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Eh? Did I miss the new P&B rule that you cannot include "don't knows"?

So you always include Dont Knows? Never, for example, trumpet figures in polls that exclude Dont Knows?

Edited by H_B
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Oh look, not including today's polls, the last post I made about a independence poll I included a pic that showed "don't knows"

No, that's really good...

I'm glad you always use the pure Yes/No figures and you never exclude DKs, to give Yes a higher figure ?

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Yes they are - No are.

I thought we now excluded DKs when we did the numbers? :huh:

Like here :-


I'm confused - are we now saying we look at the actual initial figures, and DON'T exclude Don't Knows?

That seems a real shift in what we've seen over the past few weeks?

Why would we exclude the DKs on previous polling Colkitto, and now include DKs with this one?

It's almost like you were picking and choosing your methodology depending on which numbers looked best?

Funny... I saw a lot of posts saying Yes were in the mid or even highish 40s in recent polling.

That clearly was excluding DKs.

But now, with this latest poll, apparently neither side is over 50%. Because we aren't adjusting for DKs?

Eh no.

Some people include DKs in Poll 1, exclude DKs in Poll 2 and include DKs again in Poll 3.

So which is it? If we are including DKs in this Survation poll, I'm fine with that. But then why were we excluding DKs in the last Panelbase poll?

Simple HB, we exclude the DKs when excluding them suits the nat clown collective, and if it doesn't then we leave them in.

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No, that's really good...

I'm glad you always use the pure Yes/No figures and you never exclude DKs, to give Yes a higher figure ?

Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. Haven't checked but I'd say the majority of the time I use both figures. Not a conscious decision if I don't

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Oh look, not including today's polls, the last post I made about a independence poll I included a pic that showed "don't knows"

Also, you'll be in full agreement with me that, excluding the manipulated SNP poll, Yes have peaked at 41% in polling?

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It's all about TRENDS folks and even Curtiss should know that a single result doesn't give a trend.

Curtice, not Curtiss, isn't quoting a single result clownshoes. Learn to read.

Probably not an important skill for research scientists... I know.

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This page alone is a classic example of what happens when people start quoting single polls in isolation.

One poll showing the results have "flattened" doesn't counter a trend of 6 months of almost unhindered progress for the Yes campaign.

People are STILL quoting figures including Don't Knows.

It's all about TRENDS folks and even Curtiss should know that a single result doesn't give a trend.

Maybe after another 2 or 3 polls we'll get a clearer picture of any stall or reversal but it doesn't take away from the fact that No is not really seeing any increase at all which it SHOULD do.

To be fair, it doesn't need to. It cna quite happily lose point after point so long as it is ahead on polling day. better Together were never interested in winning any big philisophical arguments, or even proving that theirs is a better system for consitutional governance. It's a spoiling action, plain and simple. They don't care how much ground Yes makes up, so long as they fall short.

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To be fair, it doesn't need to. It cna quite happily lose point after point so long as it is ahead on polling day. better Together were never interested in winning any big philisophical arguments, or even proving that theirs is a better system for consitutional governance. It's a spoiling action, plain and simple. They don't care how much ground Yes makes up, so long as they fall short.

Yep, winning the final on penalties or 5 nil really doesn't make a difference.

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Yep, winning the final on penalties or 5 nil really doesn't make a difference.

Not true. If the yes campaign get 48%, they're probably going to try all over again after the 2016 election.

If they get < 40% then it probably marks the end of Alex Salmond's career.

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Not true. If the yes campaign get 48%, they're probably going to try all over again after the 2016 election.

If they get < 40% then it probably marks the end of Alex Salmond's career.

If they lose by a vote it'll be 20 years b4 we get another vote, that's only if rUK don't alter things to reducing the possibility of it happening in the future.

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If they lose by a vote it'll be 20 years b4 we get another vote, that's only if rUK don't alter things to reducing the possibility of it happening in the future.

I agree that Westminster won't allow another referendum for a while.

But if yes are a bawhair away and the SNP win another landslide, I think they'll at least go through the charade of trying for a second poll.

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I agree that Westminster won't allow another referendum for a while.

But if yes are a bawhair away and the SNP win another landslide, I think they'll at least go through the charade of trying for a second poll.

The people will not stand for it, once in every 15/20 years is enough for anyone.

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