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What's the point in independence if the foreign policy is to be shared? Isn't that basically what happens atm?

Which is why Ad Lib's "dream" is so fucking preposterously laughable.

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Which is why Ad Lib's "dream" is so fucking preposterously laughable.

If he means independence lite in the same manner as the channel islands, then it's not a bad idea. Scotland is a bit big to be lumped in amongst the channel islands, but I don't think size is a prohibitive quantity.

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I'm calling bullshit on Salmond's claim here :-

"And also they are vindicating the approach to this campaign, because since November, when we launched the White Paper, the average support in all opinion polls for "Yes" has gone from 37% to 45%."


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I'm calling bullshit on Salmond's claim here :-

"And also they are vindicating the approach to this campaign, because since November, when we launched the White Paper, the average support in all opinion polls for "Yes" has gone from 37% to 45%."


Genuine question, HB, although I suspect you won't answer as it's not in the "HB agenda".

Are there any of Salmond's policies or anything he's ever said that you agree with?

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