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The All New Occasionally Aussie P+B Quiz League and ☕ Occasional Cup ☕

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3 minutes ago, SlipperyP said:

Yes I agree just 1 play off should be sufficient. They could even do the cup quiz for the play off?

Normally they could, but the problem is that Blackislekillie is in both so it might be a bit unfair - either on him or his opponents! Mind you, that's what they do in the African Cup of Nations .. do they use the same qualifying groups for the World Cup?

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14 minutes ago, Cardinal Richelieu said:

according to my calculations it's between Die Hard Doonhamer and Blackisle Killie. 

Position Team Trophy Cabinet Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Total
10 Ross.   5 4 4 4 6 23
11 Die Hard Doonhamer   5 3 5 4 6 23
12 Blackislekillie   5 4 3 5 6 23

Just for my own info (I'm a bit thick that way) although they all ended up on 23 points, is it DHD and BIK in the playoff at the bottom because they both had a low score of 3 and Ross didn't, with the high end scores being ignored at this end of the table?

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2 minutes ago, dee_62 said:

Just for my own info (I'm a bit thick that way) although they all ended up on 23 points, is it DHD and BIK in the playoff at the bottom because they both had a low score of 3 and Ross didn't, with the high end scores being ignored at this end of the table?

Yip. High score is taken first, then low score, then 2nd highest score, 2nd lowest etc. But since DHD and BIK selfishly got exactly the same scores, we're having a 3 team play-off. 

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Just now, Cardinal Richelieu said:

Yip. High score is taken first, then low score, then 2nd highest score, 2nd lowest etc. But since DHD and BIK selfishly got exactly the same scores, we're having a 3 team play-off. 

Thanks.  Completely missed that earlier!  

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7 minutes ago, Eednud said:

7/10 for the dole bludger's quiz.

Don't read this if you've not taken my, ahem dole bludger's quiz (sadly I don't get the dole since I flounced out of my job and didn't get sacked)

Five people have taken the quiz already, including a couple of "big names", and you've got the highest score. Shame you got eliminated in the last round :P

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5 minutes ago, Cardinal Richelieu said:

Don't read this if you've not taken my, ahem dole bludger's quiz (sadly I don't get the dole since I flounced out of my job and didn't get sacked)


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Five people have taken the quiz already, including a couple of "big names", and you've got the highest score. Shame you got eliminated in the last round :P



As I was knocked out last week, I rattled through it in double quick time and scored a whopping 2/10 - on reflection, I also knew the president and the sister answers. Glad to see the end of a miserable quizzing (guessing) week.

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Just now, dee_62 said:

As I was knocked out last week, I rattled through it in double quick time and scored a whopping 2/10 - on reflection, I also knew the president and the sister answers. Glad to see the end of a miserable quizzing (guessing) week.

I get lots of "analytics" on the quiz, including how many people chose each answer. Was it you who answered "Jacksgranda" for Winston Smith's girlfriend?!

To be fair, I don't even know if my quiz is available to the general hoi-polloi... if there is, there's probably a few bemused yanks out there. 

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Just now, SlipperyP said:

I don't see the problem. With double up cup and playoff. Easier for you. And I'm not involved so fuxk them

Chortle. Fair dos. I wasn't going to make it a whole quiz... just the usual "How many blades of grass on Forfar Athletic's pitch?" sort of question!

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3 minutes ago, Cardinal Richelieu said:

I get lots of "analytics" on the quiz, including how many people chose each answer. Was it you who answered "Jacksgranda" for xxxxxxxxs girlfriend?!

To be fair, I don't even know if my quiz is available to the general hoi-polloi... if there is, there's probably a few bemused yanks out there. 

FTFY - no spoilers!!!

No, I didn't put that answer in.  Plus, I don't even know who Mr Smith is and even now, after having answered it, I still couldn't tell you what the answer was! #NotTakingItSeriouslyEnough

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2 minutes ago, dee_62 said:

FTFY - no spoilers!!!

No, I didn't put that answer in.  Plus, I don't even know who Mr Smith is and even now, after having answered it, I still couldn't tell you what the answer was! #NotTakingItSeriouslyEnough

To be fair, it was a bit of a c**t of a question (unless you'd read it). I just chucked it in cos it's my favourite book. Still, at least some people got the question right... which can't be said for a couple of the other ones. 

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3 minutes ago, Cardinal Richelieu said:

To be fair, it was a bit of a c**t of a question (unless you'd read it). I just chucked it in cos it's my favourite book. Still, at least some people got the question right... which can't be said for a couple of the other ones. 

haha - just twigged what the reference was - I was thinking who the hell was he back then?  What celebrities can I recall from those days?  What a fud! - no wonder I was relegated this week - head's gone!!!

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Next round hereee I come

Eta sorry I'm on the mobile. Not got clue how to edit.

As for the playoff. Sure the same as cup after all it's bigger. So a 10 question or so should be the answer. This is the future. Going down or up means lives. How you get on with the wife etc. Can't just drop 1 bomb and let them get on with it..,.
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29 minutes ago, Cardinal Richelieu said:

I get lots of "analytics" on the quiz, including how many people chose each answer. Was it you who answered "Jacksgranda" for Winston Smith's girlfriend?!


:lol: Whoever did should get an automatic by in to the next round.

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26 minutes ago, Dee Man said:

2/10 for the third time this week. I am mortified. I think I'll just slink off back into the wilderness.

Ah come now. That really isn't the Dundonian / Antipodean fighting spirit! Did Dundee pack it in when they were languishing at the bottom of the SPFL? No! They dug in and now they're third bottom!

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