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12 hours ago, RH33 said:

Crate training tips welcomed.


I used this as a guide, it's from the ALD breaders website.


The best way to introduce your puppy to his crate is to feed him in it. Pop his bowl of food in the crate, guide him towards it and if necessary, pick him up and put him inside. He will notice the food straight away and start eating. Whilst he is busy eating, gently close the door so that he gets used to the feeling of being enclosed. It is important that the crate is a very positive place for your puppy to be, and the food really helps to fix the association. The crate should never be used as a place of punishment… ever! Now we’re getting to the important bit about the use of the crate overnight. Cover half of the floor area with a nice thick blanket, cover the other half with newspaper (NOT a puppy toilet training pad – this is scented and encourages toileting – we want something to catch an accident, not encourage one) and put a small (but heavy so that it doesn’t spill) bowl of water in the corner. Just before you go to bed, pop him inside his crate and close the door whilst speaking to him in a positive, but calm and soothing voice.

When you wake up in the morning, go back to his crate, open up the door and take him outside to the toilet. You will find that he will likely have done the toilet on the paper in his crate overnight. This is absolutely normal and to be fully expected. Don’t tell him off, he doesn’t know the routine yet. The frequency of this occurring will decrease as time goes on and as he learns what time you go and let him out every morning. A consistent time helps a lot! On each occasion that he has a clean and dry night, give him lots of praise first thing in the morning before taking him outside. Eventually, he will be clean and dry overnight, every night, and it is at this stage that you can remove the newspaper and cover the entire floor area with a nice soft blanket or bed.


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My middle one has wanted a daschund for a long time. Stars alighted, my daughter's had a rough time, she just always get on with things and a non KC not priced to the hilt batch appeared. I've been registered with various sausage rescue charities for ages but nothing has come up.

So welcome to the clan Vaila (Shetland island).


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Shugs wandering around like a disgusted teenager who's just found out his parents still have sex. He can clear off upstairs as needed.

Vaila tried to latch on to shadow who got a fright but has tried to engage with her. 

Got her Tuesday, bad her checked over by vet, bit underweight, but she was the runt and the other two were 'built'!

Settles in her cage with door shut of she's knackered, not so keen if she still has playing left to do 😂

Can running at sound biscuit wrapper so that's dog 101 complete.

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Yeah if they're wide awake they wont want to go in the crate, just have to get her into a routine and she'll settle. Only used it for ours when they needed a nap & meal times( to get them used to it), when we were nipping out somewhere (till they were old enough to be trusted not wrecking the house when left alone), and at night time (again till they grew out of it and able to settle all night in a bed).


Pups are like kids when tired, fighting it and don't want to go have a nap, but crash out once you get them to give into sleep. Only 2 years between mine but i had forgotten what hard work it is having a puppy, the toilet training, all the other training, and generally just how much attention you have to give them. They certainly keep you on your toes, great fun though. My youngest is not long turned two, and only just starting to settle down, she's so full of energy still though, and my eldest, who's only 4 and a half, can't be arsed with her most of the time when we're in the house, but she wont take no for an answer when she wants to play with her big sister, usually slaps her on the head with her big paw to get a reaction.🤣

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Shadow was trying to play with her earlier which was funny to watch. My daughters been off school unwell so she's been good at taking her out regularly to pee.

She'd going have go in crate tonight for half hour as need nip out and on Saturday we're out for lunch.

Got a second crate to save carting them up and downstairs. Other two sleep on my bed when I'm out so she'll get crate upstairs so not alone in living room. Will be a fair bit growing needed before that changed. Mainly because shadows a 28kg uncoordinated goofball and I don't want pup become flat sausage.....

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I love my big black Lab to bits, he’s a total character, but my pal sent me a picture of his wee dog, and she is gorgeous. I’d steal her if I could 

ETA-she’s not my mates dog, she’s my mates grandog 


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I've shug trying eat the puppies food.


The puppy trying to eat shugs. Same stuff but pups smaller kibble.


And shadow has eaten hers, been out and looking at the other two like dafties

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Was setting up a camera to keep an eye on pup as I start leaving house periodically through the day. 

Work from home so it would be easy to end up in position where we have a pup that gets used to always having a human around.

Anyway Shug's decided on a career moving as he's heard there's good money in the 'cam' industry....


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18 hours ago, Rizzo said:

When you accidentally glance over at Millie when she's lying in the big bed. :barf


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Her revolting little hairless under-carridge never fails to gross me out.

Confirmintion that you're happy to never see a human one ever again 😂

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12 hours ago, RH33 said:

Confirmintion that you're happy to never see a human one ever again 😂

This post has been troubling me all day. Can’t work out if I’ve got a male opinion, a suitably witty retort, or I should just leave well alone. 


The last option is of course the correct answer but sometimes I just can’t help myself but think about pie. 


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11 minutes ago, alta-pete said:

This post has been troubling me all day. Can’t work out if I’ve got a male opinion, a suitably witty retort, or I should just leave well alone. 

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The last option is of course the correct answer but sometimes I just can’t help myself but think about pie. 


I'm pretty sure Rizzo had a male partner.

So having decided to career off bed while my youngest had her on it 🙄 and a leg that looked like it was snapped at knee. Pup has gone from potential sedation and x-ray to see how it is in morning and given shit of methadone and anti inflammatory to now tearing around her crate. 

Thought my young was going neef sedated she was so upset.

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