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Absolutely love how the cybernats now believe every yougov says and don't trust panelbase. Boy, times achanging.

Au contraire my friend.

It would seem your Westminster overlords certainly put credence into these polls. Hence the hastily cobbled together promise of even more super-duper powers.

We, on the other hand will continue to visit high streets, knock on doors and give undecided friends, neighbours and workmates the facts.

I can see the skidmark on your punders from here BTW.


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Au contraire my friend.

It would seem your Westminster overlords certainly put credence into these polls. Hence the hastily cobbled together promise of even more super-duper powers.

We, on the other hand will continue to visit high streets, knock on doors and give undecided friends, neighbours and workmates the facts.

I can see the skidmark on your punders from here BTW.


I'm chuffed at the poll.

I'm absolutely *ucking ecstatic at the reaction from BTUKOKNOTHANKSIMVOTINGNOVOTELABOUR. It has been a most enjoyable day.

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Salmond made a very good point today on what I can only guess was the Andrew Marr show (saw the clip on the bbc website). Why is it only now, despite after postal votes being put in last week, that the Westminster government are even beginning to mention some of the possible powers which may be devolved? Surely this should've been outlined ages ago.

The No campaign have truly spectacularly fucked up over the long term. The next two weeks are going to be truly fascinating.

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Absolutely love how the cybernats now believe every yougov says and don't trust panelbase. Boy, times achanging.

They certainly are changing, as this is what you wrote only a few weeks ago..

but yougov have been the most accurate at polling Scottish samples in recent elections

So tell me, are you claiming they are accurate or are you going to contradict yourself?

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Rupert Murdoch now tweeting that private polling is showing YES up to 54% excluding Dk's.

This is probably the time for the Sun to suddenly declare that it supported the Yes campaign all along.....

Salmond's private polls - how is Murdoch getting hold of these?

The Sun will back yes if it looks likely from the next round of polls (Survation, ICM, Ipsos Mori etc). It's what they do - see which way the wind's blowing and back it.

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We all know that Murdoch is a duplicitous shitehawk who has far more political power than anyone should, and not just domestic political power either.

We also know that The Sun/The Times or any other Murdoch vehicle only do things to benefit themselves or Murdoch's ideology or whims, certainly not for the benefit of the electorate.

With that all said, The Sun turning would be a key indicator and a useful tool in the campaign for a Yes vote.

It won't make me buy The Sun or consider it and it's sister papers in any way more favourable though.

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We all know that Murdoch is a duplicitous shitehawk who has far more political power than anyone should, and not just domestic political power either.

We also know that The Sun/The Times or any other Murdoch vehicle only do things to benefit themselves or Murdoch's ideology or whims, certainly not for the benefit of the electorate.

With that all said, The Sun turning would be a key indicator and a useful tool in the campaign for a Yes vote.

It won't make me buy The Sun or consider it and it's sister papers in any way more favourable though.

I agree with you regards Murdoch. Would trust the Dirty Digger as far as I could throw him.

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Obviously still a lot of work to be done, but that poll coming out last night was pleasing. Some very worried Rangers melters on my Facebook, as well as one staunch unionist suggesting that we should take note of all yes-voters and they would be responsible for bailing the country out when everything goes tits up :lol:

Hilarious that just one poll putting yes in the lead has turned so many no-voters into seething messes. Imagine the scenes if we do actually get independence.

Edited by lanky_ffc
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Not sure I agree with all of it, but interesting article from Craig Murray.


Quite interesting analysis.

I enjoyed this wee bit below, though.

I received an invite from the National Library of Scotland to a post-referendum debrief at 9am on 19 September. Anybody sober at 9am on 19 September (unless having medical excuse) is not part of the New Scotland. But more crucially, the panel includes Henry McLeish and Michael Moore – and they want people to pay 35 pounds to listen to their words of wisdom.

They really haven’t got it yet. Nobody will ever care what Moore and McLeish and their like have to say again, and the kind of democracy we will have will not involve paying substantial sums to hear pearls of wisdom drop from troughers on a pedestal.

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TNS out tomorrow night. Should be interesting, though thier fieldwork is always about 2 weeks old by the time they come to publish. If YouGov is right and the huge swing is a very new phenomenon (if real at all) then this TNS poll will probably miss it.

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Hilarious that just one poll putting yes in the lead has turned so many no-voters into seething messes. Imagine the scenes if we do actually get independence.

Well, Yes voters have been tear-stained shambolic messes throughout the rest of the campaign, so I'm not sure why that would surprise you!

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