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No voters called 'arseholes' and 'imbeciles'. Teenage girls being called 'c***s' on other threads. All recently on this forum, all by yes voters.

And people wonder why so many are tuning out of this 'debate'.

Poor show guys, very poor show.


You genuinely post like a Yes voter who's being sarcastic 100% of the time.

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No voters are arseholes and imbeciles. You, HB and Mr Bairn are all No voters. Quite hard to argue against that.

The "teenage girl" was a fictional creation made up by a troll.


Yep, this is the standard of debate being offered up by some (most) yes voters. And this guy has the temerity to follow me around the forum and ask why I'm not playing the personal insult game.

Sadly for you, not all of us will sink to such low depths.

ETA. Even if the teenage girl was made up by a troll, does that make it ok to call her a c**t in your opinion?

Edited by Lex
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No voters are arseholes and imbeciles. You, HB and Mr Bairn are all No voters. Quite hard to argue against that.

The "teenage girl" was a fictional creation made up by a troll.


You need to stand back and take a look at yourself. Take a deep breath. You are calling all No voters arseholes and imbeciles. All No voters.

You are without a doubt more likely to turn people against your argument by doing this. Its an awful strategy if you actually want Yes to win - and you want to play a part.

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Yep, this is the standard of debate being offered up by some (most) yes voters. And this guy has the temerity to follow me around the forum and ask why I'm not playing the personal insult game.

Sadly for you, not all of us will sink to such low depths.

ETA. Even if the teenage girl was made up by a troll, does that make it ok to call her a c**t in your opinion?

Oh, go on, play the personal insult game, ya big lug.. :)

Well, I didn't call "her" a c**t, but, imo, it's perfectly feasible to call a figment of someone's fervent imagination a c**t.

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^^^ this squared.

Your average No voter, through selfish or fearful reasons, is generally an arsehole I've found.


I don't think you can lump all the no voters together. I've found there are different categories. However to generalise there are probably two main sets.

1) The hard core Brit nat type

2) The rest

Of the Britnat types, these could be further subdivided

a) nutter Brit nat - Orange order, SDL types. Genuine mahogany nappers.

b) natural Brit nat - These folk think they are the mainstream. They will not recognise the nationalist in themselves as there is no such thing as British nationalism right? They tend to be loud and vocal and are fuelled by tabloid headlines and BBC pravda. They mention Alex Salmond, Braveheart and Brigadoon a lot.

You quickly suss the Brit nat out. We have all met them. They have closed minds and are not worth the effort. This hard core element is not very big. I would guess <15% of the total population.

All the rest are softer no's and open to debate. Those as you put it who are motivated by fear or self interest are still persuadable. The issue as always is getting the message through this lands disgraceful media.

We need to keep talking to them. In the street, on the doorsteps, at work, dare I say on internet forums. We can win.

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I don't think you can lump all the no voters together. I've found there are different categories. However to generalise there are probably two main sets.

1) The hard core Brit nat type

2) The rest

Of the Britnat types, these could be further subdivided

a) nutter Brit nat - Orange order, SDL types. Genuine mahogany nappers.

b) natural Brit nat - These folk think they are the mainstream. They will not recognise the nationalist in themselves as there is no such thing as British nationalism right? They tend to be loud and vocal and are fuelled by tabloid headlines and BBC pravda. They mention Alex Salmond, Braveheart and Brigadoon a lot.

You quickly suss the Brit nat out. We have all met them. They have closed minds and are not worth the effort. This hard core element is not very big. I would guess <15% of the total population.

All the rest are softer no's and open to debate. Those as you put it who are motivated by fear or self interest are still persuadable. The issue as always is getting the message through this lands disgraceful media.

We need to keep talking to them. In the street, on the doorsteps, at work, dare I say on internet forums. We can win.

This sums it up for me.

There's a lot of folk that are not interested in politics in the slightest. Sometimes they vote and sometimes they don't - but they don't really care about independence.

These are the people that the Yes campaign needs to get to - including many women. They are good, honest folk that just don't really care too much about politics or whatever parliament they are ruled by. They are definitely more likely to be swayed by Project Fear - but they can be won round.

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No voters called 'arseholes' and 'imbeciles'. Teenage girls being called 'c***s' on other threads. All recently on this forum, all by yes voters.

And people wonder why so many are tuning out of this 'debate'.

Poor show guys, very poor show.


You're a c**t, an arsehole and an imbecile. Edited by Baxter Parp
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I don't think you can lump all the no voters together. I've found there are different categories. However to generalise there are probably two main sets.

1) The hard core Brit nat type

2) The rest

Of the Britnat types, these could be further subdivided

a) nutter Brit nat - Orange order, SDL types. Genuine mahogany nappers.

b) natural Brit nat - These folk think they are the mainstream. They will not recognise the nationalist in themselves as there is no such thing as British nationalism right? They tend to be loud and vocal and are fuelled by tabloid headlines and BBC pravda. They mention Alex Salmond, Braveheart and Brigadoon a lot.

You quickly suss the Brit nat out. We have all met them. They have closed minds and are not worth the effort. This hard core element is not very big. I would guess <15% of the total population.

All the rest are softer no's and open to debate. Those as you put it who are motivated by fear or self interest are still persuadable. The issue as always is getting the message through this lands disgraceful media.

We need to keep talking to them. In the street, on the doorsteps, at work, dare I say on internet forums. We can win.

You should also add the self loathing scot. He/she may not be a Brit nat but utterly hates their country of birth, full of the cringe, Scotland is shite etc. will trot out the too wee/poor/stupid arguments with gusto. From my experience will be fearful that in an independent Scotland there will be mandatory ceilidh dancing from 3 hours every Saturday or something when all they want to do is pull on their Barcelona top. Edited by Enigma
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I dont agree- they absolutely will. That's why it is vital to keep pressing the DKs for the next few months.

The DK's are key. The fact they are not solid "no" after years now of mainstream media propaganda speaks volumes. These people will hopefully start moving towards yes the closer we get.

Hope versus fear is no contest in the human psyche.

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. In real life yes voters seem to be quieter, as far as I can see, and no voters are incredibly in your face about it. Maybe it's just where I live, though.

How exactly have you seen this manifested?

Sounds complete and utter bullshit to me....

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How exactly have you seen this manifested?

Sounds complete and utter bullshit to me....

Was it you or Reynard that was saying that people at a funeral were ranting about being no voters?

When I drop my kid off at school I overhear the conversations of no voters. It would actually be really hard not to hear them. Those who speak about voting yes do it in hushed tones. I'm one of them.

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