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The All New Occasionally Aussie P+B Quiz League and ☕ Occasional Cup ☕

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Today's The Australian quiz is shit-easy as no b*****d will get any wrong. That's because the annoying dipshits have diddly-squat for today's quiz on-line yet. It's enough to make you throw a wobbly or even chunder.

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Today's The Australian quiz is shit-easy as no b*****d will get any wrong. That's because the annoying dipshits have diddly-squat for today's quiz on-line yet. It's enough to make you throw a wobbly or even chunder.

Fair dinkum? Flamin galahs
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Always hilarious when you hear tourists trying to speak the local language.

Too right, not like us ridgy-didge reffos. Reckon the quiz people must have chucked a sickie or gone walkabout as today's quiz still not within cooee. Time to crack a few tinnies as feeling as dry as a dead dingo's donger.
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Last quiz of the week has no. 10 as the only Australian question (got it wrong). Thursday's quiz does not appear in the previous quizzes section. A VB 5/10. http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/mind-games/quiz?quizId=2123&sectionId=1

5/10 which seems to be my average. Damn, I hate the Aussie quiz!

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