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19 year old woman from Lenzie held in Peru over drugs

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What's pissing me off is that the media seem to be siding with this duo despite not a shred of evidence to back up their claims of supposed 'innocence'.

I thought yesterday's record had a noticeable shift actually. The article was all 'business', with no sentiment or anything, they'll be slipping further down the news cycle now.

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Her family has a set up a bank account for donations.

Don't all rush to donate at once.

Any link to that? All I can find is the father saying he will be trying a new business venture to raise funds. I hear drug dealing can be fruitful, Mr Reid.

Link - http://news.sky.com/story/1129317/peru-drugs-melissa-reid-reunited-with-father

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Never got a chance to quote and post it before her instagram got made private, but on her most recent photo one of her pals said some of the daftest shit ive ever heard, it was along the lines of "No one deserves to be in a foreign prison" If id had an instagram account id have replied "Not unless you break the law in a foreign country hen"

Agree with the lot here that they deserve everything they get and have no doubt they are guilty.

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Any link to that? All I can find is the father saying he will be trying a new business venture to raise funds. I hear drug dealing can be fruitful, Mr Reid.

Link - http://news.sky.com/story/1129317/peru-drugs-melissa-reid-reunited-with-father

Whit???? You have to be kidding?

Edit; please tell me you're kidding.

Edit; seriously, you are joking?

Sadly, I'm not joking.


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What's pissing me off is that the media seem to be siding with this duo despite not a shred of evidence to back up their claims of supposed 'innocence'.

If it was a pair of young guys it would just go away. Folk would just think, "Pair of daft p***ks." and forget all about.

The fact that they're female has a lot to do with the media bias.

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Watched that BBC documentary about Ibiza drug trade.

They were doing a bit of sketchy undercover stuff to trace the supply and see who was running things. You'll never guess who it was, the scousers :lol:

That is one stereotype that is absolutely true. Wherever you go, the dealers are scouse without fail (apart from the African lads dishing out coke with sunglasses).

Edit: Dealers scouse, ticket touts Mancs, every time la.

Edited by SodjesSixteenIncher
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Makes you absolutely despair for this generation that people willingly plaster indications of them being a drug dealer/consumer of horse tranquilliser openly on a site accesible by searching your name. Nevermind actually getting caught.

Bunch of fuds.

Imagine them having a sit down with some old lawyer boy to discuss social media passwords and the meanings behind 'trippin' balls', 'neigggh' and 'wongamaker'. :lol:

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That Facebook page is something else.

Alan Kilpatrick I posted this on another page yesterday and will cut/paste on here:- Having studied Criminology and in particular 'trafficking' (albeit mainly human trafficking), i feel compelled to write on this page that from in-depth research i have carried out recently by perusing anything from Government Policy Documents to Journals by Journalists and Academics , I would have to conclude that, on the face of it, both girls are innocent. That is, of course, my personal opinion. There are many others who share the opposite opinion, some of whom have written on this page and in many cases, having done so, have decided to be Judge, Jury and Executioner even to the extent that they appear to take pleasure in the misery that both young girls are now faced with. However, as a serving Police Officer and someone who absolutely believes in the 'rule of law', i would defend your right to express these opinions, as we are all entitled to freedom of speech. My reasons for believing, in my heart, that these girls are innocent of the PARTICULAR crime they are accused of are as follows:-

Both girls lack the maturity and financial means to have actively sought such a transaction on their own accord and that is the case for the majority of ALL 19/20 year old's, male or female. I think we can all agree on that. For both girls of that age to come up with almost identical accounts of what happened to them and stick to that story (in a foreign country where conditions in custody are appalling), that is almost unprecedented, as even hardened criminals would have trouble with that. Admittedly, there are 'holes' in their stories, but don't always believe the tabloids! Remember their job is to sell papers. Media discourse is a powerful tool. Having read many of the accounts, it would appear that at least one of them (Melissa) allegedly had some form of drug problem, if 'witness' accounts are to be believed (and some of them are credible). So, does that make her an inherently bad person who chose to be a drug trafficker?....not necessarily, but it may have made her an easy target FOR a drugs trafficker! The ones at the top almost never get caught. That is statistically a fact. This is how traffickers work:-

Traffickers are generally intelligent, ingenious individuals (or groups) who are always changing the dynamic of their game in order to carry out their business, be that in drugs, arms, money or human beings. The biggest 'weapon' they have is 'coercion' in order to get people to comply with their demands. The accusation (against the alleged armed gang) in this case being that the girls and their families' lives had been threatened. Put yourselves in their position for a minute. They're 19 and 20 respectively. An armed gang who says they are Columbian tell you you'd better do what they say, when they say it, otherwise their going to start executing your mum, dad, niece, nephew, or whatever!...What would you do?....I'm not presenting it as fact, rather, hypothetically. But the point I'm trying to make is we have a legal system that allows for 'reasonable doubt' and there is reasonable doubt here, unless the prosecution have evidence to the contrary. But, the legal system in Peru is quite different obviously.

The United Nations states that once coercion has been used in order to gain a person's compliance to move within a border; or over borders, then the persons themselves become victims of human trafficking, so, there is also the possibility that they are trafficking victims themselves. The first clue there is that the alleged trafficker, know to one as 'Jake' and the other as 'Joey' (another trafficking technique, different alias's), handed them over to an armed gang. Most human traffickers work alone for a 'bounty' and sell their subjects on to gangs and individuals for a variety of uses. One of these uses is acknowledged in criminological circles as 'drug mules'. Then, reports suggest that the gang may have taken them to Morocco for a short period. Traffickers often take their victims to 'transit' countries to disorientate them and make them even more reliant on their captors. Just how well would 2 young girls cope with that? Another possibility is that it could have been a 'first run' to get them to smuggle cannabis back to Spain, so they weren't novices for a 'big run', but that is of course entirely speculation on my part.

Interestingly, the 'Barcelona' trip has been mentioned in relation to Melissa quite a few times. Again, speculating on my part, could it be that a young girl who went on holiday for a good time ended up getting sucked into the seedy underworld of Ibiza, unwittingly run up a drug debt to some people, who turned out to be not as friendly and generous as they first appeared? Faced with a solution of doing an 'internal' drug run from Barcelona to Ibiza may have been what was put on the table for her. Relatively easy, internal flight, etc, etc. Subsequently, she finds that 'lover boy' (and that is what these guys are loosely know as in criminology) has delivered you to an armed gang who have bigger plans. once again, as soon as coercion is used, you become a trafficking victim yourself! There are of course many possibilities, but this is one theory I've put together. I acknowledge that they could of course be 100 % guilty, but it just doesn't seem credible to me! Fair mention from the guy from N.I (on here) who mentioned the paramilitaries using similar tactics!...That was a very very good parallel to draw. Coercion is a gangster's/terrorist's biggest weapon and they will use it without a single thought for the victim.

At the end of the day only Melissa and Michaella know what went down for sure. Curiously, very few press reports about Michaella (??) But one thing's for sure. There are a hell of a lot of worse people; hardened, violent criminals walking the street (and in some cases protected) for me to believe that the really deserve a heavy sentence in a Peruvian hell-hole. I just hope for the sake of them and their family that some of my thoughts are correct and provable, so that their nightmare can end and these girls can repair their; and their families lives.

My final though:- watch this link (Banged up abroad in Peru)
See any parallels?

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I think the two of them may be f****d!

Not according to Alan Kilpatrick. He's 'studied' Criminology:

But one thing's for sure. There are a hell of a lot of worse people; hardened, violent criminals walking the street (and in some cases protected) for me to believe that the really deserve a heavy sentence in a Peruvian hell-hole

I think he should be sent to Peru as an expert witness with marvellous insights like that.

ETA: Has anyone worked out where the 'Peru' photos were actually taken yet? I don't know what Peru in August is like but I'm guessing it isn't bikini weather?

Edited by Joey Jo Jo Junior Shabadoo
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That Facebook page is something else.

Alan Kilpatrick I posted this on another page yesterday and will cut/paste on here:- Having studied Criminology and in particular 'trafficking' (albeit mainly human trafficking), i feel compelled to write on this page that from in-depth research i have carried out recently by perusing anything from Government Policy Documents to Journals by Journalists and Academics , I would have to conclude that, on the face of it, both girls are innocent. That is, of course, my personal opinion. There are many others who share the opposite opinion, some of whom have written on this page and in many cases, having done so, have decided to be Judge, Jury and Executioner even to the extent that they appear to take pleasure in the misery that both young girls are now faced with. However, as a serving Police Officer and someone who absolutely believes in the 'rule of law', i would defend your right to express these opinions, as we are all entitled to freedom of speech. My reasons for believing, in my heart, that these girls are innocent of the PARTICULAR crime they are accused of are as follows:-

Both girls lack the maturity and financial means to have actively sought such a transaction on their own accord and that is the case for the majority of ALL 19/20 year old's, male or female. I think we can all agree on that. For both girls of that age to come up with almost identical accounts of what happened to them and stick to that story (in a foreign country where conditions in custody are appalling), that is almost unprecedented, as even hardened criminals would have trouble with that. Admittedly, there are 'holes' in their stories, but don't always believe the tabloids! Remember their job is to sell papers. Media discourse is a powerful tool. Having read many of the accounts, it would appear that at least one of them (Melissa) allegedly had some form of drug problem, if 'witness' accounts are to be believed (and some of them are credible). So, does that make her an inherently bad person who chose to be a drug trafficker?....not necessarily, but it may have made her an easy target FOR a drugs trafficker! The ones at the top almost never get caught. That is statistically a fact. This is how traffickers work:-

Traffickers are generally intelligent, ingenious individuals (or groups) who are always changing the dynamic of their game in order to carry out their business, be that in drugs, arms, money or human beings. The biggest 'weapon' they have is 'coercion' in order to get people to comply with their demands. The accusation (against the alleged armed gang) in this case being that the girls and their families' lives had been threatened. Put yourselves in their position for a minute. They're 19 and 20 respectively. An armed gang who says they are Columbian tell you you'd better do what they say, when they say it, otherwise their going to start executing your mum, dad, niece, nephew, or whatever!...What would you do?....I'm not presenting it as fact, rather, hypothetically. But the point I'm trying to make is we have a legal system that allows for 'reasonable doubt' and there is reasonable doubt here, unless the prosecution have evidence to the contrary. But, the legal system in Peru is quite different obviously.

The United Nations states that once coercion has been used in order to gain a person's compliance to move within a border; or over borders, then the persons themselves become victims of human trafficking, so, there is also the possibility that they are trafficking victims themselves. The first clue there is that the alleged trafficker, know to one as 'Jake' and the other as 'Joey' (another trafficking technique, different alias's), handed them over to an armed gang. Most human traffickers work alone for a 'bounty' and sell their subjects on to gangs and individuals for a variety of uses. One of these uses is acknowledged in criminological circles as 'drug mules'. Then, reports suggest that the gang may have taken them to Morocco for a short period. Traffickers often take their victims to 'transit' countries to disorientate them and make them even more reliant on their captors. Just how well would 2 young girls cope with that? Another possibility is that it could have been a 'first run' to get them to smuggle cannabis back to Spain, so they weren't novices for a 'big run', but that is of course entirely speculation on my part.

Interestingly, the 'Barcelona' trip has been mentioned in relation to Melissa quite a few times. Again, speculating on my part, could it be that a young girl who went on holiday for a good time ended up getting sucked into the seedy underworld of Ibiza, unwittingly run up a drug debt to some people, who turned out to be not as friendly and generous as they first appeared? Faced with a solution of doing an 'internal' drug run from Barcelona to Ibiza may have been what was put on the table for her. Relatively easy, internal flight, etc, etc. Subsequently, she finds that 'lover boy' (and that is what these guys are loosely know as in criminology) has delivered you to an armed gang who have bigger plans. once again, as soon as coercion is used, you become a trafficking victim yourself! There are of course many possibilities, but this is one theory I've put together. I acknowledge that they could of course be 100 % guilty, but it just doesn't seem credible to me! Fair mention from the guy from N.I (on here) who mentioned the paramilitaries using similar tactics!...That was a very very good parallel to draw. Coercion is a gangster's/terrorist's biggest weapon and they will use it without a single thought for the victim.

At the end of the day only Melissa and Michaella know what went down for sure. Curiously, very few press reports about Michaella (??) But one thing's for sure. There are a hell of a lot of worse people; hardened, violent criminals walking the street (and in some cases protected) for me to believe that the really deserve a heavy sentence in a Peruvian hell-hole. I just hope for the sake of them and their family that some of my thoughts are correct and provable, so that their nightmare can end and these girls can repair their; and their families lives.

My final though:- watch this link (Banged up abroad in Peru)

See any parallels?


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