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Ms Hurst said the witness's decision to film the accused was questionable and borne out of suspicion from previous offending.

"It's not a case of him being out in the public having sex with an animal, he's doing it on a secluded property," she said.


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A naked man spotted having sex with a horse in broad daylight hid down behind the mare to avoid being identified, a court has heard.


Poor fucking horses.

I've been to court once for jury duty. It was also for a man having sex with a horse (amongst some even more brutal stuff)

Imagine standing there, infront of everybody and having that read out....

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Real Beastwatch activity

Psy­chol­o­gist banned for hav­ing sex with dog

The Australian, Australia 27 Feb 2015 2

A NSW psy­chol­o­gist has been per­ma­nently banned from coun­selling af­ter he, and one of his clients, en­gaged in bes­tial­ity with a dog. Gareth Michael Dawes sent nu­mer­ous emails to a client in 2011 and 2012 en­cour­ag­ing them to en­gage in sex­ual acts with a dog be­fore car­ry­ing out the fan­tasy with the same client at an­other man’s home. He has been banned from pro­vid­ing coun­selling and men­tal health ser­vices in NSW, with the Civil and Ad­min­is­tra­tive Tri­bunal declar­ing they would have can­celled his reg­is­tra­tion had he been still prac­tis­ing as a psy­chol­o­gist. Dawes did not deny hav­ing sex­ual con­tact with his client at his of­fices in Pen­rith and Par­ra­matta, and out­doors. The

tri­bunal also heard of an email ex­change about pho­tos Dawes had taken of the client en­gag­ing in in­ter­course with a dog.

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A man has escaped with money after an armed robbery at a Fraserburgh pet shop.

The culprit made off with a "high two-figure sum" after the incident at Pets Palace in Hanover Street on Sunday.

Police Scotland said the owner was left "uninjured but distressed".

The suspect was described as wearing blue jeans and a black jacket with distinctive white logos on the chest and shoulders.


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