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The West Wing


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I really enjoyed it at first but got a bit tired of how cloying and glib it was.

The 'Sorkinisms' in the dialogue really grate after a while.

Seasons 1+2 are some of the best TV ever made, 3+4 dip a bit but are still great, 5+6 are not so great and I've still to see S7.

Season 7 is pretty good, a total departure, almost a different show with some character cross overs.

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  • 1 year later...

Just started watching this on Netflix. Only up to episode 6 but hooked already. Martin Sheen is brilliant.

Biscuits I'm pretty jealous. I only saw it 4 or 5 years ago but it is easily my favourite all time show.

Like any series of this length there are a few dips but the character development is tremendous and as it approaches the end of a season it becomes unmissable.


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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Biscuits I'm pretty jealous. I only saw it 4 or 5 years ago but it is easily my favourite all time show.

Like any series of this length there are a few dips but the character development is tremendous and as it approaches the end of a season it becomes unmissable.


My favourite show of all time.Two Cathedrals is perfect television.


Despite going downhill a bit towards the end it's still the best show ever. Season 2 is just incredible.

The only thing I don't like about it is that it makes me annoyed that real life politicians aren't as smart. Even the "baddies" in it are intelligent.

Agreed. Arnie Vinick is the soundest Republican. If only he was real. 


Got Borgen over Christmas but haven't found time to watch it yet.

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  • 4 weeks later...

For some reason I started on Newsroom after watching season 1 of TWW.  Bad move, I'm halfway through the season and can't really be bothered finishing it tbh.  Might just go onto season 2 of TWW.  Are Sorken's other shows funnier and less corny than Newsroom?

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