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Yeah, the National Socialist German Workers Party were the epitome of a libertarian right wing movement.

Nope they were the epitome of an authoritarian right wing movement. Stop being disingenuous, because us much as the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea is non-democratic, the National Socialist party were in no way socialist.

Edited by Broccoli Dog
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See also UKIP who describe themselves on their website as a libertarian, non-racist, political party.

UKIP policies are distinctly authoritarian and their members and representatives are distinctly racist.

bnp members who can afford M&S blazers in the sales.

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Yeah, the National Socialist German Workers Party were the epitome of a libertarian right wing movement.

The leftards seem to be rigging political spectrum shite now.

Interesting that although they distanced themselves from national socialism and fascism they still warmly embrace the rotten murderous corpse of communism. I think the word best describing these people is "arseholes".

Who are these people 'warmly embracing' communism? Of course there are conmunists out there but I'm sure it's a smaller pool of people than everyone you have pinned down as a commy/Marxist/socialist etc etc.

Wanting something slightly different than the proven failure of an unregulated market economy does not a Communist make. Oh and you've tried the Nazis = left win schtick a million times and it hasn't worked out for you once, so give it up.

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Who are these people 'warmly embracing' communism? Of course there are conmunists out there but I'm sure it's a smaller pool of people than everyone you have pinned down as a commy/Marxist/socialist etc etc. Wanting something slightly different than the proven failure of an unregulated market economy does not a Communist make. Oh and you've tried the Nazis = left win schtick a million times and it hasn't worked out for you once, so give it up.

f**k off. Just because you choose not to accept national socialism and fascism as branches of your vile horrible left wing authoritarian spunkdrizzled religion doesn't mean I need to stop ramming it home that it's entirely a construct of left wing thinking.

Hitler described himself and his party as socialists, and ran a left wing murderous authoritarian regime. Mussolini was a former commie that decided his version was better and called it fascism. Again, a stinky little nationalistic c**t just like Hitler and a whole host of other nasty little left wing shits.

Edited by Reynard
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Here's a quote from a random on the internet, too lazy to write it myself:

My word, a lot of people here are shockingly uninformed. Hitler, for a start neither founded nor named the German Nationalist Socialist Workers Party, he joined it, dominated it and changed much of its platform substantially, but kept the name. And you have to understand that he saw the world entirely in terms of racial competition. He didn't like anything he considered to be Jewish, and if he didn't like something he assumed it must be Jewish somehow. Paradoxically he despised both Communism and Capitalism, he associated both of these with Jewishness, often referring to Jewish-Bolshevism and Jewish-Capitalism. He had no problem with Capitalism, per se, as long as the people who owned the businesses were German. This is more or less what he meant when he used the term "National Socialism", that society should be layered with "German" people at the top, and others at the bottom. Apartheid, basically.

As for state-run health care, welfare and police, these were all in place, more or less in Germany prior to World War I, Bismarck had a lot to do with that. They were very successful and very popular and were reinstated by the Weimar Republic and more or less unmolested by Hitler (who had no real interested in health care or any of the actual tedious ins and outs of actually running a country- all he did was gradually make it impossible for Jewish doctors to find work).

As for market regulations- that's tricky. Hitler wasn't very fond of profiteering or of Capitalists. His theory was that all German people should prioritise the cultural and military superiority of Germany. Any distraction from this, be it earning money or learning a foreign language, was a distraction from his twisted sense of duty. Despite his rhetoric on Capitalism, however, he did very little to regulate the market place, other than to encourage massive armament production from about 1938, but that was because of the war. Also, several of his inner circle were far from above using their influence to line their pockets (Hitler himself was extremely wealthy due to sales of Mein Kampf, but actually refused the income to which he was legally entitled as Chancellor).

As for the view that state-run health care, welfare, police and, to an extent, market regulations. Outside America these are not seen so much as indicators of socialism, but markers of civilsation.


Edited by welshbairn
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f**k off. Just because you choose not to accept national socialism and fascism as branches of your vile horrible left wing authoritarian spunkdrizzled religion doesn't mean I need to stop ramming it home that it's entirely a construct of left wing thinking.

Hitler described himself and his party as socialists, and ran a left wing murderous authoritarian regime. Mussolini was a former commie that decided his version was better and called it fascism. Again, a stinky little nationalistic c**t just like Hitler and a whole host of other nasty little left wing shits.

:lol: I said give it up, you simpleton.

Nobody's calling your laughable libertarian shite the same as Nazism, so need to get all defensive about the right wing.

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:lol:I said give it up, you simpleton.

Nobody's calling your laughable libertarian shite the same as Nazism, so need to get all defensive about the right wing.

And I said f**k off.

I reckon I've managed to back up my reasons for declaring himself another cretinous branch of left wing national socialist authoritarian shite a lot better than any ad hominem attack from a lightweight such as yourself has ever managed.

But then, like most knee jerk leftards, the way to attempt to silence any dissent is to attack the man, always. And if that doesn't work you types tend to resort to mass murder to silence or get rid of the types who don't toe the line in a manner that pleases. Again, history proves me right. How many millions died in the twentieth century thanks to retarded left wing ideologies?

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And I said f**k off.

cretinous branch...left wing national socialist authoritarian shite...a lightweight such as yourself

like most knee jerk leftards... you types tend to resort to mass murder to silence or get rid of the types who don't toe the line in a manner that pleases...

Ad hominem you say?

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the way to attempt to silence any dissent is to attack the man, always.


from a lightweight such as yourself

But then, like most knee jerk leftards

:lol: Don't contradict yourself whatever you do.

Sorry not sure on the exact murder by political ideology breakdown.

The most obvious examples of Stalinism from the left and Nazism from the right are responsible for tens of millions between them anyway.

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And I said f**k off.

I reckon I've managed to back up my reasons for declaring himself another cretinous branch of left wing national socialist authoritarian shite a lot better than any ad hominem attack from a lightweight such as yourself has ever managed.

But then, like most knee jerk leftards, the way to attempt to silence any dissent is to attack the man, always. And if that doesn't work you types tend to resort to mass murder to silence or get rid of the types who don't toe the line in a manner that pleases. Again, history proves me right. How many millions died in the twentieth century thanks to retarded left wing ideologies?


Accuses others of ad hominems; Immediately calls person he is addressing "a lightweight", then starts havering about "knee-jerk leftards" who only ever "attack the man"; accuses a vast section of the populace of "tending to resort to mass murder"; finishes with big flourish about "retarded left wing ideologies".

Classic stuff: "I find your ad hominem attacks distasteful, you retarded genocidal Nazi".

Edited by flyingrodent
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f**k off. Just because you choose not to accept national socialism and fascism as branches of your vile horrible left wing authoritarian spunkdrizzled religion doesn't mean I need to stop ramming it home that it's entirely a construct of left wing thinking.

Hitler described himself and his party as socialists, and ran a left wing murderous authoritarian regime. Mussolini was a former commie that decided his version was better and called it fascism. Again, a stinky little nationalistic c**t just like Hitler and a whole host of other nasty little left wing shits.

Reynard, just a point of clarification on the emboldened section of your post above. Are you really calling Hitler a nasty (little) left wing shit?

thank you in advance


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