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Poll apprently putting Yes at three points behind now. However, no source has been provided by the Mail so rather sceptical. Could this be the hidden ICM poll being about to surface?


Members of David Cameron's inner circle are increasingly alarmed that the lacklustre Better Together movement run by the former Labour chancellor could hand victory to the Scottish nationalists.
One poll yesterday found the pro-independence Yes campaign, which once trailed by a wide margin, is now only three points behind – raising the prospect of a majority vote to break up the union in September.
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Poll apprently putting Yes at three points behind now. However, no source has been provided by the Mail so rather sceptical. Could this be the hidden ICM poll being about to surface?


Does fly in the face of most recent polls, where the YES vote is stagnating

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Poll apprently putting Yes at three points behind now. However, no source has been provided by the Mail so rather sceptical. Could this be the hidden ICM poll being about to surface?


An article from about 6 weeks ago....

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Since the Daily Record article the other day regarding Panelbase's WingsOverScotland commissioned poll which had more Rangers supporters in favour of a Yes vote than a No vote, a poll has been started on RangersMedia today...

Results so far...

Yes - 26 votes (12.38%)

No - 168 votes (80.00%)

Undecided - 16 votes (7.62%)


Yes - 46 votes (13.33%)

No - 281 votes (81.45%)

Undecided - 18 votes (5.22%)

Its went up! lol. :)

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Yes - 46 votes (13.33%)

No - 281 votes (81.45%)

Undecided - 18 votes (5.22%)

Its went up! lol. :)

predictable result

Bigots to a man.

If No can only attract the votes of four in every five of the worst creatures ever to have inhabited this country then they're truly fucked.

predictable responses

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Wee update on the Killie poll:

Yes 81 (62.31%)

No 25 (19.23%)

Completely Undecided 5 (3.85%)

Unsure but leaning towards Yes 16 (12.31%)

Unsure but leaning towards No 3 (2.31%)

Edited by Confidemus
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