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The All New Occasionally Aussie P+B Quiz League and ☕ Occasional Cup ☕

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Not sure if it's the lack of updated league tables or my newly-found unemployed status, but I'm enjoying a rich vein of form (compared to other guys) with an above par 6/10 to go with yesterday's 7. 

Re: winter shutodwn. I'm actually back on the 28th, but yeah, I think maybe a week or two hiatus would probably be wise. Nothing worse than losing valuable league points cos you're too pished to even use a computer without shutting one eye. We'll firm up the details in the next couple of weeks. 

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Knew 3 and scored 3/10 wtf has happened to my guessing ability. Seriously shit at the moment. Can't wait for the winter break. Have asked for a book on Aussie politics and Aussie sport for Christmas.
Hot favourite for the drop imo.

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34 minutes ago, blackislekillie said:

4/10. I'm off for the rest of the week after tonights night shit so I'm going to do the rest of this weeks quizzes half pished to see if that produces an upturn in form. Howdid me and Swarleys cup tie end up?

Don't rub it in lad!

Swarley 3 - 5 Blackislekillie

Still waiting an answer for the Tinder question from Jagfox (unless it's gone missing or I've made another arse of it)

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Right. Started my new job today only to find they DON'T have Excel. How the hell am I going to update my P+B league I asked? I was not satisfied with their reply so I won't be returning. The bad news is I'm now unemployed (again). The good news is that I'll have time tomorrow to make the best darned league tables the world has ever seen. 

They don't have Excel? How was your commute back to the 1920s?
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Don't rub it in lad!

Swarley 3 - 5 Blackislekillie

Still waiting an answer for the Tinder question from Jagfox (unless it's gone missing or I've made another arse of it)

Sakes although not surprising

I'd like to say in concentrating on the league but only 3 today, knew 1 (fancy word)
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11 hours ago, Cardinal Richelieu said:

Right. Started my new job today only to find they DON'T have Excel. How the hell am I going to update my P+B league I asked? I was not satisfied with their reply so I won't be returning. The bad news is I'm now unemployed (again). The good news is that I'll have time tomorrow to make the best darned league tables the world has ever seen. 

Not sure you're even remotely serious about this league set up Cardy.  A proper organiser (a Regan or Doncaster type) would have handwritten the leagues, photographed them and stuck the photo on here.  And then would have done it all again each time someone else updated their scores.

It's not for me to mention league breakaway or anything....

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10 hours ago, blackislekillie said:
4/10. I'm off for the rest of the week after tonights night shit so I'm going to do the rest of this weeks quizzes half pished to see if that produces an upturn in form.


Must have been a belter if you have to take the rest of the week off


Edited by deej
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1 hour ago, dee_62 said:

Not sure you're even remotely serious about this league set up Cardy.  A proper organiser (a Regan or Doncaster type) would have handwritten the leagues, photographed them and stuck the photo on here.  And then would have done it all again each time someone else updated their scores.

It's not for me to mention league breakaway or anything....

Pms being exchanged even as we type...

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11 hours ago, Eednud said:

Might be a bit early with this but the Cardinal mentioned he's going to be away over Christmas and think a few others will/might be away as well so how about a winter/summer (select for the appropriate hemisphere) shutdown of the league. Last quiz Friday 23 December and restart on Monday 8 January? Over this period The Australian will not be published on 26 December and not sure about 27 December and 2 January. It's also a period when they sometimes forget to post a new quiz as the usual quiz people are on holiday or hungover. I'll still continue to post the quiz on the days a new one is published.

Bloody Christians.


I take I win the league during your drunkin festiv? 

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