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Can't say derogatory names are my thing. The saddest thing from either side is the bitterness from disagreeing on politics from one another. I still get on just fine with most of my friends who just happen to be no voters. They have their convictions and I have mine.

Indeed. I'm sure you've had discussions with them in the past about why you were voting yes and why they're voting no. It doesn't have to resort to being petty and calling people drones.

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Curses! Oh, well I am now looking forward to a Johnson/Farage dream ticket to pull us out of the EU, line the pockets of the rich, place anyone "not ethnically British" into internment camps and to brutally crush us rebellious Scots.

Curses indeed. We're going to be crushed and it's all your fault.

Shame on your house and shame on your family.

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I didn't understand why Darling didn't go down that road either.

Seemed an obvious open goal.

It might have opened up Labour to counter claims of rank hypocrisy and incompetence. Did they not demand concessions over the 2007 budget, and having received those concessions, gone on to vote against the budget (or at least abstain on it?) anyway? my memory is hazy but I recall that not being Labour's finest hour in the Holyrood chambers.

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It's not meant to be a killer blow. If someone accuses you of doing something they have done or are doing themselves then throw it back at them. It won't have anyone changing sides but it may make enough undecided people recognise the hypocrisy of it to make a difference to their campaign. People like to trust their politicians (laughable I know) and a response in kind from Darling would have eroded trust in Salmond at the point he was trying to build it among the undecided. It's so easy.

BT have also handled the the SNP NHS scaremongering really poorly. That's another open goal missed. I saw something the other day during a fleeting visit about Scottish NHS privitisation which makes the SNP look like clear hypocrits. A couple of posts later a No supporter in true BT style gave the Yes side an open goal for deflection. They seized on it. That's guys on a football forum taking a chance, why can't Darling. Wish I could remember which thread it was on now, it was a perfect example of the type of thing BT have been guilty of.

Costing up to the tories trying to get legislation through in a minority government is not the same as campaigning for Scotland to be ruled by Tories that they didn't vote for. I don't think that kind of pathetic whataboutery would fool anyone.

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It might have opened up Labour to counter claims of rank hypocrisy and incompetence. Did they not demand concessions over the 2007 budget, and having received those concessions, gone on to vote against the budget (or at least abstain on it?) anyway? my memory is hazy but I recall that not being Labour's finest hour in the Holyrood chambers.

No it wasn't their finest hour but it wasn't just various budgets he could have mentioned. There were other Holyrood deals and local government coalitions. He could have picked any number of examples.

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Costing up to the tories trying to get legislation through in a minority government is not the same as campaigning for Scotland to be ruled by Tories that they didn't vote for. I don't think that kind of pathetic whataboutery would fool anyone.

Except that's not what they're doing. As anyone paying attention well knows.

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The focus on the Tories is horrendous. It's as if they are some form of terrible extremists rather than a right of centre mainstream party. It's designed to appeal to the base instincts of the more simple voters.

Scottish people don't easily forget, it isn't about being simple or clever.

You sweeping generalisation lends no support to your post other than as the ramblings of a unionist.

Edited by strichener
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As I said a few weeks back, polls mean nothing. One poll giving us the lead in the final couple of weeks would add momentum, but not much more than that.

If the Sun were to come out and back independence, however, I could see that as being rather pivotal.

The Sun helped the YES campaign today with the article of Bill Leckie switching from NO to YES. The possibility of a trillion £s of oil on the west coast, £600 billion more on the east that could possibly be collected by fracking. And the 90% of money been placed on a YES vote. These people will go and vote YES to get their money. Years ago in Ireland 2 candidates were 10/11 on a no hoper at 33/1. People went to the bookies, put their money on him and then went to the polling station and voted him in!

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I didn't understand why Darling didn't go down that road either.

Seemed an obvious open goal.

Possibly because the public liked the way the minority SNP government work so much so that they returned them to power with an overall majority. Labour shamed itself with blatant obstructionism, petty squabbling and even throwing their toys out the pram when the SNP made concessions in their favour.

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The Sun helped the YES campaign today with the article of Bill Leckie switching from NO to YES. The possibility of a trillion £s of oil on the west coast, £600 billion more on the east that could possibly be collected by fracking. And the 90% of money been placed on a YES vote. These people will go and vote YES to get their money. Years ago in Ireland 2 candidates were 10/11 on a no hoper at 33/1. People went to the bookies, put their money on him and then went to the polling station and voted him in!

A YES victory would be glorious. The idea of the bookies getting stuffed at the same time would be a wee bit of icing on the cake. :)

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The Sun helped the YES campaign today with the article of Bill Leckie switching from NO to YES. The possibility of a trillion £s of oil on the west coast, £600 billion more on the east that could possibly be collected by fracking. And the 90% of money been placed on a YES vote. These people will go and vote YES to get their money. Years ago in Ireland 2 candidates were 10/11 on a no hoper at 33/1. People went to the bookies, put their money on him and then went to the polling station and voted him in!

:lol::lol: :lol: :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

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Anyone been to Birkhill just outside Dundee recently? Trees are covered in big Yes signs all along it.

Fun fact: I live there.

For a couple years I had been quite a hard No on the issue of independence, but perhaps in the last 6 months or so I have changed to a soft No. How will I vote in 2 weeks time? I think I might vote Yes.

At the moment the Tories are the party that I agree with on most issues, but it's my hope that a centre-right party in an independent Scotland, not affiliated with the Tories down south, might actually do okay in the coming years.

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A YES victory would be glorious. The idea of the bookies getting stuffed at the same time would be a wee bit of icing on the cake. :)

The bookies will make money regardless of the vote outcome tbh. Variations in odds are them responding to bets being placed and maintaining a balanced book.

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At the moment the Tories are the party that I agree with on most issues, but it's my hope that a centre-right party in an independent Scotland, not affiliated with the Tories down south, might actually do okay in the coming years.

^^^This is what I would like to see. Even if the vote is No, I would hope to see the emergence of a centre-right party that supports independence, until then SNP all the way.

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Fun fact: I live there.

For a couple years I had been quite a hard No on the issue of independence, but perhaps in the last 6 months or so I have changed to a soft No. How will I vote in 2 weeks time? I think I might vote Yes.

At the moment the Tories are the party that I agree with on most issues, but it's my hope that a centre-right party in an independent Scotland, not affiliated with the Tories down south, might actually do okay in the coming years.

There already is - it's called the SNP.


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There already is - it's called the SNP.


Man, you're OBSESSED with the SNP. Let it go.

In fact, I have an idea. Why don't you take your obsession one step further and spoil your ballot paper? That would be something that a crank with an irrational hatred of the SNP would do.

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