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Governments engineer reasons to impose sanctions on other countries by murdering their own people in highly intricate yet extremely water-tight plots.

These sensitive operations are are top secret and discovery would be disastrous .... but the BBC are given prior warning of them.

And even then we would never learn about them without intrepid tubby guys with camcorders who can't really speak or write properly but are still able to bring them down. . #RealHeroes Edited by Savage Henry
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Interesting but ultimately nothing more than speculation and supposition - the deaths of Mike Smith, Jill Dando, Peaches Geldof, Mark Speight and (no, please God NO!) Rik Mayall were murders carried out by the establishment in an attempt to cover up the BBC paedophile ring.

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I've read some stuff about the establishment being deeply entrenched in this. It seems there is something to a lot of it, the royal family (otherwise known as the biggest scroungers in the world) had a secrecy law rushed through as soon as it all broke.

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It's the kind of thing that would not surprise me were it to prove to be true, certainly. It's just difficult to take the word of some unidentified person who can't offer anything of any substance to back it up. These kinds of articles always give you the impression they were written by someone cowering in their mum's windowless cellar.

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It's possible, but it would surprise the hell out of me. That article is 2+4+9+1+5=haddock.

I certainly believe that it's something large establishments could be involved in. Whether or not they are or if this article is anywhere near the truth or not is another matter entirely.

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Interesting but ultimately nothing more than speculation and supposition - the deaths of Mike Smith, Jill Dando, Peaches Geldof, Mark Speight and (no, please God NO!) Rik Mayall were murders carried out by the establishment in an attempt to cover up the BBC paedophile ring.

I read that early last year (before Rik died)

Worth noting he made a quip about Cliff "liking the boys" in an interview he did about the Young ones that went out last year.....

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well alot of conspricies are certainy interesting but are clearly fantasy. i 'm not a believer of the david icke space lizzard shit or anything like that.

On the other hand tho theres nae chance what the government and media tell us is 100% gospel, certaily not all of the time anyway.

we are now starting to hear about westminster peadophile rings and its becomig clear that plenty people at the bbc knew about saville for long enough but did fcuk all. there was the whole iraq war thing aswell.

Finaly there is the eu,.love it or hate it you cant deny its undemocratic. and expansionist. the federal constitution was voted down twice before being scrapped and redrawn as basicaly the same thing in the lisbon treaty 2 years later. when ireland voted no they were told- sorry wong answer , try again now its hard to draw any other conclusion that a decision was taken some time ago that tis federal european state simply must come about by hook or by crook regardless of what its citizens may think

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Interesting but ultimately nothing more than speculation and supposition - the deaths of Mike Smith, Jill Dando, Peaches Geldof, Mark Speight and (no, please God NO!) Rik Mayall were murders carried out by the establishment in an attempt to cover up the BBC paedophile ring.

My favourite bit is where they implicate the Israeli government too...because none of these stories are complete without a healthy dose of antisemitism.

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