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One percent or two is a serious underestimation. f**k it if England win the world cup I'm voting yes.

It's a good job they have no chance otherwise you might be held to that.

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It's a good job they have no chance otherwise you might be held to that.

It's a good job they have no chance otherwise you might be held to that.

Someone sig me and I will vote yes, should England win the world cup.

It would cut deep but I'm a man of my word.

They have no chance though.

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That actually poses a brilliant question which I think would get interesting answers.

Would you take an England World Cup win if it meant Scotland definetely voting Yes in September?

Not one YES voter would say no to that. Not one. Future of my country v a football tournament outcome?!?!?! :huh::lol:

Cmon England if this is the case, footballs coming home etc etc :P

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It's going to he 55%+ yes. I'm absolutely certain of that. There is no way over 50% of the population will vote to let a different country keep making the decisions that affect us, especially when those decisions are so out of touch with the public opinion in Scotland.

Will everyone blasting out with this pish constantly please just shut the f**k up? :lol:

I sincerely hope 50.1% of the country votes Yes but this kind of statement means absolutely nothing.

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Hmmm what about the risk of England winning the World Cup and then the No vote winning as well. :o

and THEN Ukip winning enough seats to share power with the Tories next year.

And then Johann Lamont winning for Labour in 2016.

Would life even be worth living at that point? I don't know if I could take so many body blows.

f**k me, that would be a painful sequence of events!

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Btw Engerland getting a wee sniff of it but pumped by someone like Argentina or Germany, would be my choice.

Swathes of snotty xenophobic breakdowns on TV will do wonders for Yes and it would just be funny to watch.

Agree a slow and stead group stage start. The belief starts. There is no huge team they can face in the second round but lets say the pull of a real upset and beat Spain in the quarters onto to receive A) An utter gubbing, B) cling onto a 1-0 lead over the Germans or Argentina only to concede a goal-that-never-was or blatant handball, then total capitulation in extra time, Rooney sent off, the works. or C) Dominate the game, loads of chances exciting game, ends 2-2 England look the better team throughout then loose on penalties after an England player, forced to retake a penalty skys it. I think I'd save A for the 3rd place match and have B as my preference for the semi. WE WOZ ROBBED!! FIFA conspiracy! Cheating Argies!

Edited by Enigma
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i dont believe a word the polls say they got it wrong last time and the time before and are just another propaganda tool westminster uses to make it look like we all live in a utopia democracy which is far removed from reality ,if the UK is so great then why cant the Irish,Welsh,English and Scots all have full fiscal powers to run our own countries inside a collective UK ,this is what should be happening and should have happened a long time ago unfortunately the people of the UK have been conned by the political elite who are desperate we all dont see through them for what they are a bunch of criminals so they can keep hold of their power base swapping with each other every so often and pretending they are different parties ,democracy dont make me laugh!

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i dont believe a word the polls say they got it wrong last time and the time before and are just another propaganda tool westminster uses to make it look like we all live in a utopia democracy which is far removed from reality ,if the UK is so great then why cant the Irish,Welsh,English and Scots all have full fiscal powers to run our own countries inside a collective UK ,this is what should be happening and should have happened a long time ago unfortunately the people of the UK have been conned by the political elite who are desperate we all dont see through them for what they are a bunch of criminals so they can keep hold of their power base swapping with each other every so often and pretending they are different parties ,democracy dont make me laugh!

The polls didn't "get it wrong" last time. That's a dumb narrative.

Maybe they "got it wrong" three months before the election, however I would argue that if the election was held in the January or the February then Labour would have been the largest party. A handful of the polls close to election day in 2011 were close to spot on.

We will probably have a good idea by the start of September who will win. I can see the count being anticlimatic one way or the other.

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hmmm do i smell troll something pongs

yes they did get it wrong according to the polls we would have ended up with another labour/lib dem coalition but that was what was meant to happen since they fixed it at westminster to make it practically impossible for 1 party to take over all control of the Scottish parliament,thank goodness the people of Scotland destroyed the lib dems at the election or there would be no referendum in Sept just more BS from the labour/lib dems saying they had our best interests at heart while sucking up to their westminster masters

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hmmm do i smell troll something pongs

yes they did get it wrong according to the polls we would have ended up with another labour/lib dem coalition but that was what was meant to happen since they fixed it at westminster to make it practically impossible for 1 party to take over all control of the Scottish parliament,thank goodness the people of Scotland destroyed the lib dems at the election or there would be no referendum in Sept just more BS from the labour/lib dems saying they had our best interests at heart while sucking up to their westminster masters

The polls said that a few weeks/months out from the election. On the day before the election the polls predicted an SNP landslide.

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well im so sorry i didnt check the polls the day before the election doh! i was referring to the polls taken in the many months running up to the election which were used just like they are being used now ,so your telling me the day before the referendum they will produce the real polls that say we will be independant in a landslide yea lmao

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So you throw out some baseless statements then admit you hadn't even checked the evidence yourself?

The truth is the polls got it almost spot on in 2011. If you look at every pollster's final poll, they all agreed on an SNP victory and most had them well over 40%. Of course they showed Labour leads months before, but had the election been then, Labour would have won it. The pollsters weren't manipulating figures to boost Labour support 3 or 4 months before the election, Labour was simply the most popular party in Scotland in early 2011. Public opinion shifted over the next three months and the polling reflected this.

I don't know which side is going to win this referendum but what I do know is that we will probably be able to say with 95% confidence at 7am right before the polls open on referendum day, because up to date polling is rarely wrong. The only reason we might not be able to tell before the polls open would be if it's genuinely neck and neck and the referendum is likely to be won and lost by a few hundred votes

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