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The All New Occasionally Aussie P+B Quiz League and ☕ Occasional Cup ☕

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33 minutes ago, jagfox99 said:

1,2,3 and 9 right for 4/10. Only knew the King out of those. Went wrong way on 50/50s for semibreve, Pentagon state and Snowlympic boycotter. 


3 out of 10 for me. I'll sort the leagues out when I'm feeling less depressed that I got 3 out of 10. 

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Well there's nothing like loads of other people getting a shite score to make you feel better about your own shortcomings. 

Anyway, the Kilmarnock teams are running away with in both leagues... I'm guessing that's not a phrase often uttered. Tynieness doesn't seem to have the wherewithal to dine at the top table. Gman and Swarley are giving a good account of themselves in the BHL. 

Position Team Trophy Cabinet Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Total
1 WhiteRoseKillie 9x© 3x② 9 10 7     26
2 Frankie S 1x© 1x② 9 8 5     22
3 WILLIEA 1x© 6 5 8     19
4 Eckthearab 5x② 1xBZ 7 6 5     18
5 Alang1993 5x© 3x② 1xBZ 7 8 3     18
6 Edmund 4x② 1xBZ 6 8 3     17
7 Deej 3x② 9 8       17
8 Scotfree   5 4 8     17
9 The_Kincardine   5 8 4     17
10 Leeds Saint 1x© 2x② 5 7 4     16
11 Peasy23   5 6 5     16
12 Welshbairn   7 7 1     15
13 Audaces Fortuna Juvat   8 6       14
14 Tynieness 1x② 3 3 3     9

Position Team Trophy Cabinet Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Total
1 Blackislekillie 1xBZ 7 6 5     18
2 Gman_1985   7 3 4     14
3 Swarley   4 5 5     14
4 Cardinal Richelieu 5x② 1xBZ 5 5 3     13
5 Arabdownunder 3x© 1x② 5 4 4     13
6 Marr1   5 4 4     13
7 Supermik   3 6 4     13
8 Jagfox99 4x② 1xBZ 3 6 4     13
9 Bully Wee Villa 1x© 5 4 3     12
10 Jacksgranda   5 4 3     12
11 BigBo10   4 3 3     10
12 Dee_62   4 3 2     9
13 Livi Lion   3 6       9
14 Die Hard Doonhamer   3 3 1     7
15 Dee Man   3         3
16 Ross.             0
17 SlipperyP             0


And since it's February, that means there's a new cup brewing! We currently have 31 teams so one team will get a bye automatically. Unless Dee Man, Ross and SlipperyP post a league score soon, they'll be kept apart in the cup. 

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Ah right. Seems a bit unfair to boot him out the cup, but not quite sure what to do. 

Last league winner gets a bye, everyone else usual cup rules?

If drawn together and neither answers, whoever they were due to play next round gets a bye?
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1 minute ago, deej said:

Last league winner gets a bye, everyone else usual cup rules?

If drawn together and neither answers, whoever they were due to play next round gets a bye?


Sounds fair enough. Assuming it's WRK, he can go off and play some glamour friendly somewhere. I'll keep Swarley and the other absentees apart in the draw. 

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1 hour ago, Cardinal Richelieu said:

Sounds fair enough. Assuming it's WRK, he can go off and play some glamour friendly somewhere. I'll keep Swarley and the other absentees apart in the draw. 

Swarley's not absent (although he might soon be absent from the BHL if he keeps these scores up...)

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When I say Swarley, I mean of course Slippery P. 
Not sure why you guys let me run this thing, I couldn't organise a piss-up in a pub. 

Yer doing a grand job Cardy!! If it helps, would ye like someone else to run the cup? Unless anyone else has a ponchant to do so I would be happy to give it a go.
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