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8 minutes ago, Fraser Fyvie said:

Definitely worth getting mugged on the swap fee then.

I think the swap feature is available on Binance Smart Chain which should help that....

Edit: Sorry i read that as gas fee. which BSC should help. Metamask still takes a cut of the swap fee.

Edited by iron mike python
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13 minutes ago, iron mike python said:

I think the swap feature is available on Binance Smart Chain which should help that....

Edit: Sorry i read that as gas fee. which BSC should help. Metamask still takes a cut of the swap fee.

Yeah I meant gas, good shout. 

Might need to set up a few burners too..

ETA: supposedly only works on ETH mainnet

Edited by Fraser Fyvie
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Anyone know if you can add a name to a joint account in crypto.com? Want to add my wife to my account to share any future gains but not sure if possible
Watching this one, and also if I may be so bold, would tag on anyones knowledge of Coinbase and HL
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Anyone know if you can add a name to a joint account in crypto.com? Want to add my wife to my account to share any future gains but not sure if possible
Not 100% sure, but don't think you can do a joint account (presumably to share CGT tax relief).

You can open a separate account though, in her name, and transfer crypto into it.

Me and a mate have done that recently and checked out the HMRC page. Transferring incurs no profit for for you and for her the purchase price you bought at its the starting point for capital gains.

As you have two accounts, you get £12300 allowance on both (which is what I'm assuming you are trying to achieve).

If they later sell the asset
Your spouse or civil partner may have to pay tax on any gain if they later dispose of the asset.

Their gain will be calculated on the difference in value between when you first owned the asset and when they disposed of it.
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Not 100% sure, but don't think you can do a joint account (presumably to share CGT tax relief).

You can open a separate account though, in her name, and transfer crypto into it.

Me and a mate have done that recently and checked out the HMRC page. Transferring incurs no profit for for you and for her the purchase price you bought at its the starting point for capital gains.

As you have two accounts, you get £12300 allowance on both (which is what I'm assuming you are trying to achieve).

If they later sell the asset
Your spouse or civil partner may have to pay tax on any gain if they later dispose of the asset.

Their gain will be calculated on the difference in value between when you first owned the asset and when they disposed of it.

Yeah doing it for tax purposes (I am an accountant so know the tax nonsense) but wasnt sure on crypto.com. I can’t do it but just need to open an account in her name and will transfer a wedge over.

My mrs doesn’t work as well so will only pay 10% on any gains whilst also making use of her allowance

You mentioned you did it with mate. Does it not have to be a spouse? Or you mean you did it with your wives haha?!

I dare say some people won’t declare their crypto gains but easy to reduce it significantly with a bit of planning
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Yeah doing it for tax purposes (I am an accountant so know the tax nonsense) but wasnt sure on crypto.com. I can’t do it but just need to open an account in her name and will transfer a wedge over.

My mrs doesn’t work as well so will only pay 10% on any gains whilst also making use of her allowance

You mentioned you did it with mate. Does it not have to be a spouse? Or you mean you did it with your wives haha?!

I dare say some people won’t declare their crypto gains but easy to reduce it significantly with a bit of planning
Haha, yeah, sorry that wasn't clear. [emoji1787]

Me and him both transferred some from our own accounts to our wives accounts, having investigated the tax implications on HMRC website.

That's how that should have read. [emoji1787]

My wife already had one with a small amount in so was no hassle to do.

And yeah, there will be loads who declare nothing, but I'd rather be above board given my job, going to assume you are the same, so I'll try best I can to pay what I'm due.

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Haha, yeah, sorry that wasn't clear. [emoji1787]

Me and him both transferred some from our own accounts to our wives accounts, having investigated the tax implications on HMRC website.

That's how that should have read. [emoji1787]

My wife already had one with a small amount in so was no hassle to do.

And yeah, there will be loads who declare nothing, but I'd rather be above board given my job, going to assume you are the same, so I'll try best I can to pay what I'm due.

Absolutely. Not sure it would look too good if I got caught tax evading in my line of work. The fact my mrs would only pay 10% is making me want to put more in her name but then not as easy for me to check and control!
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I'm rather seething and verge-of-tears after not being arsed to make the final click on a couple of .eth addresses a while back. That airdrop would have put me pretty close to handing in my notice territory.

If anyone needs me I'll be curled up in the fetal position for the next few days.

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2 minutes ago, Detournement said:

The crash is going to be soon.


What assets will crash?

When will it crash?

Will it crash to a dollar price level than it was at 2 years ago?

(Most crypto frens in this thread also predict a crash over the next half year so it isn't a unique view you hold but answering the questions above will clarify your position a bit more)

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Frens 😂

There is a difference between predicting a crash because the entire thing is fundamentally a massive fraud and predicting a crash because you think guys in a Telegram group have figured out how to predict the future by drawing lines on a chart. 

If the fraudulent stable coins that account for 70% of crypto trading crash then the whole thing crashes. The acceleration of Tether printing and the all the new ground floor investments that are obvious scams are big indicators the end is in sight due to upcoming regulation of stable coins. The people running the scams will be looking to grab as much Christmas money off idiots as they can then bail.


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1 minute ago, Detournement said:

Frens 😂

There is a difference between predicting a crash because the entire thing is fundamentally a massive fraud and predicting a crash because you think guys in a Telegram group have figured out how to predict the future by drawing lines on a chart. 

If the fraudulent stable coins that account for 70% of crypto trading crash then the whole thing crashes. The acceleration of Tether printing and the all the new ground floor investments that are obvious scams are big indicators the end is in sight due to upcoming regulation of stable coins. The people running the scams will be looking to grab as much Christmas money off idiots as they can then bail.


They were 3 simple questions. 

You didn't answer one of them. 

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I mean it will crash, whether it's next week or month, definitely next year at some point. But it always comes back bigger the next time and so forth.

So acting like you knew it would crash all along, screams no shit Sherlock.

Edited by the jambo-rocker
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They were 3 simple questions. 
You didn't answer one of them. 
He won't, because he can't.

I tried to be rational with him, but he has his agenda and he's sticking to it harder than a Rangers fan to "the company went bust not the club".

Best ignored TBH.

I'm sure he'll be back when it does crash, which we all know it will and have said repeatedly was imminent (my projected dates start December 13th) to claim the big "told you so", despite no one actually disagreeing that the 4 year cycle is coming to an end.
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