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WWE Network

Quentin Taranbino

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Watched the ending of WM 20 yesterday :(

Surreal knowing that within 4 years they were gone.

Started with the Monday night wars series last night. Ted Turner seemed like a c**t.

Edited by mizfit
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It used to be a term with some merit, but as HHH says, everyone's smart these days. At least among more adult fans. So it's not a term which has a meaning anymore. Even the casual fans could be labelled with it.

Agreed. About 95% of adult fans are now smart to the business, so the term, 'smark' holds no merit. HHH is completely right in what he says, it doesn't matter if a fan knows what is happening or not, they'll still tune in to see how the story gets there in the end.

Signed up to the network on Wednesday, watched the HHH documentary, Paul Heyman and started the Monday night wars. I'll more than likely keep it on for a few months as a tenner is well worth it, even if I only watch it a couple of days a month including the latest PPVs.

Also signed up for ICW on demand, the way I see it, it's well worth £4 a month to see shows that I wont make it to, especially as there is only a Glasgow show every other month for the time being.

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I got the network at the beginning of the month and it's been pretty excellent so far. It's a little tricky to navigate around and it's a little crappy when you want to skip through to certain points on a clip, but you can't argue with the level of content on there. I'll certainly be keeping it beyond Wrestlemania.

I started off watching some of the old PPVs from 1998 I had on VHS (I didn't realise how raunchy the whole thing was at the time - I remember being 12 years old and having a copy of Fully Loaded) and I've got fired into the Monday Night Wars. I just watched the second one about the rise of nWo - brilliant stuff.

Are they still in the process of adding up episodes of Raw? I wanted to watch the infamous Jackie Gayda tag-team match from 2002 but it's not on there.

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I'm enjoying what I've seen of the Network so far. The Paul Heyman DVD and Matt Hardy vs Edge feud are probably the best shows I've seen so far on it.

I liked hearing about the early years of Heyman's career, but I thought the latter half of the programme was a bit too kind to him. I would have liked to have heard another side to what happened at the end of the original ECW and the December to Dismember fiasco was glossed over entirely.

The story behind the Matt Hardy vs Edge stuff is pretty gripping and it was great hearing the 3 protagonists talking so candidly about what happened. It's a shame their onscreen feud was such a letdown.

Hopefully they can get more folk to talk about their genuine feuds in a similar manner. Jericho vs Goldberg and Miz vs everyone are two stories I'd like to hear.

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I'd imagine it'll take a while to get to 2002, but aye, they'll continue getting added along with the Nitros. I hope when they reach 1998, they start adding Thunder.

It's scary to think how much stuff they haven't even started uploading yet. There must be thousands of episodes of Heat, Velocity, Jakked etc.

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I'd love to see the WWE version of ECW added. Was my favourite show of the week for absolutely ages, apart from when Chavo was stinking the place up.


I enjoyed Chavo in ECW, but that was probably only because he appeared slightly less shit than he was in the rest of his career.

Heyman totally slates that Gulf of Mexico match on the Top 10 gimmick matches episode of Countdown.

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Are WWE not gonna lose a hell of a lot of money in PPV sales because of the network?

Atm Pay £10 quid for said PPV and almost unlimited content for a month. Then cancel whenever you want for no fee.

I can see me buying the network for 2/3 months of the year get the rumble summerslam and mania and get my nostalgia fix.

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One thing I'd love to see added is a "feud" function. For example - everything from how the feud started, through every promo/match (whether it be on Raw/SD/PPV/Nitro/ECW etc etc) to the feud ending - all in place.

Are WWE not gonna lose a hell of a lot of money in PPV sales because of the network?

Atm Pay £10 quid for said PPV and almost unlimited content for a month. Then cancel whenever you want for no fee.

I can see me buying the network for 2/3 months of the year get the rumble summerslam and mania and get my nostalgia fix.

I guess it depends how much they were getting "per buy" from PPV providers worldwide. Punk mentioned on his interview that a lot of the guys were worried about that very thing.

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Are WWE not gonna lose a hell of a lot of money in PPV sales because of the network?

Atm Pay £10 quid for said PPV and almost unlimited content for a month. Then cancel whenever you want for no fee.

I can see me buying the network for 2/3 months of the year get the rumble summerslam and mania and get my nostalgia fix.

Yes but they will also gain a lot of customers. I would never have bought a WWE pay per view. But I am now a subscriber and will probably keep it for three to four months and probably cancel after I have watched all the content I want to watch. I tend to find in general, that if people think something is a fair price they will more often than not pay for it rather than get it through other means.

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I didn't realise ECW were bankrolled by WWE and allowed to compete on Monday night Raw. I guess Vince just dismissed and viewed them as development.

Ridiculous how much WCW were throwing at people, creative control and getting to sit at home for 6 month collecting pay after falling outs :lol: no wonder it all went to shit when AOL got involved.

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I didn't realise ECW were bankrolled by WWE and allowed to compete on Monday night Raw. I guess Vince just dismissed and viewed them as development.

Going by the Heyman documentary it says that ECW were only paid to cover the sponsorship they lost when WWE wanted too cold scorpio (flash funk)?

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Pretty sure Vince said he gave them 6 figure sums at one point. Heyman gets very specific in the way he says that he only accepted that sponsorship money, so I'm presuming some creative accounting accounted for all the other cash that Vince put in.

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