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19 hours ago, TheScarf said:

It's been pointed out on here before, people who want independence aren't just going to start voting No and for the right-wing Brexit parties of Tory and Labour because Sturgeon resigned and her husband was arrested.  Yes, they may stop voting for the SNP, but not for independence.  Yet the Unionist media and the afore mentioned right-wing Brexit parties of Tory and Labour and their voters, still believe the SNP = Independence.  And more fool them for doing so.

Scottish citizens are tired of Westminster and us getting what England votes for.  

Considering there isn't a vote for independence on the cards then these people's opinions are irrelevant really, as you say they're not going to vote for parties likely to have any power, will they abstain or vote for the Greens or Alba? Either way that suits the Unionist parties. 

Of course it's possible to support Indy but not the SNP however they're the only viable vehicle people have right now. If the SNP support drops significantly at the next election but polling for Indy remains relativley high then what's the next step?

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Just now, RuMoore said:

Considering there isn't a vote for independence on the cards then these people's opinions are irrelevant really, as you say they're not going to vote for parties likely to have any power, will they abstain or vote for the Greens or Alba? Either way that suits the Unionist parties. 

Of course it's possible to support Indy but not the SNP however they're the only viable vehicle people have right now. If the SNP support drops significantly at the next election but polling for Indy remains relativley high then what's the next step?

Well that's the problem Nationalists have, neither pro-Brexit WM or the Unionist media acknowledge Alba or the Greens or anyone else as pro-Indy parties so if the SNP's support drops they'll just think 'Ah well they don't want independence so there's no point in having a vote.'

Actually, they're that fucking stupid maybe WM will think 'Ah the Yes vote is so low let's let them have their vote to shut them up.'  That would be very nice indeed.

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6 hours ago, RuMoore said:

Considering there isn't a vote for independence on the cards then these people's opinions are irrelevant really, as you say they're not going to vote for parties likely to have any power, will they abstain or vote for the Greens or Alba? Either way that suits the Unionist parties. 

Of course it's possible to support Indy but not the SNP however they're the only viable vehicle people have right now. If the SNP support drops significantly at the next election but polling for Indy remains relativley high then what's the next step?

Scots only vote for the SNP as a vote for Independence, we care not a jot for the policies, to be rid of a an corrupt immoral westminster riddled with victorian colonial empirical misconceptions in a modern world is the main aim of those Scots who vote for the SNP.

All that little englander rule brittania shite is 200 years outdated, the average english person cares little and knows f**k all about the sweaty socks as they call us, and any Scot who aligns themselves with that union flag waving propaganda rubbish is welcome to it.

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4 hours ago, SandyCromarty said:

Scots only vote for the SNP as a vote for Independence, we care not a jot for the policies, to be rid of a an corrupt immoral westminster riddled with victorian colonial empirical misconceptions in a modern world is the main aim of those Scots who vote for the SNP.

All that little englander rule brittania shite is 200 years outdated, the average english person cares little and knows f**k all about the sweaty socks as they call us, and any Scot who aligns themselves with that union flag waving propaganda rubbish is welcome to it.

Last paragraph = Rangers

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16 hours ago, SandyCromarty said:

Scots only vote for the SNP as a vote for Independence, we care not a jot for the policies, to be rid of a an corrupt immoral westminster riddled with victorian colonial empirical misconceptions in a modern world is the main aim of those Scots who vote for the SNP.

All that little englander rule brittania shite is 200 years outdated, the average english person cares little and knows f**k all about the sweaty socks as they call us, and any Scot who aligns themselves with that union flag waving propaganda rubbish is welcome to it.

The average English person doesn't refer to Scottish people as sweaty socks and your post sounds like quite a parallel to those "little Englander" types. Your post reads like someone stuck in the past. I mean Victorian, Colonial, Empirical... none of these terms are relevant to the current debate on Scottish Independence. 

Thankfully as the polling and trends show the rise in support for Labour and the decrease in support for SNP most people seemingly do care a little about policy and not just pure Nationalism. Scotland is more progressive than some people like to think, I can see the Brexit lot and Indy lot being outdated in the next few decades. 

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13 minutes ago, RuMoore said:

The average English person doesn't refer to Scottish people as sweaty socks and your post sounds like quite a parallel to those "little Englander" types. Your post reads like someone stuck in the past. I mean Victorian, Colonial, Empirical... none of these terms are relevant to the current debate on Scottish Independence. 

Thankfully as the polling and trends show the rise in support for Labour and the decrease in support for SNP most people seemingly do care a little about policy and not just pure Nationalism. Scotland is more progressive than some people like to think, I can see the Brexit lot and Indy lot being outdated in the next few decades. 

I am a long term member of Scotland Futures Forum so far from being stuck in the past I have been involved in policies in which conduct your daily life and politically I have family in a senior political position.

To say that the references I made re the little englanders are immaterial to the Independence cause is incorrect, it is vital that we showcase the cultural differences between england and Scotland so that our young voters adopt a Scottish social identity and do not become enveloped in a tory/westminster 'British' identity.

You will recall the news item this week involving Craig and Charlie Reid where one of their songs was removed from a playlist as it was deemed too Republican for a certain audience, one of them said that it was probably a complaint from someone in Tunbridge Wells. Now I have nothing against TW, and it is a lovely town, but for me it typifies little england with it's 16,000 tory majority and it is so far removed from towns we know here, and it is not alone in it's attitudes

And the I have across in my travels the term 'Sweaty Socks/Jocks' MANY MANY TIMES IN england.

To clarify I am in no way anti english I just want to highlight the cultural differences that exist.

As for Labour, yes they are on the rise but bear in mind that Labour as with the Tory's are puppets in Scotland driven from westminster unlike the Scottish based SNP.



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17 hours ago, SandyCromarty said:

Scots only vote for the SNP as a vote for Independence, we care not a jot for the policies, to be rid of a an corrupt immoral westminster riddled with victorian colonial empirical misconceptions in a modern world is the main aim of those Scots who vote for the SNP.

All that little englander rule brittania shite is 200 years outdated, the average english person cares little and knows f**k all about the sweaty socks as they call us, and any Scot who aligns themselves with that union flag waving propaganda rubbish is welcome to it.

What's actually outdated is your bigoted post.

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13 hours ago, John Lambies Doos said:

Last paragraph = Rangers

Not at all Rangers but any section of the Scottish Community that is unionist.

Bear in mind that for 1500 years the Scots first fought off the Romans and then the english.

Waving union flags is a relatively new thing in Scottish History gong back only a few hundred years.

Our one Alliance was historically with the French, 15,000 Scots sailed own the Clyde in 1259 heading fo a jamboree on the French Kings side.

Visit dear old Aubigny in the Loire to see the high esteem the Scots are held in there, lovely town.

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4 hours ago, RuMoore said:

Thankfully as the polling and trends show the rise in support for Labour and the decrease in support for SNP most people seemingly do care a little about policy and not just pure Nationalism. 

Much of this is down to the general incompetence of the SNP and ongoing criminal investigations rather than 'policy'.

That's not to say that the SNP don't have unpopular policies of course, or that Scottish Labour might have some popular ones, although I'm not sure how well Starmer's current platform will fly in a Holyrood election.


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28 minutes ago, Marlo Stanfield said:

Much of this is down to the general incompetence of the SNP and ongoing criminal investigations rather than 'policy'.

That's not to say that the SNP don't have unpopular policies of course, or that Scottish Labour might have some popular ones, although I'm not sure how well Starmer's current platform will fly in a Holyrood election.


Aye perhaps could've worded myself better. 

Labour are definitely benefiting from Tories and SNP doing poorly and people essentially just supporting the idea of change rather than any firm ideological shift however I think with the SNP the Labour attack line of accusing them of taking their eyes of the ball of governance due to their Indy desires is doing well.

What with Humza trying to shore up his base and sabre rattling over Indy whilst the former leader is being embarrassed through police actions it doesn't look like he's getting a chance to show his vision outwith Indy (if he has one). He's in a tough position and Labour are making all the right moves to keep it that way. 

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2 hours ago, Marlo Stanfield said:

Much of this is down to the general incompetence of the SNP and ongoing criminal investigations rather than 'policy'.

That's not to say that the SNP don't have unpopular policies of course, or that Scottish Labour might have some popular ones, although I'm not sure how well Starmer's current platform will fly in a Holyrood election.


The SNP membership has increased since the 'criminal investigation'.

"Scottish Labour" is controlled from westminster and is an english political party which does what it's told, tories with red ties.

The Scots founder Keir Hardie and Labours Scottish first Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald would be horrified if they were shown what Labour has become, funded by trade unions yet Starmer could not go on a picket line recently and threatened his shadow ministers if they dared to do so.


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2 hours ago, SandyCromarty said:

The SNP membership has increased since the 'criminal investigation'.

Which isn't much use if non members are no longer voting for them tbh. Crowdwank away though.

2 hours ago, SandyCromarty said:

"Scottish Labour" is controlled from westminster and is an english political party which does what it's told, tories with red ties.

The Scots founder Keir Hardie and Labours Scottish first Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald would be horrified if they were shown what Labour has become, funded by trade unions yet Starmer could not go on a picket line recently and threatened his shadow ministers if they dared to do so.

We all know it's a branch office Sandy. At least you've moved from 1259 and French sailors to the early 20th century here though. 

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9 hours ago, SandyCromarty said:

I am a long term member of Scotland Futures Forum so far from being stuck in the past I have been involved in policies in which conduct your daily life and politically I have family in a senior political position.


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9 hours ago, SandyCromarty said:

I am a long term member of Scotland Futures Forum so far from being stuck in the past...


9 hours ago, SandyCromarty said:

Bear in mind that for 1500 years the Scots first fought off the Romans and then the english.

Waving union flags is a relatively new thing in Scottish History gong back only a few hundred years.

Our one Alliance was historically with the French, 15,000 Scots sailed own the Clyde in 1259 heading fo a jamboree on the French Kings side.

Visit dear old Aubigny in the Loire to see the high esteem the Scots are held in there, lovely town.

TBH it's people like this that are putting me voting SNP.

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53% support for independence!!!

Clearly in spite of the SNP.

Imagine where we would have been with a sensible and competent scotgov administration over the last eight and a half years.

Thankfully the Indy polling would appear to show independence being a seperate and very much bigger deal than any political party (despite what SNP leadership and daft Britnats would have us believe.)



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On 25/05/2023 at 16:21, SandyCromarty said:

Scots only vote for the SNP as a vote for Independence, we care not a jot for the policies, to be rid of a an corrupt immoral westminster riddled with victorian colonial empirical misconceptions in a modern world is the main aim of those Scots who vote for the SNP.

All that little englander rule brittania shite is 200 years outdated, the average english person cares little and knows f**k all about the sweaty socks as they call us, and any Scot who aligns themselves with that union flag waving propaganda rubbish is welcome to it.

HOUSE!! And bonus points too for the magnificently petty, yet fastidiously repeated, references to small-e England. 

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