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Helicopter crashes into Clutha pub, Glasgow

The Master

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It isn't.


Hence me never saying that but lots of people getting upset because they didn't bother to read and just decided I had anyway.

Oh dear.

"almost certainly" you claimed before your pathetic scramble mode was initiated.

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For someone with aerodynamic engineering qualifications, you seem to be missing my point.

For an helicopter to go nose over tail it needs a generate lot of angular momentum. Your fixation on the fact a spinning rotor acts as a gyroscope does not change this.

Your aerodynamic engineer explanation is 'it could have happened as it fell from the sky' but you backed away from that claim when I pointed out high school physics said that wouldn't happen.

I did give a possible explanation that fit all your criteria: Change in pitch caused by the control surfaces (the thing they are designed for) and the rotors stop after that. That would result in an aircraft going end over end with the rotors not turning.

For some reason you seem unable to accept this and are instead obsessed by repeatedly cutting and pasting irrelevancies about the gyroscopic effects of rotors but you never once did explain how your version could possibly work or how the gyro effect of rotors counters my explanation in any way.

So for someone who claims he wasn't avoiding the question, just tell me post where you explained ANYTHING which could cause an aircraft to go end over end from low altitude.

Heavy gearbox/engines high over the center of gravity of a dead-weight aircraft !?

Like I keep repeating - I've speculated about virtually every aspect of this incident and I've also stated the following:

Nobody knows what happened up there, I find it hard to come up with a combination of events that would have the aircraft tumbling nose over tail with the main rotor stopped as has been witnessed - especially since the aircraft was reported by air crash investigators as being intact

If the aircraft was indeed tumbling then I have suggested the most likely reason, however unlikely it seems

I have already stated that I find it hard to come up with a combination that would have had the aircraft tumbling as reported and today's report is worded in a way that make me think it wasn't tumbling at all :

"The helicopter did, however, remain approximately upright."

So, anyhoo - let's have a reply to this post:

He didn't make a mayday because he'd f'cked up !!?? Is that what you are really suggesting ?

What would have happened if he'd survived the crash - claim that a big boy did it and ran away ??

If it was a mistake then the deed was already done, not making a mayday call wasn't going to change anything !

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Is your avatar a guy who named a band after the process of nazis using women from concentration camps as sex slaves?

Not really relevant to the conversation, but I know heehaw about helicopters, but the name of the band was taken from a book about sex slaves in concentration camps and not directly from the name/process given to these brothels/clinics. I'm quite sure they had German names Funnily enough. Just a hunch though. Edited by Tight minge
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You've displayed f**k ALL tact. Time you just shut the f**k up.

You keep saying you're trying not to blame anyone.

However, from the start you've set out on some tactless, ghoulish, and just plain disturbing crusade to discount every theory of any mechanical or technical failures that may have caused the accident. Therefore, inadvertently or not, blaming it on pilot error.

However you post constructively in favour of pilot error, so I don't see how it can be inadvertent blame coming from you.

Whether you are better qualified in flight/aviation than everyone else on here isn't even relevant or significant here.

The accident investigation will hopefully reveal exactly what happened, and it may reveal pilot error WAS the cause.

Regardless, several people have tragically died, leaving behind family and friends who might read this or hear how a tactless, septic c**t like you is speculating and trying to lay blame.

For no other obvious reason other than you seem disturbingly desperate for a 'SEE?! I WAS RIGHT!!' moment on a fuckin irrelevant Internet forum.

As I said before, even if the investigation does rule pilot error, I still won't blame the pilot.

I can understand the concept that anyone can have an accident and by definition all accidents are accidental. Apparently you can't grasp this concept.

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Heavy gearbox/engines high over the center of gravity of a dead-weight aircraft !?

Like I keep repeating - I've speculated about virtually every aspect of this incident and I've also stated the following:

So, anyhoo - let's have a reply to this post:

Dead weight aircraft? What does that mean?

Also, we seem to be back to high school physics again. Try dropping something top heavy and seeing what happens.

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He didn't make a mayday because he'd f'cked up !!?? Is that what you are really suggesting ?

What would have happened if he'd survived the crash - claim that a big boy did it and ran away ??

If it was a mistake then the deed was already done, not making a mayday call wasn't going to change anything !

Here's what I said:

This suggests the lack of mayday wasn't due to time constraints. More likely there was another reason the pilot was unable or unwilling to make the radio call.

Now, clearly you are just trying to get me to say more about the pilot because your technical claims weren't going very well and you thought you'd try another tack.

So I'll just say this: Pretty much every human being on the planet is less likely to report something to official channels if they think they might be blamed for it.

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So I'll just say this: Pretty much every human being on the planet is less likely to report something to official channels if they think they might be blamed for it.

Do you think the pilot thought if he didn't report it, the officials wouldn't notice that one of their helicopters had crashed?

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Now, clearly you are just trying to get me to say more about the pilot because your technical claims weren't going very well and you thought you'd try another tack.

So I'll just say this: Pretty much every human being on the planet is less likely to report something to official channels if they think they might be blamed for it.

I'm not trying to get back at anything - as I've repeated over and over I have tried to speculate as to how this nose over tail might have occurred, I've also stated a few times that it seems unlikely.

You however made the point that whether people liked it or not pilot error is by far the most likely cause because there was no mayday - a statement that is perhaps the most ridiculous in the entire thread yet you continue to back it up !

Let's take the 'nose over tail' witness statement that you've chosen to ignore out of the equation - how would you explain the 'tumbling' motion that has been described ?

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