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Ecto was "in the know" that Salmond is not a great public speaker. He warned us all.

no I said he was not a "master debater" anybody can be a great public speaker, that's only remembering what someone has written for you

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Tbf Ecto did downplay Salmond a bit and Salmond never got over why me and so many others are voting YES IMO. BUT this debate seems to have been very high profile and everyone is speaking about it now like ive never seen before and it's all very positive from what I can see!

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Tbf Ecto did downplay Salmond a bit and Salmond never got over why me and so many others are voting YES IMO. BUT this debate seems to have been very high profile and everyone is speaking about it now like ive never seen before and it's all very positive from what I can see!

If it makes some voters investigate the issues then it will be a success, that's the only success that could possibly be derived from this debate.

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Yes voters trying to spin Salmond's embarrassing defeat into a positive is hilarious! :)

Why was he so bad in that debate? I'm genuinely in shock.

I was expecting something similar to the UKIP vs Liberal Democrats debate on the European Union. And yet, even Nick Clegg would have won against Salmond today. This debate could have been the debate to propel Yes up the polls and it's failed miserably.

And I'm delighted! :)

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Yes voters trying to spin Salmond's embarrassing defeat into a positive is hilarious! :)

Why was he so bad in that debate? I'm genuinely in shock.

I was expecting something similar to the UKIP vs Liberal Democrats debate on the European Union. And yet, even Nick Clegg would have won against Salmond today. This debate could have been the debate to propel Yes up the polls and it's failed miserably.

And I'm delighted! :)

You're an idiot if you think Darling won tonight.

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Yes voters trying to spin Salmond's embarrassing defeat into a positive is hilarious! :)

Why was he so bad in that debate? I'm genuinely in shock.

I was expecting something similar to the UKIP vs Liberal Democrats debate on the European Union. And yet, even Nick Clegg would have won against Salmond today. This debate could have been the debate to propel Yes up the polls and it's failed miserably.

And I'm delighted! :)

And Darling was great was he?

Shouty, blinky, not giving straight answers, completely flummoxed on the extra powers question and no positive case made.

Mind you, I'm not surprised you took that away from it. You're the ultimate sheep, you'd believe the sky was purple if David Cameron told you.

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And Darling was great was he?

Shouty, blinky, not giving straight answers, completely flummoxed on the extra powers question and no positive case made.

Darling doesn't need to be great or make any decisive positive case, people already know what being in the union entails. The onus is squarely on Salmond and the Yes campaign to convince people that change is best, that Scotland would be better as an independent country. They failed to grasp a big opportunity tonight.

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And Darling was great was he?

Shouty, blinky, not giving straight answers, completely flummoxed on the extra powers question and no positive case made.

Mind you, I'm not surprised you took that away from it. You're the ultimate sheep, you'd believe the sky was purple if David Cameron told you.

Salmond doesn't want to give answers on plan B.

Darling CANT give answers on more powers.

Bring on Cameron. Let's see if he can land the nock out blow and give us those answers.

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Shouty, blinky, not giving straight answers, completely flummoxed on the extra powers question and no positive case made.

The extra powers question was answered though, whereas Salmond just kept deflecting the question on currency.

Along with asking questions about aliens and driving on the other side of the road, of course.

Pathetic. :)

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The extra powers question was answered though, whereas Salmond just kept deflecting the question on currency.

Along with asking questions about aliens and driving on the other side of the road, of course.

Pathetic. :)

Really? What are they then.

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The extra powers question was answered though, whereas Salmond just kept deflecting the question on currency.

What was the answer on extra powers, I genuinely thought that wasn't answered and can find no guaranteed and agreed extra powers for the Scottish Parliament in the event of a no vote.

The currency one was answered, basically there is no plan B because we don't need one. You may find this unacceptable and vote No because of it, but that is the answer.

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What was the answer on extra powers, I genuinely thought that wasn't answered and can find no guaranteed and agreed extra powers for the Scottish Parliament in the event of a no vote.

The currency one was answered, basically there is no plan B because we don't need one. You may find this unacceptable and vote No because of it, but that is the answer.

What happens if we don't get a currency union - as everyone down South says we won't - exactly?

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The currency one was answered, basically there is no plan B because we don't need one. You may find this unacceptable and vote No because of it, but that is the answer.

Salmond say's he does indeed have a plan B if the currency union is rejected, though.

So why didn't he simply say what it was?..... :)

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What happens if we don't get a currency union - as everyone down South says we won't - exactly?

Read for yourself the option that was presented to the SG

We'll still use the £


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So, in terms of polls, what's left.

Survation had one at the weekend - expect we won't see them again until middle of august.

ICM - still to report for this month

YG - still to report for this month.

TNS - still to report for this month.

Think both ICM and YG are usually middle of the month with TNS a bit later. The fieldwork to date seems to take a week to ten days. TNS is something like two weeks but takes them ages to collate the data so that it's usualyl a couple fo weeks behind in terms of snapshot data. So I'm guessing that any boost to either side would be captured to some extent in the next ICM/YG polls but that the full impact would not be seen until the n+1 poll (which will be so close to the referendum you'd expect the DKs to start really shifting)

As for Panelbase and Ipsos - both tend to report every two months or so, so we may have seen the last of them, unless the customers they are serving want to accelerate that timeline.

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