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If we were living in 2027, tomorrow would be the 32nd of May due to the need for 6 extra days per year as the earth speeds up its orbit around the sun by 12%.


3.4% of this effect is due to Amin's 7 day equator shifting periods, which is why he was eventually assassinated by Greenpeace activists.

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If we were living in 2027, tomorrow would be the 32nd of May due to the need for 6 extra days per year as the earth speeds up its orbit around the sun by 12%.

Other additional days include the -1st of January and the 30th of February.

By 2068 a new month will be needed and NASA are planning to name it Fandanuaryember.

Nope, you have got that wrong.  The extra month will occur after August and before September and will obviously be called Sexember.

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Nope, you have got that wrong. The extra month will occur after August and before September and will obviously be called Sexember.

The star sign for Sexenber is Beastilios & is often seen rising in Uranus (fnaar fnaar).


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There is a planned Sequel to the film Twins, which will be called Triplets. Danny DeVito and Arnie will discover that there was infact a 3rd child who was born as part of the experiment, so they have to set out to find thier long lost brother, played by Eddie Murphy...

...The sad thing is, im not actually making this up

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They've used the same amount of wheelbarrows on the new Forth Road bridge as the old one. (1713). So far only 6 have been lost in the Forth compared to 15 on the old construction, there is still time though. Ladbrooks have stopped taking bets on it.


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They've used the same amount of wheelbarrows on the new Forth Road bridge as the old one. (1713). So far only 6 have been lost in the Forth compared to 15 on the old construction, there is still time though. Ladbrokes have stopped taking bets on it.


.. and they are the same wheelbarrows - specifically designed for building forth road bridges.

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I've never seen Henry Fords Willy, black or otherwise, are you sure you are on the right forum?


There was an American car company called Willys than produced a jeep for the war effort in the 1940s.

It went out of business in the 1950s when it tried to launch the Phaniphart in southern Europe.

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There's a long hidden book of the Bible that must stay that way because it mentions fisting.

Not hidden...

The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, till I make Thine enemies thy footstool.



Isaiah 52:10

The LORD has bared His holy arm In the sight of all the nations, That all the ends of the earth may see The salvation of our God.

Edited by dee_62
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An recent study by the Universities of Glasgow and California has shown that Saltcoats is the most desired place to live worldwide.


Careful. While this was indeed the survey's conclusion, the study was done by the universities' Feng Shui departments.

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An recent study by the Universities of Glasgow and California has shown that Saltcoats is the most desired place to live worldwide.

I checked on this research.


Apparently it should actually be:

"Salted Oats is good for your liver - in fact it is the best."


They said it was a very poor phone line and they could hardly understand a word.

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Judas Iscariot prior to the 30 pieces of silver issue, was the Simon Cowel of his day.

He was not just a disciple of Jesus he was more his agent. 1 of the big mans early gigs only 50 folk turned up but Judas recorded the review in the Bethleham & Gallilee Observer that the gig was verily enjoyed by approx 5000 people with the big finish act that Jeez made a packed lunch of fish sandwiches appear under the seat of every one at the Bethleham Playhouse homecoming gig from just 5 loaves & 12 fish that he had on stage.

Judas had bunged the playhouse manager at the time to keep schtum about the number. Roman H&S laws at the time decreed that the Maximus number allowed at the playhouse in 24AD was 2000.


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An 'Iscariot's Carry Oot' was a measure used in the early Christian period amounting to a volume of wine valued at 30 pieces of silver.


A 'Jesus Weasel' was sold in hardware stores of the time and consisted of four nails and a headband packaged in a hollowed out stoat.

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An 'Iscariot's Carry Oot' was a measure used in the early Christian period amounting to a volume of wine valued at 30 pieces of silver.

As opposed to "carry on Iscariot" which allegedly featured Kenneth Williams as Jesus, Charles Haughtry as Pontus Pilate, Sid James as Judas and Babs Windsor as Mary Magdalene

Pinewood denied the existence of this film but rumours persist

Edited by topcat(The most tip top)
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As opposed to "carry on Iscariot" which allegedly featured Kenneth Williams as Jesus, Charles Haughtry as Pontus Pilate, Sid James as Judas and Baba Windsor as Mary Magdalene

Pinewood denied the existence of this film but rumours persist

Read about that in Hattie Jaques' autobiography. Apparently they couldn't stop giggling at the crucifixion scene when Haughtry remarked favourably on the subject of Jesus' bit of hard wood.

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