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I said on Tuesday that was the day the referendum was lost and this latest poll only strengthens my opinion.

Salmond, with 1.7m people tuning in, failed miserably. He was woeful and I knew people would come away from that debate more inclined to vote No than Yes. I just knew it. And of course, I was correct.

Had he succeeded on Tuesday the polls could be just a few points apart right now. Instead, the gap is just way too large.

A Yes vote was improbable but not impossible, but it's getting to the point now where one can say 'No will win. Fact!" :)

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I said on Tuesday that was the day the referendum was lost and this latest poll only strengthens my opinion.

Salmond, with 1.7m people tuning in, failed miserably. He was woeful and I knew people would come away from that debate more inclined to vote No than Yes. I just knew it. And of course, I was correct.

Had he succeeded on Tuesday the polls could be just a few points apart right now. Instead, the gap is just way too large.

A Yes vote was improbable but not impossible, but it's getting to the point now where one can say 'No will win. Fact!" :)

Keep harping on.

This is not about Salmond, but you'll faill to see that since UK/Britain/England/Rangers/Glasgow. :1eye

Glasgow will vote yes, it'll be close sure, but 52-48.

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I said on Tuesday that was the day the referendum was lost and this latest poll only strengthens my opinion.

Salmond, with 1.7m people tuning in, failed miserably. He was woeful and I knew people would come away from that debate more inclined to vote No than Yes. I just knew it. And of course, I was correct.

Had he succeeded on Tuesday the polls could be just a few points apart right now. Instead, the gap is just way too large.

A Yes vote was improbable but not impossible, but it's getting to the point now where one can say 'No will win. Fact!" :)

The press coverage. I think its their influence. Hope things can change though.

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Just checked their twitter and you are correct.

This tweet was even more amazing:

"Debate: Darling emerges as clear winner - 53% who watched say Darling 28% Salmond."

Why is that amazing? It was blatantly obvious to anyone not blinded by bias that Darling came out on top. There are few things that the general public dislike more about politicians than their inability/refusal to answer a straight question with a straight answer, and Salmond displayed that over the currency issue. It showed a real sign of weakness.

I thought his performance summed up their whole campaign - it's just been lacking conviction and, weirdly, passion. He looked like he couldn't be arsed.

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It's not the press at all, just go back and read the thread on here as it was happening, people could see he was having a stinker straight away - and that's from a largely pro Yes forum.

He had a stinker but I'm no having a Darling win. Fucking 0-0 draw written all over it and should of been postponed halfway through. Heap o shite that debate. Next one has to be good.

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Darling was shite too. The press since has swayed people. They control the press.

He had a stinker but I'm no having a Darling win. Fucking 0-0 draw written all over it and should of been postponed halfway through. Heap o shite that debate. Next one has to be good.

A 0-0 draw, but with Yes needing a 3-0 win to take the title... It counts as a defeat relative to the referundum.

I agree Darling was terrible also, but that only shows how bad Salmond was. Whether we like it or not Salmond is the one who has to do most of the convincing, Darling's role is to make people feel what we have at the moment is not worth risking. Darling achieved his objective more than Salmond achieved his, by a long way.

Salmond will need to absolutely maul Darling in the next debate for it to have any impact, another tit for tat one like this with Salmond dredging up old quotes is not good enough.

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Aye, the debate on Tuesday was a 0-0 wasn't it?.......

No only doubled their lead by coincidence.

Salmond had trivial arguments and no answers to questions. He lost that debate. Maybe it was his own fault, but he still lost.

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All conveniently forgotten in the newspapers -

Name two new powers guaranteed to the Scottish Parliament - Darling: "eh,eh,eh road tax and some income tax"....laughter

Do you agree Scotland could be a succesful independent country - Darling: "eh, eh, eh, look, look, look,"....laughter

sums up our press

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If you are no cos you are scared to vote/heavy heart etc, fair dues, but the c***s who crow against voting yes, they all deserve months of abuse.

Up against a wall is a bit harsh, but they should be seen I hope Divit replaces St Mirren/Falkirk/Dundee as Rangers through the night of the 18th.

Edited by Kejan
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Survation's Twitter account has posted the 50-37 figures. Are you looking at the last poll? The data tables for the most recent one probably won't be up yet.

Saw some pie charts on Twitter too - 65% unchanged by the debate, 22% more likely to back No and 13% more likely to back yes.

Bbbbbut Salmond won the debate... And lichtie s maw's dog had converted to Yes along with all its friends after barking at Alastair Darling.

This isn't a surprising result though the scale of the lurch to No probably is.

I think it shows how disastrously wrong the SNP got the debate the other night .

Its a very positive thing. People aren't prepared to be treated with contempt by Alex Salmond and the SNP

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You have, to be fair.

There are, however, a fairly substantial subset who seem to think the polls are lying to them and not reflecting reality. I suspect that's because most their friends etc lean one way and their perception becomes skewed.

As I've said all along its just wishing on a star.

Certain posters are going to look absolutely ridiculous after the No vote with their continual pretence that polls aren't reflecting the true car sticker and Facebook like data that's really vital.

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This is also really awkward for the Yes clowns. Given Survation were their new special fwends.... Aww... Poll fwends...

This makes discrediting them... Which is no doubt being done now... A bit more difficult given the campaign crowed about their last poll.

Tough times. Where do they go from here ?

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A brand new low for the patter on here.

Ooh... Cutting criticism.

Which would be all the more credible were it not being delivered by an adult who watches WWE wrestling.

Unquestionably one of the most embarrassing things on the forum.

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Highland and Islands

3.5% swing to NO

South Scotland

16.35% swing to NO

Central Scotalnd

5.2% swing to YES

Mid Scotland and Fife

12.1% swing to YES


11.35% swing to NO

West Scotalnd

1.85% swing to NO


4.7% swing to NO

North East

6.9% swing to NO

Just NO trying to get all the pollsters on their side.

There will be plenty of keyboards getting cleaned today, embarrassing.

Edited by ayrmad
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Ooh... Cutting criticism.

Which would be all the more credible were it not being delivered by an adult who watches WWE wrestling.

Unquestionably one of the most embarrassing things on the forum.

Ironically that's an incredibly childish point to make, put across like a supercilious teenager.

Way to go law squad.

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