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I'm a student at a Russell group university. Intellectual debate tends to dominate any night that I'm sober.

I'm guessing you try to eavesdrop on these debates from the other side of the room then?

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So you're basically struggling to get a good degree then and you're only in 3rd year?

You're a bawhair off a 2:2.

You're not even on a Masters course by the sounds of it.

You may as well not even bother. You'll be lucky to find any decent company prepared to give you a good job with those grades.

Why are you even bothering with uni? You obviously can't be arsed working at your degree.

Maybe you should stop trolling this forum and get your books open eh?

There are millions of tax payers out there paying for your tuition fees.

Some of them are extremely poorly paid.

It's time you showed you actually appreciate the opportunity you are being given and stopped being a spoilt twat.

BTW there's absolutely nothing wrong with being a security guard.

I spent a period of time doing exactly that which is why I know so many graduates with 2:1 degrees end up there.

If that's what you aspire to then go for it.

Steady on mate, the boys an idiot but no need to get so wound up by it.

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As I have shown elsewhere, of 34 referendums in democracies since the 1980s for which the numbers are available, opinion shifted towards the status quo in the closing stages of the campaign in 23. Some shifts were enormous: three referendums have seen support for reform fall by 40 percentage points during the campaign; another seven have seen it fall by at least 20 percentage points. By contrast, support for change rose in only eleven cases, and most of these rises were tiny; only one exceeded 10 percentage points.

The reason for this pattern is that voters are cautious. If they are unconvinced of the need for change, they tend to stick with what they know. Thus, the “don’t knows” in early polls tend to split towards the status quo as polling day approaches. Sometimes, Yes support falls directly too: the idea of change often sounds appealing on first blush, but as voters consider it more the doubts build and many voters switch.


Was that not the piece that Renton shredded when it was released?

I thought his piece included any old referendums.

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Oh FFS - Russell Group uni. NOBODY in the real world gives a shit about that stuff :lol:.

Universities use it to attract gullible students who are deluded into thinking they are getting a better education there.

Most employers don't even know what the Russell Group is - let alone care.

If it's not Cambridge, Oxford or St Andrews then you're in with everyone else from Paisley Uni, Highlands & Island and all the others.

Come back and gloat when you have a 1st class degree and a graduate job. Then maybe you can lay some claim to have achieved something in your life.

Getting to university is scarcely difficult these days.

You're about to find out that getting a really good, interesting and well paid job which required a degree in the first place is about the toughest thing you'll do outside having a family. The security guard industry is full of graduates who couldn't get any other job. As is Macdonalds, Burger King and everywhere else.

What is your grade average then after 3 years of toil?


scrambling for relevance

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Life is sadly very harsh as one generation of graduates after another discovers when they try to find graduate jobs.

Oh yeah, graduates.

Remember your claim that most graduates in Scotland move to London or elsewhere to work?

How are you getting on with supplying some evidence to support this utterly ludicrous claim?

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Total and utter character assassination.

I don't even...

He's truly a bizarre individual. I'm sure even yes campaigners are cringing at his latest tirade. Even yes campaigners!

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Or would you like everyone in your life to wrap you in cotton wool and pretend you are doing well?

Do you want to run your life story past us again, to see if anyone is impressed this time?

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Yeah I think we pretty much all got that from your incessant trolling.

People who give up do tend to become pretty destructive.

It's a cry for help from someone who isn't happy with their life.

Normal, well adjusted and content people simply don't do what you, H_B and Lex do in public.

I'm sorry that life isn't as shit for the rest of us as it clearly is for you three.

You'll just need to live with that.

Hell of a way to ask for help though.

^^^ conveniently ignored the rest of my post

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