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I'm not in the Yes campaign. Me and Confidemus will both definitely be voting Yes so a bit of back and forth on P+B is in no way bad news for the campaign.

If you think we're the Yes campaign, it's absolutely hilarious that you consider yourself to be the No campaign.

If I am honest, not surprised if they're BT. They do sound like them.

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Ashcroft Poll Latest:

LAB 38, CON 31, LIB 11, UKIP 15

Electoral Calculus Projection: Labour majority of 88

That's considerably more comfortable a win than Tony Blair's 3rd term. Yet we're told we're going to get a Tory government? Lol.

That poll cant be right surely?

Libdums at 11. That has got to be a bit overly generous.

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I hope they get wiped out the next time, have to be punished for getting into bed with the Tories

For once I utterly agree with you. I cannot wait for the Lib Dems to get flung into political oblivion. They deserve everything they get.

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I'll be included in the next Ipsos/Mori poll (or maybe not because I'm voting Yes so it will depend who commissioned the poll)

I got a phone call tonight. 15 minutes of questions regarding how I'm voting and how I see things going after a vote either way.

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I'll be included in the next Ipsos/Mori poll (or maybe not because I'm voting Yes so it will depend who commissioned the poll)

If the SNP commissioned it you might appear twice.

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They need punishing for dumping a generation of students into debt. Period.

No apology will ever make up for that utter betrayal.

It's the fact they did it to gain power that will finish them as a political force.

Quite rightly so. It's why the Tories are not being punished.

Pretty much the only folk that are upset about students paying for their enhanced education are students. Quite a lot of folk think students should pay for the enormous leg up a degree gives them, not to mention the fact students have always run up large debts at uni and bitched like buggery about the sheer misery of their lives so many voters just yawn when the subject comes up.

The LibDems will be punished for going into coalition with the Tories by a lot of stupid people who thought LibDem was the same as Labour.

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Pretty much the only folk that are upset about students paying for their enhanced education are students. Quite a lot of folk think students should pay for the enormous leg up a degree gives them, not to mention the fact students have always run up large debts at uni and bitched like buggery about the sheer misery of their lives so many voters just yawn when the subject comes up.

The LibDems will be punished for going into coalition with the Tories by a lot of stupid people who thought LibDem was the same as Labour.

This. And I'm a student.

Scottish-based students getting a free ride is an affront to taxpayers.

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This. And I'm a student.

Scottish-based students getting a free ride is an affront to taxpayers.

Scottish students don't get 'a free ride' - maintenance grants get repaid after all.

And it's more than students who care about this. Minus the years spent dossing about as a phd student, it's been 8 years since I did my Beng, for me it's political and sociological: Education and healthcare are two of the most vital societal responsibilities. By making these as freely and widely available as possible, you massively increase the chances of a society's success, a well informed, well educated and healthy electorate makes far better choices collectively and individually than one that is not. Particularly in an age where information is far more freely avaiable, and the rate of technological change accelerating, we need more people able to thing and assess information critically, which requires a robust education system from primary through tertiary education.

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Scottish students don't get 'a free ride' - maintenance grants get repaid after all.

Yeah, Scotland just puts students into just shy of £20k of debt with their maintenance loans now for a typical undergraduate degree, and insists that they start paying it back when they're on less than £16kpa instead of £21kpa in England, meaning those whose inflation-adjusted career average salary is less than £28.5k pay more and when they can less afford it in Scotland for their education package than their English counterparts. Still. Yay for a society which values education, eh?

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Yeah, Scotland just puts students into just shy of £20k of debt with their maintenance loans now for a typical undergraduate degree, and insists that they start paying it back when they're on less than £16kpa instead of £21kpa in England, meaning those whose inflation-adjusted career average salary is less than £28.5k pay more and when they can less afford it in Scotland for their education package than their English counterparts. Still. Yay for a society which values education, eh?

^^^ confirmed Yes voter

But.. but.. I'm challenging the unchallenged... but... but.. if I don't do it, who's going to keep the debate real... but... but....


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Yeah, Scotland just puts students into just shy of £20k of debt with their maintenance loans now for a typical undergraduate degree, and insists that they start paying it back when they're on less than £16kpa instead of £21kpa in England, meaning those whose inflation-adjusted career average salary is less than £28.5k pay more and when they can less afford it in Scotland for their education package than their English counterparts. Still. Yay for a society which values education, eh?

Is this like the libdum promised education?

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Yeah, Scotland just puts students into just shy of £20k of debt with their maintenance loans now for a typical undergraduate degree, and insists that they start paying it back when they're on less than £16kpa instead of £21kpa in England, meaning those whose inflation-adjusted career average salary is less than £28.5k pay more and when they can less afford it in Scotland for their education package than their English counterparts. Still. Yay for a society which values education, eh?

Rather than rehash this, didn't you and VT have a nice wee ding dong about this ages ago. Why don't you go back and re-read that, pretend you wiped the floor with him and give yourself I nice big hug.

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Rather than rehash this, didn't you and VT have a nice wee ding dong about this ages ago. Why don't you go back and re-read that, pretend you wiped the floor with him and give yourself I nice big hug.

You're the one that is saying maintenance grants [sic.] get repaid and that Scots "don't get a free ride". I'm simply giving it context. vikingTON's argument was specifically that no one has to take out the maximium eligible level of maintenance support, despite the fact that the overwhelming majority of SAAS maintenance applicants do in fact claim the full amount or within £1000 of the full amount to which they are entitled. And why wouldn't they? Though not on as favourable terms as the English grant provision unless you are confident of earning more than 1.5 times the median household wage within 6 years of graduating, it's still easier are better credit than any bank-loan going.

Edited by Ad Lib
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The Lib Dem policy on higher education was dreadful and I always criticised it. The UK Government's policy is excellent.

You have got me wondering.

Would you have thought the libdums policy on this, a bad one, if they had managed to implement it?

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