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If I Knew Then What I Know Now


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This is for the elder statesmen of P&B - younger yins, learn from these mistakes.

If you look back to when you were 19 or 20 and could give yourself a single piece of advice based on your life experience since then, what would it be?

Mine would include such gems as:

- wait until your home brew ferments before arsing it as a mixture for vodka

- travel as much as you can while you're light on commitment

- don't get lazy and end up stuck with the same employer for 28 fuckin years!!!

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Nice guys finish last - be more of a c**t sometimes and don't worry what people think.

If it looks like a duck walks like a duck quacks like a duck then it probally is a good reason to check it out to see if it is a swan

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Aim for the middle and if you hit a little above or a little below, so what!

When you aim for the top and hit the bottom, big big bummer. No-one aims for the bottom. :ph34r:

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Try and make sure what course you are doing is what you really want to do, i made that mistake by rushing into rather than taking my time trying new things and im stuck in fourth year of something i dont want to do, i know it sounds petty but just choose the path you want

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