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Survation poll from the 2nd of August had 46% No and 40% Yes

Which means in just one week the No campaign have more than DOUBLED their lead. Wow! :)

I wonder if the debate on Tuesday had anything to do with it?.........

Can you please source those figures you gave before?

Or was that just shite?

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That the pundit trying to twist things or am I missing something?

Survation's Twitter account has posted the 50-37 figures. Are you looking at the last poll? The data tables for the most recent one probably won't be up yet.

Saw some pie charts on Twitter too - 65% unchanged by the debate, 22% more likely to back No and 13% more likely to back yes.

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Survation's Twitter account has posted the 50-37 figures. Are you looking at the last poll? The data tables for the most recent one probably won't be up yet.

I'm saying last weeks poll was No 46% Yes 40% and now the latest poll out today is No 50% Yes 37%. :)

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Eh. Are the pundit and Lex looking at the same poll?

This one from notorious pro yes pollster Survation?

No 50 (+4)

Yes 37 (-3)

DK 13 (-1)



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Latest poll is:

No - 45.9%

Yes - 40.2%

DK - 13.9%

Without DKS that would be:

No - 53.31%

Yes - 46.69%

Last poll was:

No - 46.0%

Yes - 40.9%

DK - 13.2%

Without DKs

No - 52.93%

Yes - 47.07%

So nothing of statisical significance. No Commonwealth Games bounce effect either which is a little surprising.

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That poll is showing YES at it's lowest it's been this year! :lol:

Sorry but there is no way that is the case!!! :lol:

^^^ Head well and truly buried in the sand here.

This is from data taken since the debate. That's why it's so bad for yes.

Edited by Lex
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^^^ Head well and truly buried in the sand here.

This is from data taken since the debate. That's why it's so bad for yes.

I've noticed, I'm not having it, there is absolutely no way that YES support is currently sitting at it's lowest point all year.

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I've noticed, I'm not having it, there is absolutely no way that YES support is currently sitting at it's lowest point all year.

TBF there are a lot of stupid people out there. I've met quite a few of them over the last couple of days. We need a game changer. Do you think we could get Bruce Forsythe to change sides?

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You need to give the other polls a chance to report before you can get the whole picture.

I think we're all guilty to an extent of burying our heads in the sand a bit about the referendum and the support each side enjoys, probably due to our own preference on the matter.

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You need to give the other polls a chance to report before you can get the whole picture.

I think we're all guilty to an extent of burying our heads in the sand a bit about the referendum and the support each side enjoys, probably due to our own preference on the matter.

Not really. I've said the whole time that I think it'll be a No vote.

Don't really understand how people can't seem to distinguish between wanting something to happen and thinking it will.

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TBF there are a lot of stupid people out there. I've met quite a few of them over the last couple of days. We need a game changer. Do you think we could get Bruce Forsythe to change sides?

It's not a game changer that's needed. It's for YES to START playing.

It has been way too quiet audibly and visually .

Unless your tuned in, you wouldn't know it was going on at all.

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