other was a jedi master and they lasted about 5 seconds

One of them, the Quarren I think, just stands there and takes a lightsaber through the torso. No defence, no parrying; nothing.

Agreed, they built up that Palpatine is this big sith master, and yes in Return of the Jedi he comes across as this quietly powerful figure, and the intimidation factor works brilliantly, but in the Prequels he comes across as a fucking parody. "The force is sssstrroonnnnngggg in youuuuu" He sounds fucking hispanic there for some reason. And whats with the fucking face? he looks like a fucking joke. The only thing he does right is the "scream" at the beginning of the Windu fight, its inhuman and bizzare, it works for a sith lord, cause they arent gonna be normal. Oh and when hes fighting Yoda, and hes laughing away like a old granda who has had a sherry too much? Fucking joke.

The only Jedi fight that looks any good is the Anakin/Obi Wan fight at the end, the rest look really half arsed. Windu is built up as being one of the greatest duelers in Jedi History, and hes the only Jedi in History to master "Vaapad" which is "a state of mind rather than just a fighting style, allowing the wielder to channel his own inner darkness into the duel, and accept the fury of the opponent" and yet the fat kid with the staff in that Star Wars parody video comes across as a better fighter.

His face gets all fucked up because he uses up so much dark side power to force lightning Windu that the power he was using to defy the aging process, which he discusses with Anakin earlier, is channeled to producing the force lightning. He was a bit too cartoony mind.

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The only Jedi fight that looks any good is the Anakin/Obi Wan fight at the end,

agree with the rest of the post, i'd like to add the anakin/obi-wan vs dooku fight at the end of episode 2

some good lightsabering especially from dooku, then when yoda joins the fray and they decide to "force" it out after a stalemate at dueling was really good to watch imo

and again dooku at the start of episode 3 (christoper lee was really good at him tbh) the fight with obi-wan and anakin on the ship was excellent

aside from that the rest of the fights were shite, even the qui-gon and obi-wan vs darth maul was a bit pish

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His face gets all fucked up because he uses up so much dark side power to force lightning Windu that the power he was using to defy the aging process, which he discusses with Anakin earlier, is channeled to producing the force lightning. He was a bit too cartoony mind.

not 100% accurate but close ;), it is the force lightning that causes the face deformity, but its because windu was turning the lightning back on palpatine with his lightsaber, nothing to do with the energy used by palpatine to discharge the lightning

either way it was a potentially shite ending for a sith lord, no lightsaber ending in the middle of a stunning duel with 2 or 3 jedi masters

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His face gets all fucked up because he uses up so much dark side power to force lightning Windu that the power he was using to defy the aging process, which he discusses with Anakin earlier, is channeled to producing the force lightning. He was a bit too cartoony mind.

I understand what happened to him, but it looks ridiculous. That's what bugged me. Whoever they had doing his fight scenes did a perfectly fine job, but

Ian Mcdairmids acting there is just horrible, his face and his reactions to whats going on around him are just awful, they look so out of place in the context, and he doesnt look like the Dark Lord of the Sith one of the "Most powerful duelists of all time" and instead looks like a old man who has no clue how to swing a sword. Thats the biggest issue with Lucas's stiffy for greenscreen, it totally ruined his cast and they couldnt give more than very wooden preformances. Cause he did have a (mostly) gifted cast there who could do the job well, i mean compare Mcdairmids ROTJ Emperor to the ROTS one, its awful. If Lucas invested all that money in some sets instead of CGI, id have been able to take the films more seriously

In the whole prequel trilogy my favorite fight is the Qui gon, Obi Wan vs Darth Maul one, followed closely by Obi Wan vs Anakin. Maul was such a potentially good character, the look and the combat are perfect, but lucas decided not to give him any lines or character, then killed him off quickly.

Edited by EdgarusQPFC
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I watched Star Trek: Into Darkness on Friday night there and couldn't help but hope that Abrams doesn't make basically Star Trek but with different characters. I'm talking visual and style wise. Which I think he might find hard to do as the two franchises are obviously similar. Not that I have a problem with the style he uses in Star Trek, it's actually brilliant, but he'll need to make it different enough so people don't make the claim of 'Star Trek with different characters'.

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Since many of us ended up having a long discussion about the fall of Anakin Skywalker and him becoming Darth Vader in that other thread, I thought it was time to have a Star Wars thread for all Star Wars related things.

Just how gay is C3P0? He's probably the gayest robot ever. Although he is responsible for one of my favourite lines in any Star Wars film ("No, I don't like you either" to R2D2 in ANH).

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