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Helicopter crashes into Clutha pub, Glasgow

The Master

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What was the extra cost? Do you think they put in for overtime for attending a colleague's funeral?

I don't know what the extra cost was, just that there was one and there shouldn't have been.

However given the fact our police force costs so much to run, I'd put the cost well into the thousands, possibly more than the rest of the funeral, possibly more than the entire tax contribution of the average scot for a whole year.

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Again, what mistake did he make and the facts to back it up please

If it wasn't a fault with the helicopter which is what I've seen people saying then it must be a mistake. I'm not having a go at the guy.

Admittedly, I should have added to that post that I was working on the basis that the lack of a mayday means that it wasn't a fault with the helicopter. Cool your jets.

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He got a public funded honour guard, paid for by you and me.

I resent the taxpayer funding the outriders and honour guard.

So he was a civillian that got a taxpayer funded funeral? That further justifies my point.

AS for your ire: All I've done is say the guy didn't deserve a taxpayer funded funeral until we know what actually happened. Compare that to Nicola Sturgeon who turned up at his funeral as a publicity stunt.

You're a sad bitter, little man

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It was hardly deliberate. The pilot didn't choose to nose dive a helicopter in to a packed pub. People make mistakes. This was just a particularly costly mistake.

We don't know.

It could have been medical, mechanical, sabotage, an attack and although it is massively unlikely, it could even have been deliberate.

We can however speculate based on the information reported.

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Guest The Phoenix

We don't know.

It could have been medical, mechanical, sabotage, an attack and although it is massively unlikely, it could even have been deliberate.

We can however speculate based on the information reported.


Correct plus more possibilities beside.

You can if you like, the rest of us will probably be content to wait for the outcome of the investigation.

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People keep saying pilot error. What kind of pilot error? He was an experienced ex military pilot who had flown in war zones and acted as an instructor. A guy who can fly NOE with night vision is not going to screw up a routine landing in a lit city.

Unless people have a very credible sequence of events then 'pilot error' is pure bobbins at this stage.

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So to clarify your position:


Wasting taxpayers money is fine but if say a football club didn't pay a tax bill it turned out it didn't even owe, that's really bad.

I'll repeat my position

You're a sad bitter little man

Clear enough?

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I think that my post has been misunderstood. I didn't meant to assert that the pilot definitely made a mistake. I don't know if he did.

My point was that jock said that he shouldn't have gotten a "state funeral" until we knew what happened. A. That's going to be a bit of a wait and it doesn't provide closure to the guys family. B. It shouldn't matter because short of deliberately crashing the helicopter, which is unlikely, he still deserves to get the funeral he would have gotten if it had been a malfunction. As I said people make mistakes.

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So he was a civillian that got a taxpayer funded funeral? That further justifies my point.

AS for your ire: All I've done is say the guy didn't deserve a taxpayer funded funeral

Ex combat veteran who died in public service for the emergency services.

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We don't know.


It could have been medical, mechanical, sabotage, an attack and although it is massively unlikely, it could even have been deliberate.


We can however speculate based on the information reported.

Would you care to enlighten us at to what information you've read, that would point to almost certain pilot error.

I would also like to know what degree you have that would allow you to ascertain that, from the little info available.

I'd like to finish stating, that you're almost certainly a bellend.

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Yes. Pilots are all trained in autorotation and emergency procedures.

Whether you like it or not, pilot error is by far the most likely cause given the fact there was no mayday.

Autorotation requires several variables in order for it to be carried out successfully - one of which would be the main rotors turning in the first place.

I've seen two separate interviews where crash investigation experts have stated that a Mayday call was not appropriate on this occasion.

I do have a relevant degree, pilots experience and the literary skills to understand that when I said it was almost certainly pilot error I was being completely accurate.

No doubt you have much better skill and experience than me, so based on the available evidence you'll have your own far more considered opinion on the likely cause of the crash, right?

I have qualifications in Aeronautical Engineering and I've spent most of my adult life working on military and civilian helicopters.

Given what has been made public I would say the that the most likely cause would have been transmission failure of some sort - most probably main rotor gearbox. I notice that people far more experienced than me are also stating that publicly.

Please note that I'm not saying that that has to be the case - we don't know all the facts.

I'd be interested to know what sort of 'pilot error' would result in an aircraft tumbling nose over tail with the main rotors stopped ?

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So to clarify your position:

Wasting taxpayers money is fine but if say a football club didn't pay a tax bill it turned out it didn't even owe, that's really bad.

Is this what you were leading to?

Stick to trolling Celtic threads with veiled references to child abuse. It's all you're good for.

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